Sheer Lunacy
By seaburngirl
On Friday Victoria, my 13yr old, told me her science teacher had told her class there was to be a lunar eclipse at 5.30am on Tuesday. Half listening as you do, I said ‘thats nice, I remember seeing one when I was about 10yrs old.’ Toria then asked could we watch this one. Now being a dutiful parent I said ‘of course’ and thought no more about it.
Jump forward to 5.15 am 21st December 2010.
Toria ’ mum are you awake?’
Me ’ ssh what’s up?’
Toria ’ the eclipse’
Now at this point I was wrestling with the urge to send her off to bed BUT I just couldn’t turn down the eager face staring at me in the moonlight, from a full moon too.
So snuggled up in her duvet in her bed we watched the moon.
5.30 full silvery moon.
6.00 full silvery moon.
6.05 2 shooting stars,
6.15 OH pops his head around the door and says
’ its meant to be 7.15 ish’
Toria ’ But sir said 5.30’
OH ’ did it happen then? No! so sir is wrong’
Toria ’ but Sir is NEVER wrong’
Such blind faith…. bless.
Any how we stayed watching the moon sail through the sky and start to dip behind the trees into the west when she noticed the eclipse starting at the left side of the moon.
By 7.30 when I had to leave for work it was nearly complete and the moon was already an orangy ball.
So the shortest day has been a very long one for us.
I cant imagine what the ancients must have felt/feared when the winter solstice coincided with a full moon and an eclipse.
I asked Victoria about it tonight and she rated it as 10/10. Her first lunar eclipse and shooting stars on the same day.
Sir said they had to find out why it went red. Thankfully I knew the answer to that as that 10yr old asked a dear uncle that very same question. He helped me find the answer and along the way ensured my love for Nature at her best.
Hope you too saw the morning sky. Sadly no photos.
21 Dec, 2010
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lunar eclipses are more frequent but rarely on the equinoxes/solstices. I hope to get an early[ish] night tonight.
We were forcast for fog so really pleased at the clear still morning air.
21 Dec, 2010
i watched it this morning on the way to work,beautiful
21 Dec, 2010
A lovely story!!!! glad it was clear enough for you to see.....there would have been a disappointed young lady to deal with......her question would have been "Why"
We (the world) will have to wait another 400 years for another lunar eclipse on "solstice day"......don't think any of us will be around to see it....:-))
21 Dec, 2010
I know but there are other 'plain' lunar eclipses to marvel at.
I was amazed that she wanted to get up. She tends to be a 'lug-a-bed'.
21 Dec, 2010
That must have been exciting for you both. I'm glad you watched it.
My dad was very interested in astronomy and I often remember him showing and telling me about such things. I remember once we arranger (my brother aswell) to go up one of the mountains nearby to view a commet. It was at 5 a.m.
Of course I forgot and had a fright when I heard them hammering on my door in the middle of the night lol
21 Dec, 2010
I remember comet watching in the february about 10 yrs ago. was it the hale-bop comet?
I missed Halle's when it was last on view, wont get to see it now :o(
21 Dec, 2010
We did see the Hale-bop aswell. But the one I was writing about was a different one. I can't remember what it actually was, but it was in the summer. It got light while we were there between 5 and 6 am.
21 Dec, 2010
Halle's was back in feb 1986, I've just checked through my diaries. There was another one with a weird name but I cant remember it. Was Hale-bop the twin tailed one?
21 Dec, 2010
Oh, I remember both of those! :-))
We couldn't see the moon - cloudy sky, I'm afraid.
21 Dec, 2010
I didnt know this was happening or else I would have got up to look, I adore the moon and stars, I often go outside just before bed and simply stare at the sky, its a wonderful sight to behold. :~)
21 Dec, 2010
We saw the lunar eclipse here too! it started late in the afternoon and by the time it actually got dark, it was almost finished. I did get some pictures, so I'll have to post them.
21 Dec, 2010
Yes I think Hale bop had 2 tails
22 Dec, 2010
amazing Pip please do!, It was very cold here and could be seen getting engulfed in freezing fog before much of the eclipse happened, the night before was quite magical tho with the full moon through the stark ice covered trees
22 Dec, 2010
lovely story Sea,,, and what a good mum you are getting up at such times lol hope you sent a letter to sir explaining he was completely wrong lol, i would have haaha
22 Dec, 2010
Just as an aside....I have a Victoria...who is shortened to Toria...BUT we have never met or heard of another one! LOL.:-)))
22 Dec, 2010
Couldn't see the eclipse here as the sky was covered by clouds.
The next time this happens will be in 2094 21st December - another winter solstice!
22 Dec, 2010
We had a good view of it without getting up at 5 o'clock:-). It started to dip behind the trees just as it was fully eclipsed so didn't get to see it 'de'clipse afterwards. (Is there a proper word for the moon coming out of its eclipse state?)
22 Dec, 2010
i just saw it early eve and it looked strange then so tuk a pic .... how gud you saw it and shooting stars as well .. luky u !!
22 Dec, 2010
I dont know about being a good mum, I just know that I enjoyed it as well. There have been lots of good pictures in the press today too.
Its a shame that some didnt get to see it because of the clouds.
22 Dec, 2010
That was really good of you to watch with your daughter . . . something she will always remember. I love looking at the moon - like Pamg we had some beautiful sights of the full moon seen hazily through frosty branches. And like Grandmage, we often go outside before bed to look at the sky (but that's when it's WARM, in the summertime)!
2 Jan, 2011
Sheila, we go out in the winter too, somehow the sky is much crisper and brighter, suppose thats due to the frost !!
2 Jan, 2011
Did you know there's a partial solar eclipse on Tuesday morning just before 8am? The Moon will partially cover the sun & we will be able to see it just after the sun has risen! (If the weather cooperates, that is!)
3 Jan, 2011
Thanks for info Balcony, I will be at the window!!!
3 Jan, 2011
I knew that was due but sadly it was snowing here so I had to be content with seeing it on the news.
4 Jan, 2011
It was too cloudy here too :~(.
4 Jan, 2011
Although it was a little cloudy here I did get to see the sun but couldn't see the Moon actually covering part of it. The light did diminish but with hazy sunshine because of low clouds, I wasn't able to really see the eclipse. :-((
5 Jan, 2011
Hmmm, the sun rose above the horizon and out of nowhere it seemed came a strip of grey cloud-- right across the sun! but I've been watching bbc's stargazing and they had some good shots
5 Jan, 2011
the stargazing programme has been really interesting. I hadnt realised we could see the moons of Jupiter with good binoculars.
5 Jan, 2011
I thought the description of where to look for things good too and some of the photographs simply stunning
5 Jan, 2011
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Great story SGB, sadly all cloudy here. Evidently this only occurs every couple of hundred years or something, so we are very privillaged to see such an occasion, it was worth getting up and sharing.
21 Dec, 2010