First quarter of February
By seaburngirl
Another week gone and it has been on the whole a bright but cold week. That of course changed today with Storm Cara. Apart from picking up a few plastic plant trays and our garden bin we have suffered little effects of the storm. I hope you all kept safe.
Through the last week I have been taking photos as things have developed. Lots of photos so I hope you don’t get bored.
Iris histeroides Katherine’s Gold is a new to me dwarf iris and as long as it is against a dark ground it looks a pretty lemon colour.
In bud last Sunday
Open yesterday
Close up of the flower.
One of her cousins also opened yesterday. This is Frank Elder and is in the rockery.
In the front garden there are 2 more I reticulata open.
Natasha was showing buds last week and opened fully yesterday. A lovely white form.
The blue one is Pixie and there are several clumps in the small bed by the drive but they are all at different stages of opening.
I then went looking at the hellebores.
This is H. argutifolia and stands a good 3 ft tall, lovely pale green flowers.
This is a double flower, possibly a Harvington Double Ellen form but with a white background
This lemon one is an un-named Ashwood seedling.
I have 2 clumps of this dark backed and pale inner but they are not quite the same.
This is Red Lady according to the label, and when the light shines across them they are a good red.
I knew I had Tutu in the back garden.
This is a nice clump of what I think is double Ellen
Moving away from Hellebores there is the Paeony ‘Molly the witch’, beautiful pinky/red shoots.
Mukdenia putting up her flowers before her leaves.
To finish a couple of ‘animal ones’
This snail shell has slowly been carried aloft as the tulip below it has grown.
Despite the stormy weather my blackbirds have been eating well all day.
And finally the only snowflakes I want to see at the moment are these by the conservatory corner.
9 Feb, 2020
Previous post: Some little iris.
Next post: Second quarter of February
Most of those in the ground are in mainly sun and good drainage. The ones in the shady bits haven't multiplied as much as the others. many are in the rockery so again full sun and good drainage. The ones in pots sit on a layer of coarse grit in JI compost.
there natural home does tend to be free draining and good light.
10 Feb, 2020
A lovely selection of early spring flowers here.
I particularly like your new lemon dwarf Iris, it is so delicate. The rich colours of the hellebores defy all the gloomy weather we are having and look beautiful.
10 Feb, 2020
Beautiful wintry flowers. The pale Lemon Iris is very different. That snail must think its on a ‘ride’!
10 Feb, 2020
Lovely colours and they all look so healthy for this time of year!
10 Feb, 2020
I can only sigh........ and feel sad for all the ones we lost! obviously all in the wrong places, and the wrong potting mix! I was pleased( although that’s not strictly true) that Siris doesn’t do well with Reticulata either, and as we both live in Hampshire and she is ‘The Queen of Iris’ I don’t feel quite so bad!
Anyhow you have a wonderful show ........and I enjoyed looking at your well done!
10 Feb, 2020
I enjoyed them too. Hard to see how you could have too many reticulatas! You have a great selection of cheering things just now - lovely!
10 Feb, 2020
Some beautiful pictures of your Irises, I really love them! Your garden is looking really good! The Hellebores also look great!
10 Feb, 2020
Thanks for the info on growing conditions Seaburn, I guess that’s why they don’t like my garden.
10 Feb, 2020
I have to be careful where I put them so many are in pots or in the rockery.
10 Feb, 2020
Lovely to see Spring blooming, Eileen. Love the lemon fresh colour on the first iris. You have such beautiful hellebores too.
10 Feb, 2020
Like your I. histeroides. My Molly and Mukdenia are behind compared to yours.
10 Feb, 2020
Very good blog. I like to see your plants together. they are very pretty flowers.
11 Feb, 2020
Thank you for all your kind comments.
11 Feb, 2020
My purchase of winter flowering bulbs was disappointing.
The Tulipas have grown also the Iris reticulata but nothing else. Wont try them again. Have bought two mild Garlic
bulbs to put in the balcony tubs in their place. Hope I am in time.
14 Feb, 2020
A really super collection. I. Reticula doesn't seem to last very long for me, perhaps 2 years, if I'm lucky, I don't know why? They just disappear. Yours are lovely, also your Helebores.
14 Feb, 2020
Lovely Seaburn, I really love the Iris, I only discovered last year that my reason for losing them was because I was adding to the garden, (duh ) now any I buy will go into pots, last years new ones are happy in my alpine sink, never too old to learn are we?
Lovely photographs....
21 Feb, 2020
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Oh my you do have some lovely flowers.
No sign of my iris reticulata yet, what soil conditions are yours in the ground enjoying please.
10 Feb, 2020