February is over.
By seaburngirl
February has been a rough month weather wise and I hope March will be kinder.
I have been watching the growth in garden daily and when weather allowed the sun to shine I took photos. Many plants are ahead of where they were last year and others have yet to put in an appearance.
This week some daffs have opened: this is February Gold and I have several clumps in different places. They do well in the shade of the beech tree.
This clump is growing at the base of the tree along side a nice white hellebore and the emergence of Lilium henryii
On the grass, having been blown off some of the branches I found this conjoined pair of jelly ear fungus.
In the last 10 days my mini crocus lawn has opened nicely. These are Pickwick
This is a new crocus for me this year and is Orange monarch. I am looking forward to this opening.
This Astrantia has had a flower on it since the beginning of February but it isn’t ‘moving’ much.
Earlier in the month this Iris unguicularis hadn’t any flowers and even 5 days ago I didn’t think it was going to do anything but guess what a flower and a bud is present.
A couple of Daphne are in flower not that you can smell them with the stiff breezes we are experiencing.
This is ‘Limelight’ and has a nice variegated leaf.
This second is ‘White Queen’.
One of the pots that I just feed and water as and when, has Anemone blanda and hyacinths starting to put on growth.
Emerging between the rhizomes of an Iris is this Erythronium purple emperor.
Just inside the outer front door there are these very scented cyclamen. They have been flowering since the beginning of January.
I did notice lots of other plants poking their noses through but that is going to be March. I don’t think it will be one a week as we are getting closer to classic bike riding weather. [well if it stays dry that is].
I hope March comes in more like a lamb than the traditional lion, though I wont hold my breath.
1 Mar, 2020
Previous post: February almost over.
Next post: Tackling yet more weeds.
I envy your Crocus lawn, too many things that eat them here, the orange one is going to be stunning. I love outdoor cyclamen, such happy little flowers, no trouble, just flower away and then go to sleep without us having to worry about them getting frosted - beautiful. The old saw about March winds and April showers I think have all gone to pot. We've had enough of both of them this February!
2 Mar, 2020
Lovely blog, Eileen! We have had plenty of "February gold" around here for the past few weeks as Daffs have been flowering most of the month. I don't have any this year but your plants look fabulous!
Like yours, my Hyacinths are just beginning to flower! They have been "hidden" away on the balcony all winter & only today I "found" them again!
I have a couple of Grape Hyacinths flowering as well.
2 Mar, 2020
I'd love more of a crocus lawn Honeysuckle but hubby has said no and I know if I extend it he will more than likely mow the area, not out of badness but just coz of the space it takes up.
My hyacinths are in tight bud as are the muscari but I guess where I am is a very cold spot Balcony.
I try to have something in flower every month Derek as well as some foliage interest.
2 Mar, 2020
A lovely blog of all sorts love those Daphine and your Crocus is very pretty.
2 Mar, 2020
It's nice to see your plants starting to grow. I like to see bulbs coming up through grass and the clumps of little Narcissi in your garden must look cheerful on a bleak day :)
3 Mar, 2020
I love crocus 3d and I cant think of any spring bulb I don't like. They all give me cheer Hywel no matter what the weather.
3 Mar, 2020
Me too Seaburngirl 😊🌷🌷
3 Mar, 2020
the Pickwick crocus look especially healthy .. lovely.
3 Mar, 2020
I agree the Daphnes are beautiful and the Iris too.
3 Mar, 2020
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Hi Eileen, you certainly have a lot of colour in your garden, it's amazing how some things surprise us, when we think all is lost, Derek.
1 Mar, 2020