The first of a few.
By seaburngirl
The first of what? I hear you mutter. Hemerocallis to be precise. Now I don’t breed them nor do I collect them avidily [I easily could be tempted though]. When we moved into this property 24 years ago the garden presented a challenge due to the amount of shade it had.
The front border that I have been tackling this spring gets full sun to about mid day then it goes into shade. Back then I was advised that Hemerocallis would do well here. The advise was spot on.
At a local plant fair I picked up H. lilioasphodelus and I must say it doesn’t disappoint.
The flowers stand erect and the foliage stays neat and in a mild winter stays evergreen.
The flowers also have a scent with a hint of lily of the valley. The lovely yellow fits in with the border colour scheme too.
It doesn’t seem to get Hemerocallis gall midge either, unlike a few of the others.
I have about 10 other cultivars in this bed that will flower at different times through the summer. The only thug is actually in a different bit of the garden and that is a semi double orange one that was going cheap on our HPS stall. I bought it back in the day when the phrase a very good doer meant thug! People are more honest now I find.
So like I said the first of the few.
27 May, 2020
Previous post: Rose Angel Face
Next post: May - plants do well
It's lovely, I've never seen a plain yellow one before. I'm glad it's doing well in your front border …
27 May, 2020
Lovely bright yellow! Pretty variety too.
27 May, 2020
I used to have this one, and its a lovely scent. Good choice. I think I might have ordered two recently...but to be honest, I’ve lost track of what I’ve bought!
27 May, 2020
This is a pure species so will come true from seed if it doesn't get pollinated by any of the others.
There are a few yellow varieties too Corky is one that I have somewhere in a pot.
27 May, 2020
Always the first to flower, but there are buds forming on many of my others. I've dabbled in pollinating but you have to chose varieties with the same ploidy.
27 May, 2020
I have Corky; he's very floriferous and beautiful. And easy - always a plus in my book.
27 May, 2020
I've always let Mother Nature do her thing as I have so many plants in pots and no where to grow extra things . I'd love an allotment but there are none near by.
27 May, 2020
Beautiful colour yellow I never knew you could get scented ones .
27 May, 2020
That's beautiful. I had no idea they were scented either. I'm like you SBG, I like to let nature do her thing, after all she knows best!
28 May, 2020
This summer I will sniff all of them when they flower. I haven't noticed before.
28 May, 2020
:-) :-)
28 May, 2020
Lovely colour yellow! :)
28 May, 2020
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My favourite hemerocallis.
27 May, 2020