My front garden
By seaburngirl
It was a good idea/suggestion that perhaps we could show the garden ‘warts and all’ and in a larger context. So here goes.
From the front gate diagonally across the garden. then looking back the other way.
White gates in the distance. The camera makes my garden look much bigger than it is though.
This photo is straight on up the drive from the front gate looking diagonally across to atrocity corner.
If I stand with my back to atrocity corner there is a neighbouring driveway that runs along the length of the side of the house & garden. This shows the border that butts up to it.
As you continue along this border our fence and neighbouring trees generate shade.
The house part gets plenty of sun so this is the sunny side of this bit of the garden. There is a 3ft wide grass path separating the two sides.
So far not many warts but the other side of our drive is a bed that is roughly triangular in shape. From a distance it looks ok.
But Nipplewort, Cleavers, Hedge woundwort and Bindweed are quite at home here.
Front of Atrocity corner and the back view of it.
Back garden and its other bits to come later. Now that is where you will see piles of pots/trays/bike frames and wheels.
22 Jun, 2022
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Next post: getting inspiration from Wylie
What a great pleasure to see so much of it! Its lovely. I didn't care for those swear words in the third from last pic though. Sending you fellow feeling for that and a big chunk of envy for your perfect lawn, together with all the other lush stuff!
22 Jun, 2022
Thanks for taking the time to show your lush green front garden, Sbg. Fabulous lawn!
22 Jun, 2022
oh dont be drawn in by the photo, the grass has a lot of clover, black medic and moss. Steve [OH] always does stripes as it makes it look better. The grass is very variable, rough in some places and nice in others.
At least the British natives are appreciated by the various insects that visit the garden. and they are quite pretty really.
22 Jun, 2022
Looking very pretty with all your blooms in their lovely colour, Eileen! Definitely a real feast for the wildlife here! I also love your lawn, Steve does a great job with the lines. Looking lush and green!
22 Jun, 2022
A good size garden, plenty of room for warts but I didnt see any. Plenty of interest for wildlife and us.
22 Jun, 2022
Warts? What warts??? I didn't see any warts! 😂
23 Jun, 2022
The warts are the natives that have started taking over. The grass is very rough too. But warts start small and need treating quickly.
You are all very kind.
One day I will sit down and draw a plan of the garden with all the areas I name.
24 Jun, 2022
Beautiful garden warts and all.What are the lovely thistle like plants with the yellow tuft in your third photo.?
25 Jun, 2022
Centurea macrocephla is that wonderful plant. i can send you seed in the autumn if you'd like some.
25 Jun, 2022
It all looks lovely Seaburn!
I too am so jealous of your lawn and it looks fine to me!
I bet all your neighbours love to look at your garden when walking passed!
27 Jun, 2022
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thanks Khlanie, its what we call a centrifuge garden. all the borders and its flowers have been 'spun out to the edge' as if in a centrifuge.
The Centaurea is a particular fav of mine, so statuesque and doesn't need any staking.
22 Jun, 2022