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A quick wander between the showers


Will it ever stop raining? Will I ever be rid of slugs and vine weevil?

Like many of you my daffs have been ravaged by slugs so as yet I have very few good photos. I have also been through my strawberry pots and spare plants checking for vine weevils. Glad I did. They were fed to the fish [Maniacal laughter]

From the kitchen window these tulips offer a splash of colour.
these are ‘Fashion’

The name label has disappeared so not sure which one.

As you can see the pond wall has many pots on it, mainly to keep the herons from fishing.
This next one is Anemone blanda and hyacinths that have been together for about 5 years now.

Another Iris reticulata in a pot. This is Angela.

Next to the pond is a raised bed with some rockery stones, so I guess it is a rockery! Lots of bulbs/corms in here.
I love the colour combo of this Corydalis ‘Beth Evans’ and Scilla lingulata.

Beth Evans on her own.

At the far end of the rockery is this Corydalis tauricola, a pretty pale lilac flower.

I have 2 different Scilla bifolia, the blue and the pale pink Rosea

From the kitchen I can see my small attempt at a crocus lawn. Hubby not keen on plants in the grass but I have got Crocus in there slowly naturalising and seeding.

Other plants flowering include Erythronium Purple King, an early flowerer.

Hepatica nobilis or slug delicacy.

Due to lack of frosts the Camellia flowers are doing well. I think this is Ave Maria but happy to be corrected.

The Persicaria are also putting on new growth. This one is P. runcinata Purple Fantasy and gets to about 2 ft tall.

Well that is enough from me. Hope you are managing to get soil under your nails.

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Previous post: January '24 coming to an end.

Next post: End of June



Lovely blog Eileen - yes, it's great to be gardening again. I had a good hour in the greenhouse earlier, potting up some bargain plugs of Nemesia, Ivy leaf Geranium and Osteospermum. Your Camellia is very pretty!

13 Mar, 2024


I love the lilac Corydalis! No gardening here, but I have ordered some plants and had a landscaper in to look.

13 Mar, 2024


the red/yellow tulip is Giuseppe Verdi. I had to look back at my list of bulbs to find its name.

14 Mar, 2024


I enjoyed your blog Seaburn, but didn't like the picture of the vine weevils! Yuk!
I used to get them in my stored begonias , so don't do it anymore. In fact I left them out in the pots in the shade and are still growing!
You have lots of lovely colour there.
Your tulips are lovely and much further on than mine.

14 Mar, 2024


The tulips are the Greigii or Fosteriana types which flower March, so early ones and short so cope better with the Spring storms/winds. I also find they do tend to come back year after year if planted in the ground.

14 Mar, 2024


You have a lot of lovely spring flowers. I love the Corydalis, the leaves are so pretty as well as the flowers. C. Tauricola is pretty & unusual. Nice to see so much colour. Love the Iris too.

14 Mar, 2024


You've a gorgeous array of Spring blooms and colours there, Eileen!!! I do love the Erythronium, so delicate and pretty. Your Camellia flowers are pretty perfect too! I'm envious, my one Camellia has definitely given up..the past 2 tears bow, no blooms or unopened buds that look rotten :-(
My tulips aren't in bud yet, some crocus have emerged luckily.
I've a chap I see who has naturalised spring blooms under fruit trees in his back garden, I do think it's a lovely sight.

14 Mar, 2024


Lovely blog, full of Spring pinks and blues.

15 Mar, 2024


So sorry about your daffodils, ours have also been attacked. However you have many beautiful plants in your garden in such pretty spring colours. The pale pink camellia is stunning.

15 Mar, 2024


This afternoon I removed so many Daffodil flowers as they have been decimated by slugs. I even found two of them cuddled up together in a flower! I hope they're happy in the brown bin now ...

15 Mar, 2024


A great blog, SBG! Sooo much to love about your garden! đź‘Ť Your plants & fish must be happy you got rid of the vine weevils! I've never seen so many together before!

I know they are particularly fond of Fuchsias so I hope there aren't any in my pots of Fuchsias which are just starting to sprout after spending the winter underneath the balcony table. Perhaps I should empty them out & check before growth really gets underway.

15 Mar, 2024


I did Balcony and there were about 10 grubs in each pot. Not much damage at this stage so roots washed and re-potted.

15 Mar, 2024


According to what I’ve been seeing on TV, we’re supposed to be cozying up to slugs& liking them. Well I can’t see me doing that even if some of them are beneficial. I hate their slimy appearance, :-(

16 Mar, 2024


You have some lovely bulbs and plants Seaburn, my daffs have been chewed, luckily not all of them, I've never had that happen before but considering the amount of rain we've been having I suppose we shouldn't be surprised..
You have reminded me that its time to empty my Heuchera tri-pot, the weevils find their way into that one even though it stands on the granite bed, its a really good feeling scrubbing ones hands and nails after a satisfactory stint in the garden and g'house, does wonders for me.....
Lovely photo's.......

18 Mar, 2024


Doesn`t take much to make us gardeners happy and your shots of colour are so joyful and welcome, thanks Seaburn.

18 Mar, 2024

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