the pond, one of my favourite places in the garden.
By seaburngirl
A clear day with miracle of miracles a clear pond. Fed the fish and thought ‘i wonder how many?’
2 years ago when we cleaned it out there were 48 goldfish of various shapes colours and sizes and a 25yr old female tench. Yes 25. We acquired her as a new ‘fry’ along with 12 others dragged out with weed in a local fishing pond. She came home in a thermos flask. Who wants tea anyway? Over the years she has been the sole survivor. I saw her yesterday fleetingly.
As to how many fish there are now I have no idea.
6 Apr, 2009
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How lovely SBG. I love to watch the fish in a pond. :o)
7 Apr, 2009
Lovely SBG! Have to say, even though I LOVE this place where we live now and would never wish to return to Britain, I do sometimes miss my pond and my fish. They bred far beyond my expectations and the excitement of seeing tiny fry then watching them grow into adults was amazing. Enjoy your pond!
7 Apr, 2009
It's nice to see fish swiming about. I don't have a pond but maybe I will one day. Your fish look really colourfull in the water.
7 Apr, 2009
What a Great Photo of your Lovely Fish & Pond SeaBg :) They are very pretty ,Iv 8 fish for sure in my pond lol :) theres 2 Fantails,2 Comments & 4 Subunkins! Sadly they never breed !
7 Apr, 2009
Super pond, really clear too. I don't have fish but there was frog spawn a few weeks ago - until Beano jumped in the pond that is!
7 Apr, 2009
no mine don't either Jacque, mind you they could be 2 males or 2 females have only the 2, used to be 4 but a cat got them, (not Toffee), keep thinking i'll get another couple but never get round to it, one of them was from a fairground!! that was about 12 years ago.
Nice photos lovely healthy fish.
7 Apr, 2009
What a great pond, all your fish look really healthy, mine dont breed either, had the same two fish for about 8-9yrs, all they do is get bigger and fatter.
7 Apr, 2009
Oh wow! What a stunning pond, now that is what I'd call well stocked. How lovely. Must be soooo relaxing to sit and watch!
7 Apr, 2009
great fish!And a lovely pond, i cant wait until i can have a pond when my little people reach 16!
7 Apr, 2009
we have always had a pond and our little people always did as they were told regards the pond. from being really small they have always been taken to it and shown how to look in without falling. we allways stressed to them that they had to have mum or dad with them. it was visiyng friends children that gave me the nightmares! this pond is a raised job. the wall is about 3' tall and it is 4' deep in the middle. the others were ground level.
although we get frogs and toads in the pond/garden they never seem to spawn in it. lots of dragonflies and damsel flies do though.
7 Apr, 2009
What a lovely pond you have, you must have the balance right for the fish to live so long and be so healthy.
7 Apr, 2009
i leave it alone, apart from the gardening aspect of it. there is yellow flag iris from a local drain that my hubby took when he was 10. so it has been divided again and again for 40 yrs now. there is a very invasive water mint. a yellow buttercup plant, name escapes me. acoris is lurking in the corner of the photo with a mound of moss with Cardamine pratense [lady's smock] in it too.
There are 2 waterlilies a pale pink and a mid pink one. The only oxygenator was a bunch of myriophillum i bought from a petshop 12yrs ago. i keep pulling out barrow loads of it every year. a bit always remains and starts to grow again in the spring.
7 Apr, 2009
How beautiful, your pond makes mine look sick, I only have one large fish (Freddie or Fiona) the cats will not leave the pond alone, I have to keep it netted all the time, which looks horrible, my daugher who lived next door had a pond and her son fell in twice and we all watched him do it, we knew he still didnt stop him, in spite of the terrible smelly water.!!!! also his other Grandmother fell in!! so it must run in the family lol
7 Apr, 2009
My Mother lost her goldfish to a heron last year, so when I took her home yesterday we called in at the Water Garden Centre at Wheatley and bought 6 baby fish. There is nothing more relaxing than having a cuppa by the pond and watching the fish. I hope she will enjoy them.
The heron? Well, we have set an obstacle course for him.
8 Apr, 2009
Very nice pond, I have one but not as big as yours. I have about 14 Koi and a couple of goldfish.
Like you it is so nice to sit next to the pond on a nice day watching the fish and sipping a nice red wine.
After a hectic day at work it is something I look forward to.
12 Apr, 2009
we had 4 koi but after a few years we got rid of them as they were eating about £7 worth of food a week. The goldfish are happier without them too.
12 Apr, 2009
You make me want to redo my pond. I got fed up because of the Heron who emptied it of fish before they could breed. When I first built them a Heron was never to be seen, now I have to net the pond and that somehow spoils the pleasure. but seeing your lovely pond makes me decide to try again.
17 Apr, 2009
the fact it is a raised pond is supposed to deter them. they natural wade in the shallows and as the shallowest part is 12" stepped down to 4ft it doesnt suit their style of fishing. Breeding time is 'fun', the males chase the females and try to flip them out of the water. on impact they shed their eggs. So far none have landed on the path /grass. fingers crossed.
17 Apr, 2009
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Wow fantastic pond! Too many fish to count but they all look quite happy and healthy.
7 Apr, 2009