Just a 'walk in the park', (literally!)
By sewingkilla
Took Rocky out at 8am this morning it was such a beautiful morning i decided to walk a bit further to the local park, Central Park as its known, they have been doing a lot of work there building a new ‘pod’, containing a swimming pool and sports hall this is the link to see what they are up to.
there was a bit of an outcry to start with digging up a beautiful municipal park but i must admit they are doing a good job and its not high so you can’t see it really, and they have improved the childrens park area and added a small cafe that sells cappacinos (can’t spell it!) toasted sandwiches that sort of thing it will be very popular in summer!
these are some of the photos i took of various trees this morning…
This is the path from the main road we have to cross into the park from the east, the white trees stand out beautifully, i’m not well up on trees is the red one a crab apple?
Beautiful horse chestnut in flower, lovely shape to it, weeping willows and silver birch.
cherry blossom……there are lots of cherry blossom trees lining the roads in Scunthorpe i think the council do a sterling job, not often i say that about the council!!!
I think this is a ‘hebe’? it was about 20’ tall! there were a couple of these.
Lastly the new play area, giant climbing frame! I am surprised they allowed this what with all the health and safety these days its very high! Hope you enjoyed my walk in the park, Rocky and i did :o)
17 Apr, 2011
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Nice place to walk the trees are beautiful, love the white blossom and the weeping Willow especially, and Rocky looks very dandy in his neckerchief;0)
17 Apr, 2011
You did have a long walk around this beautiful park...it is so nice when trees are mature, as these are, and can show off their blossoms for everyone to enjoy in a public space.
I expect Rocky enjoyed the stroll too :)
17 Apr, 2011
Ha ha TT didn't notice that!
17 Apr, 2011
Lovely walk - thanks SK. Gorgeous to see that cherry blossom with a blue sky backdrop!
17 Apr, 2011
I enjoyed the walk with you,Sk,the trees are just beautiful at this time of year,aren't they? in fact I think they are as good as I've ever seen them,this year.Looks like Rocky prefers Honesty..:o))
17 Apr, 2011
lovely walk SK,thank you..beautiful trees,i have a "thing" for weeping willows at the moment, i keep looking at them in G Cs but OH just gives me " that " look ..so i walk away from them lol .:o)
17 Apr, 2011
It's a nice park to go for a walk, With lots of beautiful trees :o) I love the blossoms in the springtime, and glad you were able to have an enjoyable walk on such a lovely morning.
18 Apr, 2011
Beautiful walk, SK, but Rocky looks as if he's ready for another one!! I love the row of white blossom trees, gorgeous.
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks for sharing your walk in the park ... enjoyed seeing so many beautiful trees in blossom. : o )
20 Apr, 2011
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Lovely blossom and flowers everywhere ...
... even young Rocky seems to have foliage growing out of the top of his head ;o) Lol.
Glad you enjoyed your walk ...
17 Apr, 2011