hello everyone long time no see....
By sewingkilla
Hi everyone,
Haven’t been on here for a long time, been quite poorly with the Meniere’s and haven’t felt like doing anything (at times i couldn’t do anything!) anyway feeling a bit better don’t know if the weather has helped or what but had a good week last week.
I have just ordered some spring flowers for my hanging baskets, only doing 2 this year can’t cope with much now garden wise. :o( but i am determined to have a couple of baskets, so have ordered some red Verbena trailing, some blue Convolvulvus trailing and some white Bacopa trailing going for the patriotic look seeing as its Diamond Jubilee year!! Oh also some Fuschias cant have a basket without them one of my favourite flowers so got 5 ‘Pink Galore’ ones coming. I also ordered some seeds, Nasturtium Tom Thumb Alaska mixed, some wildflower seeds and some cornflower ones. I have a bit of rough garden that i want slabbing eventually but until then i thought i’d sow some seed on it for the birds and butterflies.
I took these photos the other day of the crocus and snowdrops made me smile at last spring is on the way
Hope you are all well and looking forward to the spring and summer :o)
2 Mar, 2012
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very nice photo's nice to have you back, and how sorry I am you to suffer with meniers, my daughter suffers with it badly so I really do symphatise with you,
2 Mar, 2012
Hi Sewingkilla, I wondered where you were. I am sorry to hear you have not been well. It is so nice to hear from you and seeing your lovely pictures...:)))
2 Mar, 2012
Lovely photo`s Sk, pleased you are perking up again, your baskets will look lovely with those colours, I`m doing the same colours, I like the idea of joining in the celebrations even if only a small way in my own garden.
In view of our lack of rain, I`m not doing many pots and baskets this year, figured my plants will stand a better chance in the garden...
2 Mar, 2012
Nice to see you back SK and glad you're feeling a bit better. Some lovely pics there. X
2 Mar, 2012
I wondered where you were, SK. Sorry you've been so unwell but glad the better weather has improved things for you. You baskets will look great. I wonder how Rocky is doing?
2 Mar, 2012
pleased you are feeling better. those flowers have done their magic. even the bees are out enjoying your crocus.
2 Mar, 2012
Well now, isn't it strange, I was only wondering about how you were a few days ago. Nice to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell, and I hope things will improve for you now ....
2 Mar, 2012
Beautiful pictures SK, love the crocus's. Sorry to hear you've been feeling so poorly but glad to hear your feeling a little better. Hope things keep getting better for you.
2 Mar, 2012
Sorry to hear you have been unwell.......you need some spring weather and a seat in the garden.
2 Mar, 2012
I have wondered how you were too,Sk..you have been missed..so glad you are feeling better now,and hope you continue to do so..enjoy your gardening..:o)
2 Mar, 2012
Love the crocuses. I also love the bee in the last crocus picture.
2 Mar, 2012
Pleased that you are feeling a bit better :-)
2 Mar, 2012
Welcome back Sk, quite a few of us have been off as well. Love the photo of the crocus. Hope you will soon feel back to normal
2 Mar, 2012
Glad you're feeling better - Spring does that, doesn't it. :o)
3 Mar, 2012
thanks everyone i've missed being on here, Rocky is great Gee, still a bundle of mischief but so lovable and turned into a great guard dog, i can't believe he'll be two in June!!!
3 Mar, 2012
I wondered where you'd gone too, Sk. Nice to see you, and your lovely Spring flowers!
4 Mar, 2012
Pleased to hear you are feeling better, and lovely to see those gorgeous Spring flowers;00
5 Mar, 2012
Recent posts by sewingkilla
- Hello everyone
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- Pots and baskets
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- Walk with Rocky
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- Too many plants?
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- Weather!
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- Planting
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those purple crocus are gorgeous
good to hear you are feeling better
2 Mar, 2012