Just a quick note
By sewingkilla
This is just a quick note to say i haven’t been on here for a while due to Menieres taking over my life at the moment, had a horrible time of it lately i will pop back now and then when i feel able just to see what you are all up to!!
Hope you are all well and happy!!!
1 Dec, 2009
Previous post: Help with vegetables
Next post: Cats!
Oh bless, hope you feel better soon :-))
1 Dec, 2009
:( sorry 2 hear that SK get well soon we`l all be here thinking of u & waiting for your return Jacxxxx
1 Dec, 2009
Sending best wishes from here too Sk :-)
1 Dec, 2009
So sorry, hope you feel better very soon.xx
1 Dec, 2009
I'm sorry to hear about your condition. You are having trouble with it aren't you. I hope you get some relief soon.
1 Dec, 2009
Take it easy Skilla (good name that TT) my dad had menuers to he couldnt pass a restaurant either!!! ;~))) put you in the healing thread love take care of you K !!!
1 Dec, 2009
Do take care and get well really soon Sk xx
1 Dec, 2009
Hope you're feeling better soon Skilla, is there no treatment that helps? It's a horrible thing to have from what I've heard of the symptoms, does looking at the screen make you more dizzy?
1 Dec, 2009
I wondered where you had disappeared to! So sorry you are not feeling so good and hope things improve soon. Keep warm and take care. Hope you feel well enough to join in with GoY again very, very soon. God bless.
1 Dec, 2009
It seemed strange to click 'like this blog' when you have said you are unwell but I've done it as a sign that I will be thinking of you - hope this is OK :)
1 Dec, 2009
Life must be so miserable for you at times. Take care I hope it settles for awhile soon, take care xx
1 Dec, 2009
Hope the worst soon passes for you SK......we'll all be here and look forward to hearing from you again....x x
1 Dec, 2009
sorry to hear things arent to good for you SK,, we all miss you and wish you a speedy return, thinking of you love and hugs
sandra xx
1 Dec, 2009
So sorry to hear you are feeling not good. Hope everything will be OK...
1 Dec, 2009
Hiya SK I hope you are feeling better. take your time and come on when you can. Have you been looking at any more rescues yet??
1 Dec, 2009
Wishing you recovery soon xx
1 Dec, 2009
Sorry to hear that, Skilla - take care and we'll see you when you can get here!
1 Dec, 2009
Hoping you have a speedy recovery and can return to the site soon Sk..
1 Dec, 2009
Thought I hadn't seen you for a while.Just because you haven't been on doesn't mean you haven't been missed :) Hope we 'see' you soon,look after yourself SK xx
1 Dec, 2009
Sorry to hear you havent been well, wondered where you were, hope you are soon back again you have been missed, take care xx
1 Dec, 2009
Hi SK, we're all missing you here as well. Hope you are feeling better soon and can come out to play more often. Love and big hugs from Carol, Holly and yours truly!
1 Dec, 2009
sorry you are unwell and hope you are feeling better soon. keep safe.
1 Dec, 2009
Get well soon and take care.
1 Dec, 2009
I clicked on 'I like this blog' because I'm happy to see you. I'm sorry you're having such a bad time though!
I hope & pray you'll be better & back in the thick of it soon, Skilla!
2 Dec, 2009
Hope you will feel better soon Sewingk.......
2 Dec, 2009
Hoping your feeling better SK we are all thinking of you take care...:~))))
2 Dec, 2009
Feel better, sorry to hear you are having trouble..xx ~Cat
2 Dec, 2009
feel better soon! =^..^=
3 Dec, 2009
Oh you lovely people!! reading all these has cheered me up! Had a quiet Christmas not very well but i managed, it doesn't just affect me thats the trouble, family suffer too!! Nearly egg and chips for Christmas dinner lol, feeling a bit more like me now so hopefully will be back on soon, garden looks such a mess!!! thanks again everyone and Happy New Year!! x
27 Dec, 2009
Good to hear you're feeling a bit better Sk and don't worry, all our gardens look a mess at the moment, well mine does, except when it's covered with snow:-)
27 Dec, 2009
Glad you are feeling a little better, SK. Hope the New Years brings an improvement in your health and that it will be a happy one for you and your family.
27 Dec, 2009
As with others just glad you are feeling better Sk...nothing spoiling and hoping you have a good 2010 !
27 Dec, 2009
Hope you are well and back to making chicken suits again soon...hugs and Happy Christmas..~Cat
27 Dec, 2009
A Happy and Healthy New Year to you too SK. Don't worry about the garden it can take care of itself for a while. It's too cold and damp,that's my excuse anyway ! lol x
29 Dec, 2009
Great 2 see u SK hope 2010 brings u better health X :)
29 Dec, 2009
Happy New Year, skilla! Here's wishing you health, wealth & happiness!
1 Jan, 2010
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Hi Skilla... hoping you feel better soon...
visit GoY as and when you feel able...xxx
...lovely photo above :o)
1 Dec, 2009