Wildside on Gardeners' World
By sheilabub
I do hope that many of you watched Gardeners’ World yesterday evening. The lovely Frances Tophill was the main presenter and she was wandering around the stunning Wildside garden in Devon which I’m always going on about! Apart from its interesting backstory, there was a brief chat with Keith Wiley, the owner and designer.
Many years ago, with my OH, we stopped there on our journey home from Falmouth. Wildside was still a work in progress, and we were able to chat with Keith Wiley and his wife Ros, who dug up a piece of the grass Melica for me. It’s quite extraordinary what has been achieved over the years to transform three fields into hills and valleys planted with gorgeous flowers and trees from around the world. Keith is such an imaginative designer and landscaper (now sadly widowed) and it was heartwarming to see his life’s work given the publicity he deserves. :)) Do enjoy it on catch up if you missed it!
30 Dec, 2023
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That’s great Rose 🙂.
30 Dec, 2023
We watched last night. Sheila, thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll bet you really loved the programme, especially as it had some heartfelt meaning to you.
Lovely blog, I did enjoy reading about your connection and memories.
I think Frances is a really good presenter, Adam too. I loathe to say it, but, I don't miss Monty.
30 Dec, 2023
Thanks very much Kate, glad you saw the programme. Monty has seemed to be getting frustrated with the job (says he hates the “scuffle “ of filming) yet he has also said he might do another five years! Maybe they should ask the viewers what we think …
30 Dec, 2023
I watched it at lunchtime today and found it fascinating. I did smile when he said 'We had no money, but many plants.' Hmm, methinks he had both judging by the amount of work done creating such a lovely garden!
30 Dec, 2023
Shirley, Keith Wiley had been Head Gardener at the beautiful Garden House for 25 years, so when he left to start his own garden he had no income. He had managed to build up quite a collection of plants from cuttings, but really wasn’t well off. His wife was an artist and did manage to sell some of her paintings …
Glad you saw it and enjoyed it 🙂.
30 Dec, 2023
Ah, that makes sense Sheila. Such a shame his wife has passed on. I must say that I enjoy GW more when Frances presents and it is always a pleasure to see Advolly too.
30 Dec, 2023
Yes I did see it, I must say I prefer the episodes without Monty Don in them. I find him rather a dreary person.
30 Dec, 2023
I will have to watch it on the BBC iPlayer!
30 Dec, 2023
I too really enjoyed it Sheila. Frances has such a natural charm about her and the programs she has been the main presenter for, have always been very interesting and flowed perfectly. Wildside was really fascinating and must have such a special place in your heart. x
31 Dec, 2023
I enjoyed watching the programme Sheila. Have never visited the garden myself though.
31 Dec, 2023
You're the lucky one Julia!
Janey, you are right - Frances is so easy to watch, and always seems to talk very easily with whoever she meets, a real asset to the programme. Glad you enjoyed seeing Wildside :)) x
That's good Josee ... it's near Buckland Monochorum in Devon if you're ever down that way; just opens for about a dozen long weekends between Spring and Autumn.
31 Dec, 2023
It was super. I enjoyed it very much. Frances is terrific!
13 Feb, 2024
Thanks Karen … yes, she is a tonic!
14 Feb, 2024
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Thanks Sheila , I will have a look on catch up!
30 Dec, 2023