By sheilar
A walk around the garden on this lovely sunny day
Tulips – the red ones are not yet fully open
Helleborous ’ spotted lady’
Magnolia stellata -absolutely full of buds
Berberis with flower buds forming
First bluebell of this year
My ‘dwarfed’ kerria japonica (I keep chopping it down!)
Acer coming back to life (this one in the pot does better than the one in the ground)
Pulmonaria – given to me by an elderly neighbour and was just planted in October!
Red Robin (dwarf)
Skimmia, moved from back garden to front garden as it was overshadowed by bigger plants and was a bit ‘poorly’
Fritillery – yahoo, I’ve actually managed to grow some. In the past they’ve just always been ‘non starters’
Fritillery close up
Thank you for taking the time to look.
Happy gardening!
27 Mar, 2012
Previous post: BOWBURN HALL
Next post: APRIL GARDEN 22 04 12
Bluebell...That's early
28 Mar, 2012
love the pics Sheilar - we have those Tulips - I also planted red riding hood ones - no sign yet - probably later in year. Hellebores are fab - they look full of life for you !! We also have the stellata - no flowers as yet but buds , wonderful big flowers . Berberis are great looking great for you again Sheilar. must check our bluebells - they're on front , love to see these!! I love the kerria japonica - one to get I feel!!!! Only have one acer - nice to see them coming through.
Hywel gave me some Pulmonaria, love the dainty little flowers they display , yours are full of them:))) Red robins are brill , a great addition , skimmias are great for looks and scent - they should be okay being shaded they prefer the shade :))) Well done for your snakeheads - great plants :)))))))))) lovely blog :)))))
28 Mar, 2012
Hi Sheila .. everything looking perky.
Lovely colours on the pulmonaria :o)
28 Mar, 2012
Lovely blog with some lovely flowers, I bought Pulmonaria yesterday a pinky/purple one and just pink one. I love them, they are really pretty. That skimmia looks well I can smell its perfume from here. Thanks for lovely blog and pictures.
28 Mar, 2012
Looking good,Sheilar..I need to move my Skimmia too,not shaded enough..I love that red leaved Berberis..I miss mine that we left behind..thanks for sharing your lovely plants :o)
28 Mar, 2012
So nice to see everyone's garden coming to life, you have some lovely plants there too :)))
28 Mar, 2012
Smashing....it's all looking good. I hope your skimmia picks up soon! :)
28 Mar, 2012
It's a pleasure to see all these plants in bloom and some much earlier than usual surely, Sheila? I like these blogs where I can compare how my plants are doing compared to others' ,but this year, for once, mine are at just about the same stage. Don't remember ever having had such a good spring.
28 Mar, 2012
Lovely pics Sheila, you are so right all the gardens are looking lovely, my tulips are coming out now, small ones first, well done with the fritillaria, they are so dainty, I keep trying but not having any luck in my raised beds, I`ll have to try them in pots,.
Pleased to say I have new shoots on my berberis, mine got very sick last year so I cut it nearly to ground level, its now in a new spot so I`m hoping it will survive..
28 Mar, 2012
Wow - thanks everyone. All of your comments are very encouraging. I don't think I've done too bad for an amateur gardener, who knew nothing about gardening until we bought this house with it's big overgrown back garden and I think it's magic how you can put something in soil and it grows into a beautiful flowering plant!!
I do think generally, everything in the garden is early this year - come on, it's only March!!!
Thanks again pals. X
28 Mar, 2012
Feels like Summer already doesn't it Sheilar!? I spotted Bluebells out here as well today.
28 Mar, 2012
A lovely Spring blog, everything looks well and happy.....
28 Mar, 2012
Loved your blog Sheila...thanks ...:>)
28 Mar, 2012
Hi Sheila. Sorry I'm late catching up again lol. You've got some lovely spring plants, both flowers and shrubs. I love that little red robin. I've tried one a few times but it always dies on me :o( Nice to see yours flourishing. And your Helliblore is beautiful.
30 Mar, 2012
lovely plants Sheilar....and the blue pot too! :))
1 Apr, 2012
Pimp, since this blog, the bluebells are coming out all over the garden!!
Thanks Dottydaisy and Motinot for your kind comments.
Hywel - I'm over the moon with my little Red Robin, it's really doing well and so pretty!
Thanks Karen - I love blue pots. Just bought a set of five for £9.99 (varying sizes) not bad eh??
1 Apr, 2012
Nice shopping! :))
2 Apr, 2012
Love your plants Sheila. Your bluebells coming through the same as mine. Usually down South our plants a little more advanced in growth. Kew gardens was on the news last week and their woodland walk is carpeted in bluebells. The earliest since records began.
PS. Did OH finish his painting okay?
9 Apr, 2012
A lot of people don't like bluebells, but I love 'em. There's getting a few too many in the back garden now, I'll have to see if I can give a few (dozen) away!!
We're both back to work today Tommy, so OH is just finishing off the skirting boards in the porch as we speak. Not bad - it's took him 3 days but that includes stripping off the old wallpaper and doing some plasterwork repairs.
Hope you're keeping OK. X
10 Apr, 2012
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Lovely pictures and plants Sheila. I like the Magnolia stellata especially.
27 Mar, 2012