November flowers and berries
This is really to give me a record of what is currently in flower on November 4th, with such a mild Autumn it really isn’t surprising to see so much colour.
Last year seemed colder earlier and I’m sure things had begun to die down.
Penstemons are both in bud and flowering
There are even some Cerinthe major showing, not sure if I should leave them or uproot. Suggestions welcomed!
Sedums are showing their colours
Hebes just don’t want to stop
Geraniums were cut back but still keep flowering
Cosmos have been amazing this year, a shorter variety than usual for me and, in my opinion, far better than the taller varieties
One final bloom on Rose ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, minus a petal
and this peach coloured Patio Rose has been with me for over 15 years, it just thrives
Pyracantha berries are providing food for the Blackbirds
No flocks of Starlings for the Grapes this year, just an occasional visit by a Blackbird The Grapes are not sweet enough and full of pips for us, I did make Grape juice last year but found it too much trouble for the end result!
Shrubs, like this Ceanothus, continue to flower
as does a Spiraea
This bright yellow Hypericum has flowered almost non-stop since May
A lone flower on Clematis ‘Niobe’, twining through the Ceanothus
The pair of Fuchsia ‘Lady Boothby’ have excelled this year and are still full of buds and blooms
Here’s one I would expect to be in flower in November, a soft pink Nerine. Lots of Forget-me-nots popping up so I shall have to thin them out before too long.
Jasmine officinale ‘Fiona Sunrise’ has these fruit or seed pods, something I have not seen before. If anyone can tell me more about them, please do!
Finally, thank goodness for that I hear you say, the Pelargoniums in the South facing front garden are flowering away. I have emptied the wall baskets and the hanging ones, potted up the Fuchsias and Pelargoniums from them, just don’t have the heart to take these out yet!
Plus the fact that the Agave is a spiny little so-and-so, I have got too close and been scratched by it before.
Thanks for looking in and hope your gardens are still providing you with colour on these dull days.
4 Nov, 2015
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My goodness Shirley that is unbelievable! you are only a few miles up the coast yet you have far more in bloom than we have.......
I must check our Jasmine to see if it has berries,it has done so well this year..
Do you leave the Agave outside all winter? it looks very healthy......and your Hebes look good too.......
We do have several roses still flowering, and the odd clematis...
We are beginning to realise, that, not everything likes being in our garden, sigh!! obviously the salt does not help, and the wet winters certainly finish a lot of our plants off, we will have to think seriously what we can grow and what we cannot, no wonder we are still the only garden in the whole of Lee to open our gates.......
Will will certainly try the lower growing Cosmos, I am not keen on the taller varieties..
All in all it looks smashing Shirley....
4 Nov, 2015
Nice to see so much autumn colour in your garden Shirley :o)
4 Nov, 2015
It is amazing to think that so much is still flowering and doing so well in November! It has been an astonishing autumn with much better weather down here than in the summer months.
Love your photos and the rich assortment of colours.
4 Nov, 2015
So much still going on in your garden, Shirley. I was interested to hear about the lower growing cosmos, the ones I grew have become taller than me (not too difficult, I suppose!) and are still flowering. I know what you mean about the Agave - I have just shifted mine into the greenhouse and it 'bit' me on the way. Must admit I snipped the end spines before lifting it!
4 Nov, 2015
Wow lots flowering still there Petaltracey and some lovely colours love the Cosmos Rose and Lilly very pretty.
4 Nov, 2015
That is wonderful for November Shirley. I have very little now for flowers. Lots of colorful leaves but even these are disappearing quickly. Getting cold here. Love the Clematis ‘Niobe’ mine did not bloom and is not doing well so happy to see yours.
5 Nov, 2015
Lots of colour Shirley. My one Penstemon has been awarded (by me) longest flowering plant this year. Ps.snip the pointed ends off the Agarve, so you don't take your eye out on it.
5 Nov, 2015
So much colour Shirley!!lovely to see :-) I cut the points off my agave too, they're in the sunroom now and the nosey cat would have his eye out . Cerinthe is a hardy annual and you can sow September or April so they'll be fine,you'll just get earlier flowers :-)
5 Nov, 2015
Paul, I always find the birds start off with the red berries, then orange and finally yellow! Wonder why that is?
Lol Angela, 40 miles East of you and not as close to the sea. The Agaves were placed in the blue pots in April last year, so they have been outdoors for about 18 months. I do remember when I took the Pelargoniums out last year that the Agave roots were circling round and round the pots! I trimmed the roots a little and they seem fine. It really is a game of trial and error with plants isn't it?
Hywel, thanks for looking in. Have you got all your lovely Fuchsias ready for Winter?
Chris, I'm sure this time last year was less colourful.
Gee, I did laugh at your description of Cosmos being taller than you! I got fed up with the tall ones, they seemed to produce lots of ferny foliage with fewer flowers. I think those diddy ones are 'Dwarf Mix' and am saving seed of them.
3d - I'm not Petaltracey! Thanks for looking in though.
Klahanie, I wonder why your C. 'Niobe' failed to flower for you? Is it a young plant?
Siris, lovely to have a Penstemon in bloom for a long time. Thanks for the tip about snipping the pointed Agave ends off.
Kathy, that would be awful for the cat, good job you snipped the points off! I shall leave those Cerinthes where they are and hope we don't have too bad a Winter. They would die off in really low temps/hard frosts surely?
5 Nov, 2015
I bought the lower growing Cosmos to give them a try and to be honest they don't seem to be any shorter than any other year, I wonder if its because they spend summer overshadowed by the apple tree and clematis arch, therefore got taller struggling to reach the light, I didn't mind as they are still pretty and yes keep on flowering.
Looking good Shirley, long may they last although mine are soggy flowers now as its rained every day since Sunday...
5 Nov, 2015
Drizzling all day today.......dreich as our friend Karen says. ...
such lovely bright colours Shirley, really cheerful to see
lots of berries here too, Iwonder if birds see red better althoughthd redholly berries haven't all gone yet and the orange Rowan went weeks ago, maybe they can tell when they're ripe?
5 Nov, 2015
They're under cover but still in full leaf and some have lovely flowers. Shame to cut them off yet :o)
5 Nov, 2015
No Shirley I've had them covered in snow before and they've been fine :-)
6 Nov, 2015
Another garden with amazing colour still to show,
I've noticed more holly berries around this year but the birds are busy so I don't think I'll have any for Christmas and I do like to see holly in the house.
6 Nov, 2015
Lincs, that's odd about the Cosmos not staying 'dwarf' isn't it? Mine are a horrible soggy mess of seed heads today as it has rained heavily most of the day.
Pam, I've never considered that birds could see different colours, but why wouldn't they?! My yellow ones are closer to the house and are always the last to be eaten.
Hywel, same here as mine are now in a cold greenhouse and still blooming away. Makes it pleasant to go in there though!
Simbad, thanks for that info., I shall leave them alone!
Eirlys, I saw a Holly whilst out today with masses of berries on, perhaps the birds have yet to discover it!
7 Nov, 2015
I suppose the cold weather they predict for the end of the week will help them make their minds up to hibernate :)
11 Nov, 2015
Hywel, yesterday I saw a Thrush eating the outdoor grapes, then a Sparrow hawk sitting up in a tree watching it. I went out to scare the Hawk off! Much colder here today, probably the temps. we should be having in November.
13 Nov, 2015
I think it's sad that one animal must die just so that another can live. I want them both to live ... I am a bit daft lol !
13 Nov, 2015
I think along the same lines, Hywel, so I must be daft too! I saw the lovely Thrush again this morning. :o)
14 Nov, 2015
Well I am glad the thrush has survived but the Sparrow Hawk must be going hungry
:( unless it has caught something else ...
Ah well that's nature I suppose.
14 Nov, 2015
Thank you Timmyh, today there are Dianthus flowering and Fuchsias in bud but I imagine the cold temps. now forecast will stop them blooming.
20 Nov, 2015
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Quite incredible, really Shirley, to have so much flowering at this time of year. The Pyracanthus are producing so many berries this year!!
4 Nov, 2015