November 3rd garden photos.
It really has been a dreadful week of wet and windy weather, but thankfully today was much calmer so I took a walk around the garden just to see if any plants have suffered.
There isn’t really anything new to show you, so please indulge me as this is for my own personal record really!
The Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ has grown well from a cutting, only to have been damaged, possibly by an enormous black and white cat! It walks along the back fence and where the sunhouse used to be is now easy for it to jump down into the garden, clumsy thing must have mis -judged where to land and knocked the stem, grr
There are still a few pots in that area, Salvia ‘Black and Blue’ and Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’, the latter gifted by Janey, thanks so much, it has really grown well.
Penstemons and Cosmos provide some bright colour on these grey days …
The Nerines are better than I was hoping for, they have coped with the high amount of rainfall, sturdy things! Forget-me-nots are everywhere, even some popping up in the lawn so that’s going to be a task to thin them out, or remove some over the weekend, weather permitting of course!
Still flowering are some Cyclamen and a Heuchera …
Autumnal colours can be seen in an Acer ‘Orange Dream’, Holly Berries and the Crabapples. The Acer has never darkened to this lovely shade in all the time it has grown here.
A couple of Roses refuse to stop flowering! The cream one is ‘Champagne Moment’ which has been in that border for about ten years and now could do with being moved away from a Holly shrub as it’s far too close to it now. Would anyone know if it stands a chance of thriving if I move it later in the year?
The Fatsia ‘Spiders Web’ seems happy with all the wet soil and has produced some flowers…
Hebe ‘Silver Anniversary’ is one I like very much …
In view of how it has rained at some point almost every day and night recently, between myself and OH we put many pots of fading Hostas, Sedum cuttings, Fuchsias, Salvias and three new Alstroemerias under the shelter of the perspex roof of the vine.
Oh yes, the birds, especially Starlings, still have not come in to feast on the grapes. They always strip them off eventually. We have noticed a large Red Admiral butterfly landing on them a few times, not seen that before.
One task that has been done in this appalling weather has been to tidy up the greenhouse and put the pots of cuttings and my favourite Pelargonium ‘Sidoides’ to one end of the table. It was strange to be in there with the rain hammering down on the perspex roof, sorry to harp on about the rain but we all know how much has fallen.
Thankfully we were not flooded, unlike so many poor folk up and down the country.
Keep safe everyone and enjoy your gardens.
3 Nov, 2023
Previous post: Manger baskets emptied.
Next post: First Autumnal walk by the seaside.
You have a lot of colour still in the garden Shirley!
Wow! All those grapes! Love the colour of them too.
My one penstamon stopped flowering quite a while ago!
Regarding the roses, now is a good time to move them.
Buy some Root Grow and scatter some in the hole where the rose is to go, then after pruning the rose back ( quite a way) damp the root so that the root grow sticks to them, then plant it in the ground with good compost under and around it.
Water it in well and by the spring you will have new shoots showing.
If it is still full of flowers, then you can do this anytime until March, but preferably sooner rather than later before it comes into growth again.
I hope this helps!
4 Nov, 2023
smashing blog. Good to have colour still in the garden. Mine is winding down flower wise but hopefully most will survive.
I find the slimmer leafed penstemons hardier that the broader ones.
I usually take cuttings to have spares should the ones in the ground die.
4 Nov, 2023
Your garden is still looking good,Shirley,and all looks nice and colourful.,despite the Horrendous weather ! Glad you haven't had any flooding.. I sent you a message,earlier,to check how you were,as I've only just seen this today..
Those Grapes and other berries are going to be a welcome feast for the birds,once they can't find much else these coming months. My Holly and Pyracanthas are laden this year ,and your cuttings and some plants are already under shelter,as are mine.. :o) x
4 Nov, 2023
Yes, the weather has been a challenge recently, but so grateful we haven't had the worst of the flooding and tornado-type winds.
Your garden is a veritable cornucopia of autumn colour, Shirley, and like the others I'm impressed with your grapes and holly berries.
4 Nov, 2023
Shirley.. I've just sent you a PM..x
4 Nov, 2023
Josie, this year is certainly the best for those grapes! The vine leaves provide a lovely shaded place to sit beneath when it gets too hot. Ha, remember those times?
I wonder why your Nerines bloom in Spring, I shall investigate!
Rose, thank you so much for the info. on moving that lovely Rose, really helpful. I need to uproot a woody old Bowles's Mauve then the Rose will be moved there. Fingers crossed it survives being moved.
Eileen, I have found that Penstemon 'Garnet' becomes far too bushy and sprawling, which is a shame as I love the flowers and it's so easy to propagate!
Sandra, we really have been so lucky not to have suffered any issues weather-wise as Bognor has had problems and that's not too far away, as you know! This morning there were a few grapes on the ground so a bird or two must have come in earlier. I just replied to your PM ... :o)
Ange, storm Ciaran was due to hit this area on Thursday but, fortunately for us, we just had strong wind and heavy rain at about 2am. I feel so sorry for all the poor folk up and down the country, including the Channel Islands, who have suffered so much damage, heart-breaking for them.
4 Nov, 2023
Josie, having looked on-line and a couple of my garden books, Nerines should be flowering from mid September to late October in the UK. I wonder why yours are Spring flowering ones?
4 Nov, 2023
Wonderful blog, Shirley! You've such a lovely lot of colour persisting. I have to agree about the weather.. one day it's blue skies and sunny, albeit a little crispy cold..then it's dark, dreich and miserably wet.
Your acer is a gorgeous colour! One of mine was a delight this year, it coloured up beautifully.
My one salvia is still flowering nicely, I'm sure yours will recover pretty well - sometimes cats are so clumsy! ; -)
I'm with the others, I've Holly Berry envy! Plus those grapes!!! The birds must have been very happy indeed. I recall you saying before, they enjoy them.
Love your array of pinks, mauves and reds..must really brighten up a dark, late autumn day.
Your pots look tidy and sheltered from the weather too.
My 3 roses are still blooming, but yours are so pretty, Shirley.
Thank you for sharing.
4 Nov, 2023
All looking lovely Shirley :-)
4 Nov, 2023
your garden looks nice and still colourful ! We have holly berries and few crab apples. Your vine is amazing! Roses best moved in dormasnt time , Nov to March as I remember from garden centre. as long not frosty.
4 Nov, 2023
Kate, thanks for looking on on this blog. I am stunned at the lovely colour to that Acer this year, it has never been so bold! It's weird how so many Grapes have developed this year, another surprise but they are too sour and full of pips for us hence we leave them for the birds. We can see them from our patio doors and they are a delight to watch, when they eventually arrive here!
Daylily, thanks so much. As I type this at 7.20pm I can hear the wind and rain outside, grr!
Paul, I shall hopefully move that Rose later in the week but it will be a big job, hey-ho, gotta be done!
4 Nov, 2023
Lovely lot of colour Shirley - love your Nerines and Acer. I used to have Salvia love and wishes, and have a feeling it might need protecting … about now!
5 Nov, 2023
Thanks Klahanie ... it is a beautiful sight when laden with fruit!
5 Nov, 2023
Oh Sheila, do you think I should move the pot of 'Love and Wishes' to the shelter of the vine, with all the other pots, or place it in the (unheated) greenhouse?
5 Nov, 2023
Wherever it’s sheltered from frost, Shirley. Janey might have other ideas, but she’s at the seaside today!
5 Nov, 2023
Thanks Sheila, in that case it can cuddle up with the other pots! We were at the seaside this morning, blue skies but a tad chilly, see latest blog.
5 Nov, 2023
Thank you, your garden is very attractive. You must have spent a lot of time on it.
7 Nov, 2023
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Interesting blog. What a lot of grapes you have on your vine! Also berries on the Holly. I have seen a garden with whole border of flowering Nerines, so bright. Mine always flower in Spring, not Autumn. Why is that. Is it a slightly different variety, tho’ same pink? I have lost Hebes & Penstemons to the frost in past winters,I’ll have to stick with really hardy things in future:-( Ty for sharing. Maybe things will dry up soon.
4 Nov, 2023