Last Sunday
By siris
As usual we walked across the recreation ground to buy a Sunday paper. I took my camera as I wanted to show you the wild flower meadow (plot) the parks dept.has created.
In the afternoon I went to an open garden on the edge of the New Forest, but only took this one photo as I was too busy chatting plants and eating cake.
Oh, and I bought this Rhodiola rosea, which I’ve wanted for some time.
The owner dug up a couple of seedlings of Verbena officinalis var. Bampton for me and a friend. By the time I got home it was quite wilty, but potted up and watered its ready to go into my real and virtual garden now.
Took a couple of photos at home, one of this Tigridium flowering in the garden.
And potted up a seedling of this Hibiscus Bluebird, for a friend into a purple pot.
17 Jul, 2018
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That wild meadow is beautiful
17 Jul, 2018
The meadow is beautiful, we have Bampton Its about about ft tall now, really pleased with it, came through the winter, no problem!
17 Jul, 2018
I must go down to the beach to see how the wildflower meadow there is doing. Its a few years old now.
17 Jul, 2018
The meadow of wild flowers is delightful, what a beautiful scene.
17 Jul, 2018
The meadow has grown beautifully, even in this drought.
You can see how dry the grass is on the sports pitches in the second pic.
Karen, A meadow near the beach, that should have Glaucium flavum, sea kale, holly and rocket.
Dd, note the use of the purple pot!
17 Jul, 2018
That field is a feast for the eyes. The Sunday paper here is almost obsolete, but I love to sit out on the patio and read with a cup of coffee.
18 Jul, 2018
Bless you Siris! how's your OH now? pm me .....
18 Jul, 2018
What a gorgeous meadow. And I love that V. Bampton - bought my first one this year and it’s flowering madly; about 2 ft already. I look forward to it seeding itself with abandon!
18 Jul, 2018
Yes, Sheila, if they are anything like V. bonariensis, there will be a lot of seedlings everywhere.
18 Jul, 2018
Isn’t the Meadow beautiful
18 Jul, 2018
The meadow is wonderful. I also like your Tigridium.
18 Jul, 2018
Linda, I originally bought a packet of Tigridium corms, then I took seed from the Red and this is the Apricot one, hardy for me, came through last winter.
19 Jul, 2018
Magnificent meadow - hope it seeds well for next year.
Siris, I didn't know Tigridium would survive the winter outside - that must have been an unexpected bonus!
19 Jul, 2018
I've had the red in the garden border for at least 5 years. That and the Apricot seem to be the most hardy. Never seen a white although was shown on the label of the packet.
19 Jul, 2018
That meadow is wonderful Siris, its so good to see the wild flowers returning, we had so many years whereby we hardly saw them, good day all round..
19 Jul, 2018
What a wonderful meadow! The council have gone for this look locally on some of our roundabouts, and it looks stunning - and so good for wildlife.
19 Jul, 2018
Great shots of the meadow what natural beauty. Also love the Tigridium beautiful colouring.
20 Jul, 2018
There's a red Tigridium flowering today, just the one though, should be a whole load!
20 Jul, 2018
Stunning photos of the meadow.
20 Jul, 2018
Thank you 3pb, it had a netting fence around it recently to stop dogs and people trampling on what looked like long grass. Be interesting tomorrow, Sunday, to see if it's still in good condition.
21 Jul, 2018
A very wise idea is that because the vhildren are off school or some thing going on in the park tomorrow.
Its funny when I had my small front garden seeded with grass last year which most of it is patchy now because of the next doors trees and the leaves over winter yet now the grass looks dead but the wild flower seeds I had mixed in with the grass are blooming in this dry hot weather and I have nt watered any of
21 Jul, 2018
Pb123, most of the roundabouts around Soton are sponsored by local companies, with plants like Phormiums in them.
3pb, its mostly the cultivated plants that seem to be suffering in the drought.
24 Jul, 2018
I can imagine they will suffer Siris my little wild life patch of flowers have nt been affected in fact they ve appeared since their has nt been any rain.
24 Jul, 2018
Beautiful photos, Siris.. thanks so much for sharing.
30 Jul, 2018
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Sounds like a lovely day!
17 Jul, 2018