It's not only babies that need cotton buds!
By spritzhenry
I made a bad mistake on Saturday. I saw that my Clematis viticella ‘Mme Julia Correvon’ was trying to climb into a tree in the farm next door – so I cut the twigs free and draped her gracefully into my Pittosporum tree.
Wrong! When I was showing the ‘extra’ group round the garden, I saw that she had blown off her perch and four stems had either split or bent.
HELP! What could I do? She’s such a beautiful Clematis and was full of buds almost opening… My husband came up with the solution.
A first aid kit for bent and torn stems!
I held the stems and the cotton bud ‘splints’ while he wrapped sticky tape around to hold them in place.
I’ve been looking every day to see if the Clematis is drooping – no, it seems fine!
And today – I KNOW it worked!
So cotton buds aren’t just for babies, are they?
18 Jun, 2009
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well done , thats a great tip to remember ( excuse the pun ) lol
18 Jun, 2009
Great solution. Well done to both you and hubby. The Clematis is lovely.
18 Jun, 2009
Brill idea, but i will have to find a spare pr of hands if i need to do it, thinks for info.
18 Jun, 2009
great plan work...
18 Jun, 2009
I know it's a group 3 Clematis and will be cut back in the spring, but I enjoy its flowers and I didn't want to miss seeing them this year!
18 Jun, 2009
what a lovely clematis made me laugh cos when we moved here 10 years ago we brought our montana in a pot plus trellis disaster the main stem snapped so my husband fixed it with said tape (red) it's still going strong and the tape still in situ!! what initiative our men have!!
regards neellan
18 Jun, 2009
I,ve taped fruit trees and a climbing rose in the past but never thought it would work on something as fragile as a clematis,thanks Spritz thats one to remember.........
18 Jun, 2009
Excellent inovation. Well done. Your clematis looks wonderful. I will certainly remember the Q-tip splint idea. We have so much wind here that things are always getting bent over.
19 Jun, 2009
Ooops.....sorry.....cotton bud splint idea. (They are called Q-tips here....don't ask me why!!).
19 Jun, 2009
Spritz, that is ingenious !
I tried taping one last year but didn't 'cotton-on' to the buds for the splinting, brilliant idea !
19 Jun, 2009
O Spritz im so glad u saved her :) Great Idea Hubby :)
19 Jun, 2009
~tried this with my Daphne but was too bad a split unfortunately~that black tape comes in handy though!
19 Jun, 2009
Yay!!!!! <clap>
How clever is that? :o)
19 Jun, 2009
this is brilliant well done hubby (and you)
first aid for flowers
you should write a book make a fortune
x x x
19 Jun, 2009
Glad the clematis has survive 'surgery' - well done Dr Spritz and the medical team :)
19 Jun, 2009
Thanks Barbara. Now I know what to do with mine :o)
19 Jun, 2009
What a brilliant idea....... iits looking good....
19 Jun, 2009
what a wonderful use of cotton buds and gaffer tape. My son swears by gaffer tape. He even used it to fix a puncture on his bike. But best of all the clematis looks wonderful.
19 Jun, 2009
Very clever! see men have their uses (oooooo bet that cooks up a storm)
19 Jun, 2009
No - he already knows that, Skilla! LOL.
19 Jun, 2009
What a great success story, Spritz!
No comment, Sewingkilla, lol!
20 Jun, 2009
Well done Dr Spritz first aid for Clematis always knew you had things taped when it comes to looking after them..
21 Jun, 2009
Mme Julia is a beauty is'nt she; I'm glad to see she recovered well.
21 Jun, 2009
What a great TIP, You must be a BUDding Dr. However did you COTTON on to that idea.
Sorry guys just thought I would add my two penneth worth
H & K's.......Ian
21 Jun, 2009
Hahahahahaha! :-D
21 Jun, 2009
Sue....what on earth is gaffer tape???? Is it like what we call duct tape or is it electrical tape?
22 Jun, 2009
No idea, Gilli - it's very tough sticky tape that you have to cut - kind of rubbery-backed?? It must be water-proof, as well. Does that help?
22 Jun, 2009
that one I will have to remember
24 Jun, 2009
Hi Spritz, can you please tell me?
Have now got a collection of four Spring-flowering clematis. Already, they are clambering beyond the spaces I allotted them. Can I contain their height and spread by pruning, or will this affect their flower power next year?
In a way, I'd like you to say "Don't do it!". I believe the early ones need little, if any pruning. The spaces I gave them are just not enough, although I can add on a small additional section of trellis support. :-)
24 Jun, 2009
I wrote a blog on Clematis pruning recently, David - and the answer is, yes, you can prune them now if they are in group 1 for keep them where you want them!
Have a read of the blog - more detail there. :-)
25 Jun, 2009
Oh Dear, Spritz, think I just experienced one of those "senior" moments. Of course you did, we even spoke of that blog, which I read and loved. Going off there now, feeling rather silly. Many, Many Thanks! :-)
25 Jun, 2009
Please don't feel 'silly', David - we all do it! :-)
28 Jun, 2009
Many Thanks, Spritz. Your excellent blog allayed any fears I had with mine. Have even added trellis to allow my wee beauties more growth, but happy to know that i can contain them. :-)
28 Jun, 2009
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Well done Barbara , A happy ending and worth remembering for future reference ....
I wonder if it would work with peas .. LOL.. ours had grown so tall the wind has caught them and snapped the stems down ... perhaps not ...
18 Jun, 2009