Winter Interest in my garden - part 1 - Coloured leaves.
By spritzhenry
Last year, I wrote a series of blogs about ‘winter interest’. You might remember them if you were around then. Winter isn’t all that boring in my garden – honestly! I have added some extra plants to my garden this year, so the blog won’t be exactly the same, and hopefully, people won’t fall asleep in the middle!
Plain green plants with no other colour in the garden would definitely be a bit boring to me – even when the leaf edges are frosted!
No, I like some colour to catch my eye! I can’t quite promise you a rainbow of coloured leaves, but I can have a go – and so I’ll start off with….
Euonymus lucidus
Is that cheating, when just the new shoots of this shrub are bright red? Well – how about this, then?
Cornus canadensis
This is a prostrate plant – I love it!
Photinia ‘Little Red Robin’
And this one is a small version of its better-known big brother. It would fit into the tiniest garden, and I’ve got it in a container as well as in the border – with red pansies.
Loropatalum chinense
This shrub needs some protection when the frost stays around for long – but it’s so lovely, that it’s worth it. It has pink flowers earlier in the year, too!
I love Heucheras – and I think this one counts as orange, don’t you?
Heuchera ‘Peach Flambe’
I’ve also got one called ‘Marmalade’. That must count, as well!
Heuchera ‘Marmalade’
This was a bit more difficult – When I post the blog on ‘Variegated Leaves’, I shall be showing you some yellow variegated shrubs – but apart from those, the only yellow-ish shrub I have is this one – and it isn’t really very yellow, as it needs more sun than it’s actually getting.
Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’
That’s too easy – and I’m also planning a blog on evergreens – so here’s a photo of the green ferns under the Pittosporum tree in my shady corner, to represent this colour!
Oh, and that new plant given to me recently, with the wonderful evergreen leaves.
Ajania pacifica
I have to admit that the leaves on my Eucalyptus tree are only slightly blue-tinged – but they aren’t a clear green, that’s for sure!
Here, I am definitely stretching a point. I know these next leaves aren’t indigo or violet, but I haven’t got many ideas about what shrubs or plants do have purple leaves in the winter! I grow Strobilanthes (Persian Shield) as annuals, but they have shrivelled up in that frost we had.
I have Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurascens’, but oh dear – I forgot to take a photo of it!
However, I think that the buds on this Euphorbia have a purple-y tint, wouldn’t you agree?
Euphorbia ‘Redwing’
But I do have another Heuchera called ‘Amethyst Mist’.
And this shrub is a deep reddy brown – again, I shall have to look after it if the weather turns really cold. Not purple – but it’s a beauty, so here it is!
Lophomyrtus ralphii
To make up for cheating a bit, I can add silver and black to the rainbow of coloured leaves. They make a wonderful contrast when planted together, too.
Convulvulus cneorum
Furry leaves, too, for some texture.
Stachys byzantinus
This silver leaved plant makes great ground cover – but isn’t invasive.
Lamium ‘Beacon Silver’
One of my favourite plants – such a good foil for others! It isn’t a large plant, so it would be another good choice for a small garden..
Ophiopogon planiscens ‘Nigra’
Well that’s it for the first blog on ‘Winter Interest in my garden’. I hope you didn’t fall asleep in the middle!
5 Dec, 2009
Previous post: They certainly made up for it!
Next post: Winter Interest in my garden - part 2 - Variegated leaves.
That is a great blog love the different textures as well as the depth of colour.
5 Dec, 2009
How could anyone fall asleep through one of your blogs Spritz? Your garden never ceases to amaze me just how varied and delightful it is in all the seasons!
5 Dec, 2009
Always enjoy a trip around your garden Spritz.......
5 Dec, 2009
Your garden looks great and very interesting, I love it! Thank you for sharing!
5 Dec, 2009
Oh, Spritzhenry, how could fall asleep looking at these pictures?
They are so beautiful and interesting ..
The choice of plants certainly makes it pleasant to walk in your garden even in winter, the colors alternate and catching the eye.
Truly a beautiful work, expect to see more photos.
5 Dec, 2009
Thank you all - what lovely comments! :-)
5 Dec, 2009
fall asleep? on the contrary they woke me up. they are lovely. cant decide which is my favourite.
looking forward to the next installment.
5 Dec, 2009
Lovely blog Spritz..favourites are the beautiful Heucheras ! We could have made a good contribution to your yellow section when our skimmia leaves turned yellow ! Had two feeds of tomato food to restore them to green ! Lol
5 Dec, 2009
My ones I potted up out of last year's containers tried that - they got a dose of Sequestrene, Ray! Funny thing - the ones in the soil are perfectly why should that be?
5 Dec, 2009
Dont know Spritz,but ours is near the pond and not potted up.After a couple of feeds recovered their green !
5 Dec, 2009
Good. :-)
5 Dec, 2009
A real winter treat of colour chance of falling asleep....far too beautiful.
Thoroughly enjoyed it have obviously put a lot of effort into finding colourful plants and it makes me realise how drab our northern gardens can be at this time of year though :<<((
5 Dec, 2009
A lovely Blog Spritz that shows the winter foliage in its full glory.The photos of the frost- tinged plants are really superb.
5 Dec, 2009
I remember your blogs last year, and I was hoping you'd make another little series for this winter. Thank you :o)
6 Dec, 2009
Lovely photos Spritz :-)
When i see these pictures i realise how guilty i am of taking these plants for granted in my own garden :-/
6 Dec, 2009
lovely colours barbara, love the heucheras, i have a couple this year to,also i have lamium beacon silver which really stands out, very pretty,and convuvulas is pretty to, have that, but all the plants look lovely, enjoyed the whole blog :o))
6 Dec, 2009
Leaf colours are so important in winter when there are less flowers around. We have a few gorgeous ones which do add to the joys of living. I look forward to the next installment.
6 Dec, 2009
I spend most of the winter warming my toes in front of the woodburner but this would tempt even me outside for a closer look. Your garden is so well-balanced and full of ideas, Spritz. Smashing!!!
6 Dec, 2009
Thanks for doing another this year as i really enjoyed looking at it.
6 Dec, 2009
lots of colours in your the first pic with the frosted leaves its lovely...........
6 Dec, 2009
I like the photo too, Holly - but not the shivering that goes with the frost! Brrrrrr..
Thanks everyone for reading my blog without dozing off! LOL.
6 Dec, 2009
I love Heuchera too and have those same varieties in my garden. You always have colour with them despite what the rest of the garden is doing. :o)
Sandra x
6 Dec, 2009
Definitely! :-))
6 Dec, 2009
Why would we doze off ? It's an interesting blog.
It's easy to say winter is dull and boring but beauty is always there. Sometimes you have to look for it, and you've found it for us :o)
6 Dec, 2009
Lovely blog it just goes to show you can have winter colour.I love the heuchera I have some myself.
6 Dec, 2009
Thanks, Hywel and Mavis. Watch out for part 2, now! :-)
6 Dec, 2009
waiting with baited breath :o))))))
6 Dec, 2009
Oooh--errr, Sbg - I hope you're not trying to hold it! You have to breathe, you know! LOL.
6 Dec, 2009
gasp gasp ok i will breathe normally :o)
6 Dec, 2009
Phew! I don't want you to forget to exhale - could be dangerous, you know!
6 Dec, 2009
thats where i'm going wrong then. I remember a teacher saying it was also called expiration and i thought that was like expire, as in die. I was really confused for weeks. i was 8 i think at the time :o( but ok now :o)
6 Dec, 2009
I'm glad to hear it! LOL.
6 Dec, 2009
What a lovely aray of colour Spritz... and as for purple i thought you had a Pittospurum 'Tom Thumb'? that would defo count for true violet.... really enjoyed this blog, i must get out into my own garden and have a look, i too have planted new winter interest this year... just not had time to appreciate it as yet lol
7 Dec, 2009
great blog Spritz, it just shows how much pleasure a winter garden can give (when it stops raining!)
We look forward to the next episode!
7 Dec, 2009
I want to come work in your garden Barbara..can I please...I could do what ever you ask. Your garden is so inspiring..year round!
8 Dec, 2009
Yes, Cat - there's still lots to do, as long as you have an umbrella! lol.
Thanks, Angie, R'smum and Cat too - there will be more episodes! :-)))
8 Dec, 2009
Cat, you can go and work in Spritz's garden but your not moving in next door! I am. Lol
8 Dec, 2009
I wish, Ian! :-)))))
8 Dec, 2009
Lol :~))
8 Dec, 2009
Barbara I took a picture of the North Cascades yesterday..I sent it to GOY for is in my pictures...I have a good rain time I am over..I will come and see you! You would need a parka if you were here visiting is 26 degrees farenheight, no wind yet thankfully..or it would be around 10!
Ian.. :- P Was my idea first to help Barbara.. lol... and I am trying to get her to come and visit me.
Look at the picture please....Barbara... :)
8 Dec, 2009
Still awake! It's not warm enough to fall asleep!
Lovely pics, & cheating's allowed when the plants are so lovely!
10 Dec, 2009
Thanks, Marie! Did you see episode 2? That's for people who didn't doze off. LOL.
Cat - I did!!! :-D
10 Dec, 2009
Just saw it! Didn't doze off, I had an unexpected visitor! And its not really polite to sit typing & reading blogs when someone's talking to you! :~((
You did what? Doze off? Lol!!
10 Dec, 2009
NOOOOO......I looked at her beautiful mountain photo!!!!!
Come to think of it, I could do with a doze, Marie. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
10 Dec, 2009
LMAO, Spritz!!
11 Dec, 2009
Didn't, though. LOL.
11 Dec, 2009
I just woke up an hour ago! I was at work from 3pm yesterday til 10am today, & only had 2 hours' sleep tho! I'm off again in half an hour to take 2 su's to the panto!! Oh yes I am! :~)D~~~~~~
11 Dec, 2009
Oh, no you're not! LOL. (Had to say it, didn't I!) Have fun. :-)))))))
11 Dec, 2009
It wasnt really a panto! None of the booing or cheering, no audience participation or involvement at all!
12 Dec, 2009
What a shame! That's not the same at all, Marie. Oh no it isn't!
12 Dec, 2009
Oh no it wasnt!!
12 Dec, 2009
12 Dec, 2009
The guys loved it tho! One of them wants to see it again!!
12 Dec, 2009
Can't have been all bad, then!
13 Dec, 2009
For what it was, it was really well done! Funny, & the music was good!
I think the disappointment came because everyone was expecting a traditional panto!! The critics blasted it!!
13 Dec, 2009
Well, that's something - who cares what the critics say anyway?
14 Dec, 2009
True! As long as the audience like it!! :~))
15 Dec, 2009
LOL. That's the way to look at it, Marie! :-)
15 Dec, 2009
15 Dec, 2009
Great variety of winter colours in your garden, Spritz! Loved the plants you chose to show us! That first photo of the frost rimmed leaves looks really fantastic! All the plants on my balcony almost looked that way this morning & will probably look that way tomorrow as we are forecast -3ºC or -4ºC tonight I just hope my Fuchsias can cope with such low temps. The worst part of it is that it has come at the start of winter not like last year when it came near the end, in Feb. The plants were all fully dormant then but after our warm autumn this year they hadn't begun to hibernate.
I have done all I can to help my plants survive but I hadn't anticipated this terrible cold spell before Christmas.
19 Dec, 2009
No - you're right! I just hope that it doesn't mean a long, hard winter. It was the long period of very low temperatures that killed so many plants, wasn't it!
19 Dec, 2009
This year is especially hard on plants & animals as we had an unusually long, warm autumn so neither plants or animals are as prepared for it as other years. With the proper preparation they can pull through without too much trouble. I wonder if this isn't just another facet of climate warming. We have been warned by climate scientists to expect greater extremes of weather. Perhaps our long, fairly mild, wet winters are coming to an end but who knows what we will end up with?
20 Dec, 2009
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That was all rather awe inspiring! I planted up an area of my garden a few years ago so that the new leaves would all come through red - they did and they clashed! but yours look like they will be lovely together.
5 Dec, 2009