Genuine Regency French Garden furniture
And here she is folks, just flow in from the palace of Versailles France by private jet my new genuine Louis XV Regency period furniture piece just to adorn my private jardin situe devant la maison.
As you can see ther are influences of later Louis XVI furniture where there is an emphasis on straight lines and right angles, seriousness, logical design, a sharp move away from the curves of the Rococo.
And indeed towards the end of Louis XVI’s reign, just after he was guillotined, this wood perhaps comes from the bottom of that same guillotine (and a couple of old pre-revolutionary pallets they had lying around).
Behold the Palace of Versailles garden potting bench
(just before and after it was stained with £2.99 woodstain from wilkinsons)
Reassembled by skilled craftsman
Beautiful isnt she?
And so to paint it
Here she is finished and in situ
Eat your heart out Bampy ; )
The original location in the Palace of Versailles’ gardens
vive la france x
2 Aug, 2011
Previous post: Blog Red
Next post: General walk around (warning some xxx erotic content)
Magnifique! :o))))
2 Aug, 2011
C'est belle!!
Tres bien monsieur terrible!!
2 Aug, 2011
maybe thats to show which bit is genuine Louis XVI and which is modern Homebird??? I believe thats what they do architectually anyway!!?
2 Aug, 2011
Those terracotta pots are going to scratch terribly, Mr Terrible. I suggest little flat pads for their bottoms. One wouldn't wish one's veneer scratched after surviving all these years...
3 Aug, 2011
I love the introduction of creative asymmetry, with one diagonal support on one side, and three on the other! How avante garde for the time!
3 Aug, 2011
Lol (again!) C'est magnifique, couldn't find the elvish translation....maybe an Elvis one! to early in the morning for google searches.
...I do miss bampy though.
3 Aug, 2011
Vive la différence! Geoff Hamilton would be proud of you Stevie.
Now, as it's eleven o'clock, my favourite French saying . . "qu'ils mangent de la brioche" . . with a nice cup of tea, of course! ;-))
3 Aug, 2011
I'm so glad you explained all that. There was me thinking you had got your hands on a genuine piece of Chippendale - I know nothing.
3 Aug, 2011
muddy ~ what is the translation? ~ 'what they eat of the bread'???
i understand the brioche bit ~ i like that very much ~ its also really good made into a bread and butter pudding!!
3 Aug, 2011
Oh la la tres chic:) Going to show my OH later cos I want one I know a friend who has a lot of old pallets what a brilliant idea!
3 Aug, 2011
C'est superbe, et tres utile. I like it! :-))
3 Aug, 2011
Hi Sticki, the original French is 'Qu'ils mangent de la brioche', i.e. 'Let them eat brioche' (brioche is a form of cake made of flour, butter and eggs). It is widely attributed to Marie-Antoinette (1755-93), the Queen consort of Louis XVI. She is supposed to have said this when she was told that the French populace had no bread to eat.
But I'll take any excuse to eat cake. I LOVE CAKE . . . lol! ;-))
3 Aug, 2011
aha yes now i understand ~ thank you. I like brioche, it was the Qu'ils that i couldnt translate.
good enough reason for me ~ think i will put that up in my kitchen as a motto!!!!???
3 Aug, 2011
Oh Yes!!!!! I want one, now all I need is a chap in a beret to make it for me....
3 Aug, 2011
does it come with garlic attached?
3 Aug, 2011
Merci mon ami's,
Libet, not too worried about scratching it ; )
Tugbrethil, well that was more adding as I went to make sure it stayed level
Lulu, yes where is bampy? I though he went off on holiday...long holiday!
Muddy, I think the 'eat cake' comment was one of the things that contributed to the revolution non?
Nana, I might make another so i'll do photos as I go. I think with all the bits to hand you could have one up in less than 3 hrs. This took longer cus I had to get all the nails out of the wood.
Lincs, ST, I can do one wearing a beret and nail a garlic too it : )
3 Aug, 2011
Oui! Oui! Oui! merci monsier ~ avec un beret et du garlic?!
3 Aug, 2011
Mange Tout mange tout Rodney.........Chansee flippin leesay we have all been French ised:)
3 Aug, 2011
not entirely nana!!!
3 Aug, 2011
Bampy 'as gurn on 'is travells, as he put it!
Been busy taking photos of red things for you Stevie!! But won't put them up yet as am busy mosaicing and painting grout!
3 Aug, 2011
has he gone round the world lulu?
3 Aug, 2011
how about wearing a garlic necklace while you working on the other one? should keep jealous vampires off, lol...
But I think you forgot to mention the 'father' of geometry in a garden design - Andre le Notre, lol
3 Aug, 2011
I would imagin he's gone off in his Bampy Van!
4 Aug, 2011
ah yes those lesser know furniture vampires, they swoop down and suck the creativity of anyone creating a pallet masterpiece. Ah yes Andre I know him, works in the baggette shop. Lookin forward to how you have captured those reds Lulu. I think bamps is going to be very pallet jealous when he gest back.
God Moaning
4 Aug, 2011
Am thinking of using pallets to hang my art work on!?
Reds are coming on fine but not much time to upload at the mo....
4 Aug, 2011
Well Lulu I am afraid I cant make that for you, peoiple would be coming up to you asking 'how much is that artwrok hanger going for?', It would interfere with your sales. I finally think I have captured a decent red, see my latest pics
5 Aug, 2011
glad you conquered the camera reds stevie terrible, we shall have to give you a different name ~ Red the Terrible??
5 Aug, 2011
after I regained composure from cracking-up reading your descriptive & historical knowledge on furniture influences I began to see the pedigree in your master class piece !!
Clearly I'm going to have to 'raise-the-bar' with my next pallet installation ol sport LOL :-))
23 Aug, 2011
Oh welcome back .Bamby, we missed you.
23 Aug, 2011
We were waiting for your comment on this bampy! Looks like the challenge is on - I shall look forward to this!
23 Aug, 2011
ah hes back from his travels, refreshed and strong only to come and find that his DiY pallet crown has been stolen!!
Welcome back Bamps
23 Aug, 2011
ah saws drawn then stevie??
23 Aug, 2011
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You can see it's genuine Stevie, you'd better take good care of it!
2 Aug, 2011