2011 Review - The Year of the Pallet
In the latter half of the year of our Lord 2011, the Pallet featured heavily. Free wood, recycling and the spirit of adventure together with the motivation gained by mild destitution and poverty spurred our hero on to create the sheer magic of the cheapest potting bench know to man as well as other skillfully cobbled together creations.
The sheer joy of juxtapositional joints and angles, engineering in strength, grace and the whacking in of copious (and occasional unnecessary ; ) well aimed screws has given me a great deal of pleasure. In this review I share this pleasure with you in a veritable pallet dome of pleasure – enjoy.
It all begins over on the veg patch, a request for a few pallets gave rise to the compost bins
And then a very nice gate. Should the goats get over their fence this gate would be the final piece in final line of defense. Thus probably offering another 20mins of protection at least : )
Other bits n bobs were then joined to make a couple of raised beds, to experiment
And Asparagus, Fennel and Courgette enjoyed this immensely : )
Then, inspired by this success came the first prototype potting bench using influences of later Regency period Louis XVI potting bench from the Palace of Versailles’ gardens.
Potting bench Prototype-1, the first edition
Now highly collectable but rest assured will be left to the nation.
Location of the original which was broken up and used in the guillotine
Next came a cheap mock up for the polytunnel
Prototype-2 was a smaller simpler bench, seen here adorned with gardening bits
Prototype-3, commissioned for a friend, shows the synthesis of the methodology…bosh
(as seen in the ‘How to make a PB for a quid’ instructional blog)
Prototype-4 for my neighbour was a more rugged solid affair, so heavy in fact it is STILL in situ outside their window!!
Then toward the end of the season when the courgette/marrow wars had ended, the beds were moved to next years location, and with this I shall win the next courg wars, hahahah
Then, after the horses in the field had a wander, I offered to solve the gap with this ingenious creation
And next was the laundry/potting dual use bench which my mother had requested. Fed up with bending down to sort the laundry! So lets get some nice bits
A mock up with one screw, to then take down and take in the car for Xmas, going to be a merry Xmas : )
and her she is Prototype-5 in situ, happy Xmas mum x
Shes thrilled to bits…and demos the dual use facility : )
With delivery of some more broken ones, my neighbours set up a bonfire for new years eve. However it was a bit drizzly and when I went out nothing was happening so really looking forward to it tonight : )!!
OH, this morning however I discover they HAD had a bonfire!!!! : (
BUT not to worry, I have saved, stored, gotten given some more and squirreled away some best pallets for future creations…oh yes
Bring it on 2012!!!!
1 Jan, 2012
Previous post: The Search for Xmas
Next post: 2011 Review - Come Dine with Stevie, The Chutney Tasting and how it went down!
'PalletWood' the movie next S the T ? excellent blog & truly inspirational .
1 Jan, 2012
Great blog Stevie - looking forward to seeing your next pallet project.
1 Jan, 2012
Oh yes Stevie, definitely a fan of the pallet love the inspirational blog.
1 Jan, 2012
Great use of the pallets....
1 Jan, 2012
Very cool blog..love to recycle odds and ends..keep seeing pallets up the road from me..wonder if I could jsut take them? Been lying there for months!
1 Jan, 2012
What a player ! The world is being saved by pallets ; just brill .
1 Jan, 2012
Madman/Genius Genius/madman
1 Jan, 2012
Great blog Stevie, I`m still struggling to take one apart,lol.
1 Jan, 2012
Brilliant ... love the gate and the laundry/potting bench ... and your Mum looks a very happy lady! ... :o)
1 Jan, 2012
Love your blog Stevie, I found it very interesting, and you made a grand job of making them. Your Mum looks well happy with hers, Well done! Happy New year to you, Mum, and Family
1 Jan, 2012
Thanks folks : )
just got in 12 likes already great stuff ; )
Bampy -'PalletWood' the movie lest do it, we could do a big 'PalletWood' sign and rename the town!
Pixi -go for it, if they've been dumped you would be tidying up the neighbourhood : )
Driad - hehe 'Playa' as in Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder?
Pimper - I'll take Genius/madman, Madman/Genius sounds a bit more North Korean!
Lincs - yes thats the downer, these things are full of nasty nails, you need an axe blade and a hammer to make a gap then tease them apart with the back of a hammer and some welly (be careful)
Shirley/Lins -It made my mums Xmas : )
and a Happy New Year Goyers
1 Jan, 2012
Well done ! :o) I could do with one of those potting tables myself - if I had some pallets. I had lots given to me once and I made fences for the whole garden out of them :o)
1 Jan, 2012
Thank you Hywel, if I am going past your way i'll make you one : )
Bampy- I've seen it, I've seen it : )
1 Jan, 2012
Amazing Stevie. Do you have time to do any gardening after all that? Love the polytunnel!
1 Jan, 2012
Oh thank you :o)
1 Jan, 2012
Well they are on private land where houses have been built..kinda a waste bit..maybe I'll go up in the dark! lol
1 Jan, 2012
Fabulous Blog, Stevie - straight into "faves". Do you give lessons? We have hundreds of pallets just lying round the countryside here, calling out to be used in such artistic and useful ways. So far we have emplacements for firewood, compost containers and beehive bases, but your brilliant potting benches are something only to be dreamt of. I think you should have a spot on "Gardeners' World"
I'm drawing up some plans for OH (who doesn't know about it yet - well, I've TOLD him, but I don't think he was listening) to make lots of planters. I shall do my bit - I shall have the pliers, woodstain and teapot at the ready, and LOTS of helpful advice.
See what you've started?
p.s. what's a perfectly good preserving pan doing on a potting bench?
2 Jan, 2012
Thank you Gattina,
Hope your planter go well, ah you spotted the pan, I did use it for my relish but found it to big to boil on my hob!
Its in the polytunnel collecting water : )
2 Jan, 2012
I despair of you, Stevie....
2 Jan, 2012
Form follows function!?
2 Jan, 2012
You could make seats? like benches! and dog/cat houses lol
2 Jan, 2012
I just noticed prototype 4 is so desirable the greatful owner has barbwired it to prevent it being stolen in the night.
2 Jan, 2012
I noticed that to Pp... these creations are obviously fetching a lot of money no wonder mum was so pleased to have one they are truly collectable items , you will have to start putting your own stamp on them Stevie like the 'Mouse man ' a great blog !
2 Jan, 2012
Watch out on E-bay !
2 Jan, 2012
Stevie, your pallets and your fame are spreading, Scotland, canada, Italy, where next?
You could start the next ikea - iterrible or ipallet? Will nothing stop you?
Not surprised your mum was delighted!
Great blog! Wonder if you could build a pallet Christmas tree for next year?
2 Jan, 2012
Stevie you are obviously a very resourseful guy. Very impressed with your potting benches. You are full of enthusiasm and inspiring ideas! Now maybe you should spread a bit onto your weeding skills??? hehehe... Im guessing you are not concerned with the asthetics??? .....
6 Jan, 2012
I assume you are referring to the veg patch PL? Weeds are engrained there I am afraid, it used to have pigs and so nettles are endemic and impossible to clear. I hope to get a mower to keep stuff down around the veg but this year yes just kept the weeds off the veg
6 Jan, 2012
how about nettle chutney? perhaps it goes well with pork??
8 Jan, 2012
Sounds like a good idea, perhaps after some nettle soup : )
8 Jan, 2012
and then nettle cheese cake to follow??
or is it yarg that is wrapped in nettles?
8 Jan, 2012
Love, love, love the potting bench and enjoyed the blog yet again so entertaining :) lots of clever ways with pallets !
I would love to have a potting bench like that...I went to the local tip and got a table for £2 which I just put outside to pot on.
20 Mar, 2012
Thanks Carol, last year is going to be a hard year to beat, palletwise : )
20 Mar, 2012
I have no doubt Stevie that you are up to the challenge!!!
21 Mar, 2012
Brilliant, I laughed out loud and then was asked what I was laughing at, it was your Mums face looking so please with her new gift, I looked the same when my husband made me compost bins out of pallets, I have a small pile waiting for their new lease of life too. Such a waste when they get disgarded. Well done I love it when they are made 'good' use of and you have some brilliant ideas.
20 Oct, 2012
Thanks Canna : )
made a bench the other day
21 Oct, 2012
potting bench or park bench?
21 Oct, 2012
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Nice to see you brought some joy to your mum.
Nice to see your neighbours put to good use your 'creations'.
Nice to see you survived NY Eve.
Love your Poly apartment, I really do, but possibly Ling Ling could do a bit of tidying up before your next photo shoot?? Just saying....
1 Jan, 2012