Down on the Veg patch n front
Just to record whats happening early season
So here we are at the end of May, just before the flag Irises emerge
Time for some gardening, hey whos got me gloves..GNUts!! meow
But a bit of panic, 2 chicks found struggling on the floor. put one on the widowsil, get the wheelbarrow
This chap looks a bit deshevled
ah that might be mum
ok where to put them
well one managed to fly off after a rest, put the other one here away from cats
ah sun comes out over my neighbors cottage garden
and here’s the poppy’s getting going
buttercup pond
buttercup field
spotted the first flag iris last week
hey Stevie where am I supposed to go now you’ve cleared all the weeds out of the polytunnel?
well I spend the best part of an afternoon arranging me pots to get my perennial border going. And after all that…er not quite right
This is the new strategy of putting 3 or 4 things in one bigger pot rather than repotting forever
ah there we go, now starting to look better (more to add tomorrow ; )
and yes, been busy, this is the new improved cool put aside area, now with loads of space to get stuff going,and or put it aside
Heres the small polytunnel now being used as spares for stuff in the big mega tunnel
The sun bench getting good use
and here’s how things are devolving in the big tunnel
have now dug the rest of it
ah some chicks on the pond
there they are
Ggggrr (get off me leg)
all looking overgrown
looking the other way, the new wideflower/plant section underway
The spare plant bench still going well
and nice to see the sun last week
Poppys out in full
as they overtake the aqualegias
should be a good year for grapes of my older vine
first passion flowers of the year : ) plenty more to come
Just a lovely bit of sun
and here we are this week, the flags are out
plenty more of them to come
see you next time
take care
16 Jun, 2013
Previous post: Meet Sidney n Stan
Next post: All the ducks are swimming in the......
What a huge plot Stevie, and how marvellous to have the water and marshy part. But I was wondering, what do you do in your spare time? Its all very impressive, especially the passion flowers and the poppies.
16 Jun, 2013
That is a huge area to look after but you must love the variety you have there.
Buttercups have had a wonderful year haven't they?
I wonder which job you will be tackling tomorrow?
well done you!!!
16 Jun, 2013
What a great blog. It has everything. I feel quite exhausted just looking at it. You have a lot of land to look after. I envy your river and ducks or are they geese?
16 Jun, 2013
I loved the buttercup field and pond too;makes me feel nostalgic for my childhood and carefree Summers when the sun seemed always to be shining. I find your somewhat relaxed style of gardening very comfortable. Hope those little chicks make it through, and nice to see GNuts again.
17 Jun, 2013
Marvellous Stevie. Many Goyers will envy you such a large garden, and natural water too !
I liked the use of pallets to make the bench.
18 Jun, 2013
Love the buttercup fields and pond, are they in your garden....
18 Jun, 2013
Thanks folks, its not all mine, I just have use of a bit for a veg patch (and two small polytunnels ; )
GNuts says hi to all
18 Jun, 2013
All looking lovely Stevie, I am jealous over your passion flower as mine are very very slow this year! Keep up the good work, love the 'put aside area'!!
19 Jun, 2013
Well GM it helps to have it in a poly tunnel ; )
20 Jun, 2013
I know Stevie......but just don't have the room!!
27 Jun, 2013
Recent posts by stevietheterrible
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- Produce Production Line into September
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I enjoyed your blog...esp liked the buttercup pond & field. Bless you for taking care of the birds, aww. Just to let you know though that it's dad looking over the edge not mum :)
16 Jun, 2013