The Front - end of May
Just to record the state of play at the end of May
First a poppy just about to come out
n out
The first Passions of 2014 out on may 27th
and on the same day in the big poly
Did a few foxgloves this year
The sambucus I bought last year from morries for £2
In the back an annual from last year, might try n overwinter this see if i can get it to next year
Lots of stuff creeping through
need to sort this bit around the small trellis
am liking how these poppy buds shadow on the stones
GNuts is coming over for milk daily now
Top of the smaller trellis
Acer always good
arch is bulkin up good
bulk of greenery
Doing a good job of screening the window and keeps the back cool saving water
more poppys today
and a couple of lotus to finish
will update the veg patch next
2 Jun, 2014
Previous post: State of play in May + bonus Anguis fragilis
Next post: Veg patch gettin goin
Beautiful, love the pots so much. I remember looking at your garden last year and thinking I could do that with my back door pathway, I am sorry to say I COPIED but you can have the marks for inspiring me to plant them up. Lovely pictures.
2 Jun, 2014
Are the Lotus in a tub? I would love a pond but our garden is on a hill and is quite wet so my husband is worried it might flood the house. :0/
2 Jun, 2014
Love all the pictures, Looking great garden , Stevie !
3 Jun, 2014
Lots of interest there as usual. And where is the chicken?
3 Jun, 2014
Cheers folks
Oo, dont apologise am honored to have inspired
L235, yes a large tub inside a pot, quite small but effective ,I did it on this blog
Not sure where the chickens are, they'll be doing a circuit at some stage : )
3 Jun, 2014
Love the poppies and the lotus especially, but it's all looking good. Always nice to see Gnuts.
3 Jun, 2014
Hi Steve like your blog , looking good :0)
5 Jun, 2014
Thanks you two
6 Jun, 2014
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It's all looking really good.
2 Jun, 2014