Veg patch gettin goin
the Raised bed has finally come together (cue trumpets)
and is starting to look good,
Still things to do before getting more stuff in the ground
Some of the smaller plants from the Scilly isles, Doing this window box for someone, needs a couple more flowers
and the raised bed is up n running
beans have already been nibbled! lol
I have added a longer leg on the end, might add a bit more to the middle leg.
from the far corner, more soil needed
moving stuff now into the cool zone
blocked off this side so now the chucks cant enter
And in the big poly, toms are on their way, bit behind but they’ll be up soon enough
This side is Gardeners Delight
on the other side some self sewn toms and cherry toms, and cucumbers now in, will add peppers later
bits n bobs corner, kiwi, fig, pomegranate, also have a ginger honeysuckle to go in
Letting the grape vines get some decent branches on, not to worried about grapes this year from these
more passion flowers coming on
constance elliot
and just potted up reserve veg
Toms are looking nice n green
new raised bed gate with a bit of fence
Over on the pond, flag irises now out
The spare plant bench is going well
Scenes of interest on the front..poppies
and look whos come for some milk
Watering can ; )
like the light on the poppies
and with light behind
sedum bloom in the foreground
Actually just seen another bud so thats one extra flower per year
The Venosa Violacea is just coming out, was out a bit earlier last year
Think this is Rouge Cardinal
seem to have alot of reds n pinks
Nice front door scene
dont forget the irises
oh bit of a a stand off
My neigbours poppys
more next time : )
6 Jun, 2014
Previous post: The Front - end of May
Next post: The front during June
I have to spray my raised bed woodwork with Jeyes Fluid Stevie,
neighbours cat used them as a toilet. Scratched all
my carrot seed up.
Most annoying.
6 Jun, 2014
That's a very handsome cockerel.
Am moved to wonder yet again, what do you do in all your spare time Steve?
6 Jun, 2014
Front door scene is really nice, as well, as neighbour´s pink poppies. Whar are those small pinky flowers creating a smal cloud just beside your yellow poppy?
6 Jun, 2014
I like your pond Stevie. How deep is it?
6 Jun, 2014
That is quite a production Steve. I like the window box but everything looks good.
7 Jun, 2014
Thanks folks
Db, Gnuts was lurking in there and tried to sit on the bed lol
Sg, just try n do a bit every day, : ) but my plan was to have the raised bed finished by march but i guess planting out now is ok, The cockrel has been know to attack, best not turn yer back
Kat, I think you are reffering to the saxifrage (southside seedling) gives alot of small flowers on one stem, and this one has a few stems : )
Linda, not ine but its only a couple of feet deep and in a hot summer drys up completely, not a chance so far
7 Jun, 2014
You are one busy boy, Stevie! The hard work is paying off, for sure.
7 Jun, 2014
Bit late arriving Stevie but thats often the case this time of the year, everythings doing well for you, is the cockerel a new guard for you, I was wondering which one would win if they did have a bit of a tussle ??
28 Jun, 2014
Recent posts by stevietheterrible
- GNuts/Gina
17 Feb, 2015
- Last blog of the year n into Winter
11 Jan, 2015
- Front at the end of the season
2 Oct, 2014
- Usk Show - Horticulural section - Prize winner?
14 Sep, 2014
- Produce Production Line into September
9 Sep, 2014
- End of August days
31 Aug, 2014
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Looking good Stevie.....
6 Jun, 2014