Veg patch June end n Raised bed Alcatraz
Just to record progress. Just in a week the toms have come up n and have now seen the first fruits and the raised beds are doing well.
So just a week ago had finished the wire fence, had made some nifty doors and had planted most of the veg up.
Theres she is lookin good
After the first wave of nibbling this is the net enclosed frame n nets, with metal grate hinged roofs
Back up toms in the smallpoly
The grapes were coming on
In the big poly the toms were just about ready to be supported
On the other side I am letting the newer grape vines grow a bit n will decide what form they should take at the end of the season
My neighbours wildflower patch
a few Common Blue Damselflys on the go
and just a week later
the toms are up
still using a bit of space to bring stuff on, but that will go soon and in will go the peppers
using canes n nylon string
grapes coming on in the small poly
a tray of cosmos to sell and am hoping the toms will give a second wave in the small poly
nice grapes but will shorten the laterals next year and use the verticals coming off them
and again a week on the raised beds are well on their way with no damage at all
lookin nice
just seeing if I can get a few outdoor toms as well
The net is working well
Got a few things in
2 types of beans , climbing n dwarf
mange tout
some spare potatoes
spare toms
celery (for juicing)
swiss chard (colurful for salads)
courgette, green n yellows
gourds (for soups)
celeriac (in the spaces) for mash
my old blueberry under the net
a few fennel (to pick young)
Kale 3 types, tall, curly n dark Russian, (mostly for juicing)
Cabbage x2, green n reds (got given thanks)
spinach (for salads n juicing)
Koh Rabi
Pak choi
and also have about 50 beetroot to go in later.
So could this be the year I get a decent mixed veg harvest?
have kept a few kale back and might stick some sprouts in after for xmas
28 Jun, 2014
Previous post: The front during June
Next post: The front during July
Goosey was doing fine but seemed a bit down yesterday and didnt want to attack me
29 Jun, 2014
Self sufficient Stevie, you should sell some stuff to your local grocers or on the other hand just eat it! Brilliant.
29 Jun, 2014
I can imagine, that goosey was weary from so many raised beds in the countryside, lol.
29 Jun, 2014
I was quite modestly proud last year as I ate nearly everything i grew. Sold a few punnets of toms to those that asked and also gave some away. I made batches of tom soup and a bit of veg soup and filled the freezer with one bowl slabs, still got a couple of bowls left as the new toms just about to come in, tom soup all year. And its absolutely luvly. Also the nutritional value of the toms is not lost with heating.
This year I intend to eat n process more and to keep the veg going into winter as much as poss
30 Jun, 2014
Ach, Steve, you will be so healthy.
30 Jun, 2014
you will not need a meds and a doctor anymore Stevie,good for you, want also to have a veggies garden, unfortunately not for now, we always have a typhoon here..
6 Jul, 2014
Sorry to hear that Junna, hope you get a veg patch one day.
Yes with the juicing already upped my health alot. Will also be doing the tomatoes soups as well and this year will try some fermentaion n pickles, good for Vit Bs and Niacin
6 Jul, 2014
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You must work on it for the whole day, Steve. How about goose? Is she OK?
29 Jun, 2014