And finally...........
By stickitoffee
The [delayed] minutes of the inaugural meeting of the GoYers Tank Top society ~ better late than never!!! [sorry for the delay]
The meeting opened with an excellent, healthy and VERY tasty lunch; prepared by Lulu ~ and may I say a very heartfelt thank you ~ that chilli garlic bread is THE best ever!
At this point one member of the trio was still on the way so an exploration of the local wild life was then undertaken:
Lulu tried to introduce another member but since he wasnt able to click like on any blog he was refused entry!
Likewise for Sluggy who preferred to play anyway!
And this little one ~ so cute!! A toy for Sluggy??
And so onto the next section of the agenda: the inspection of the garden: [very difficult to judge properly without our third member but he did have a very long journey to make]
Ms Lulu was heartily congratulated on the amazingly beautiful border she has created and maintained single handed ~ apart from 4 four-footed helpers [including Millie]
The two members present agreed that this was indeed a most pleasing display:
And this will be used as an example of how to put colours together for next year’s garden in bloom competition:
We were informed that this particular section was a competition entry, signed permission was sought for this photo due to its importance in the Clem Wars circa 2012
Normally at this point a meeting would be cancelled without all the members being present but since it was such a beautiful venue and of course the discussions were very much valued, the meeting continued
Next item is Stevie’s birthday ~ if we could have a proposal for three cheers? The third member is now present so we may continue…..
So now we come to the most important part of the agenda………….. oh sorry I seem to have mislaid my notes, come to think of it I dont remember taking any more!! So here are some more pictures:
I love this view Lulu, with the wheelbarrow at the ready:
Well I tried to get a photo of the cuckoo or was it a woodpecker??? but since I wasnt allowed to move [or the bird flew away] I could only get this picture:
Meeting abandoned at this point!! Love this sky Lulu!
Where is Stevie??? is he hiding behind these little jewels?
or maybe sheltering from the rain somewhere warm and cosy?
Oh here they are ~ tipsy??? or is that my camera playing tricks?
It was such fun, thank you both! Definitely the best way to relax before my holiday!!!
Just a parting shot across the Gloucestershire countryside:
And finally another thank you from me, you are both such very very good company, it was another golden day!!
Stevie, a big thank you for the really lovely clem, its doing well ~ sorry it was the one you wanted to keep.
And Lulu, thank you again for being a wonderful hostess
20 Jun, 2012
Previous post: Island of my Dreams, Harris
Next post: Come Rain Come Shine ~ with a glimpse of blue sky!
i used to be able to run fast but not any more and i definitely wouldnt be able to run faster than stevie!!
20 Jun, 2012
Such fun, such a lovely blog......meeting was a success then!
20 Jun, 2012
oh definitely pam!!
20 Jun, 2012
What a super Blog, wish I'd been there you all sound to have had a wonderful time. Great pictures!
20 Jun, 2012
the best time Waddy ~ thank you!!! if you lived nearer...
20 Jun, 2012
sorry i should have put this in earlier
you need to see this from 2 other points of view:
20 Jun, 2012
An excellent blog as always St
I can walk fast but not run :)
20 Jun, 2012
I may have forgotten to say yes how fabbo the garlic bread was as i finished it off.
It was a woodpecker wasn't it ; )
20 Jun, 2012
not even sure i can walk fast any more scotkat!!
oh so thats where the garlic bread went!!! :-)
it was a woodpecker but you put cuckoo in your blog!!!
20 Jun, 2012
You three have become such good friends. That's wonderful.
20 Jun, 2012
thank you GoY I say Hywel ~ lovely to make good friends isnt it.
20 Jun, 2012
Lier ; ) no I didn't, go take a look ; )
20 Jun, 2012
STEVIE, im sure it said cuckoo before ~ thats why i remembered it, but NOW you are right it says woodpecker!!
is my memory even worse than i already thought it was? or did something else happen???
thanks snoopdog!
20 Jun, 2012
heheh oh ok your right, it was cuckoo but you know I meant woodpecker anyway!! lol
20 Jun, 2012
you make me giggle stevie!!!! next you will be doing a blog, we read it and then you test us on how much we remember!!! ???
actually i liked the cuckoo version best ~ yes i did know what you meant but i thought it was deliberate!!!
20 Jun, 2012
should have just wedged in a pic of a cuckoo, maybe chuck an emu in as well for good measure
20 Jun, 2012
oh do that!!! brilliant and there ought to be a roof shot too!!
20 Jun, 2012
or me ON the roof ; )
20 Jun, 2012
Oh, for a walled-in garden ! Lovely blog. Thanks to all.
20 Jun, 2012
i half wondered if you were on the roof for that shot of the clems and then it must have been a near thing when you put fred's box up!!! so the next challenge is..........
how to take pictures with or without the help of elf and safety??!!!
Lulu's garden is a delight diane you are right, wish i had a walled garden too
thank you!
20 Jun, 2012
It is absolutely smashing to see you all become such great friends after meeting....what ....twice now? Wonderful and makes me happy!
20 Jun, 2012
Sticki, you are really good with the camera. Honestly, I'd drive down from Yorkshire (and go home the same day) for a lunch like that. looks great fun. Jxxxxxxxxxxx
20 Jun, 2012
oh thank you Karen what a lovely thing to say! it makes me VERY happy!
Jane ~ put the petrol in the car and be ready for the next meeting!!!! that lunch is very definitely worth it!!! and the company is really very good too!!! and then there is the garden!!!
20 Jun, 2012
Wonderful pics Sticki - loving the goldfinch !!! and the shiny beetle :D the cute little dog and lovely garden borders and of course the heron - we love our little heron
20 Jun, 2012
:o) :o) :o)
20 Jun, 2012
thanks paul, lulu has a better photo of the goldfinch ~ it was a while back if i remember!
✰❀☺✿✰ hope that has worked jane ~ it should be a star, flower, smiley, flower and star!!!
20 Jun, 2012
Another great blog, Sticki. You really do get some superb shots. I like the way you opened with the food - good starter and it does look delicious. I, too, would like a walled garden and I want that little dog - too cute for words!! Agree with everyone else; it all looks like so much fun.
20 Jun, 2012
its easy to get lovely shots when its such a lovely place ~ but thanks tuesday! it was extremely delicious!!! and yes a lot of fun!
20 Jun, 2012
Your computer skills are awesome Sticki. I will be playing for hours, to find those buttons. Cute aren't they? Jx
20 Jun, 2012
i think stevie put one on one day then someone else told me where to find them ~ search for 'character map' ~ all the symbols come up ~ its fun!!
20 Jun, 2012
What a fab blog ST! brillint photos! and the food looks three certainly have a good time together..its lovely..shame i am so far away :(
20 Jun, 2012
It is a shame pixi, Scotland and you should be nearer!
20 Jun, 2012
yes! :)
20 Jun, 2012
I'm always delighted with your blog Sticki very wonderful place and fabulous friendship , I love all the happenings very happy:-))))))))
21 Jun, 2012
Lovely blog of a lovely day!
21 Jun, 2012
It was, another lovely forgot to mention your hand in the lunch Sticki...the best 27 spring onion tart EVER! It didn't last long (as well as Sluggy having a hand in nicking the pastry!)
The woodpecker put in a superb appearance after everyone left but still too shy to have it's photo taken!
The little pup is called Trigger and my aunt is waiting for 'an accident' with Sluggy and him, then she wants a puppy which she would call a 'Sligger!' Actually Sluggy was quite well behaved and was nice, this time around, to Stevie!
Yes, Karen, we were keeping the clem war's a secret from you, as you have about 687 of them!!!!
21 Jun, 2012
Enjoyed your blog and its great to have made such good friends, as i have too.
21 Jun, 2012
thanks junna, making fabulous friendships is great isnt it!
thanks Nariz!! lovely day indeed
oh hello lulu, i wondered where you were!!! glad you are back now.
thank you Rose, when is it you go to see Libet?
21 Jun, 2012
Your enjoyment of the day has come thru brilliantly Sticki, what a wonderful natural garden Lulu has.
21 Jun, 2012
beautiful isnt it stroller, i think it would make a lovely picture on the wall or a jigsaw???
it was a lovely day.
21 Jun, 2012
hold up 23 likes!!!!
; )
21 Jun, 2012
probably cos its raining and theres nothing else to do!!!
21 Jun, 2012
In August Stickie, and I hope it doesn't rain there as I've seen enough of it lately! It will be great seeing her, so it doesn't really matter about the weather.
21 Jun, 2012
i dont know exactly where libet lives but i think ireland has had its fair share of rain so far, perhaps its all used up now!!
21 Jun, 2012
She's in the north , Stickie, near Belfast and yes , they are still having rain and cold weather too. An odd day here and there good, a bit like us really.
21 Jun, 2012
Lovely entertaining blog Sticki...and I'm not in the least:-( Pouring down here again and windy...could do with a tank top....:-))
22 Jun, 2012
Really enjoyed your blog Sticki looks like you had a wonderful time:)
22 Jun, 2012
im sure when you two get together rose the sun will shine!!
its still windy here Ba but the rain has stopped [for the moment]. i thought BA Fashions made tank tops???
we did, thanks nana!
22 Jun, 2012
so glad you 3 have become such good friends and your getting together and enjoying the garden and food, happy birthday stevie though im late, garden and horses, and doggies look fab, nice blog sticki ;o))
24 Jun, 2012
thanks sanbaz, im very glad too!!!
24 Jun, 2012
Thank you Sanbaz : )
24 Jun, 2012
Sticki, we make nice warm tankinis, not tank tops:-)
24 Jun, 2012
Welcome back Sticki. Glad you had a good day with Goy friends. Cant pretend to fully understand all your comments. I think you three speak in your own code! (I only see a goldfinch!) but nice to see how well you all get along and have fun. Nice to see Lulus garden too. It seems to have matured alot since last year.
24 Jun, 2012
Oh sorry BA, oh well something for you to develop?
Thanks poppylover, sorry I probably get carried away and forget I haven't explained everything. We had a lot of fun, you are right there is only a gold finch there but a woodpecker did tantalisingly fly very briefly into the tree above, we all tried to get photos of it but only stevie succeeded then he called it a cuckoo (originally!!) in his blog.
24 Jun, 2012
LoL, Woodpecker putting in fine appearances just now!
You are so right PL, the garden has come on, much bigger than last year. Even your nicotiana are growing...slowly! Just potted up a few.
And your Morning Glory Sticki, is beginning to twirl up it's frame :)
25 Jun, 2012
oh im pleased lulu, mine got eaten by slugs while i was away!!
lovely to see woodpecker !!
25 Jun, 2012
Slugs also got the poppy 'patty's plum' I had grown for a friend! Not mine, only hers which I planted last week!!
25 Jun, 2012
Sluggy ate the poppy??? did it make her sleepy?
25 Jun, 2012
I wish! No a real, slimy slug!
25 Jun, 2012
yukky!! they are nasty!
25 Jun, 2012
Recent posts by stickitoffee
- Isles of Wonder
27 May, 2013
- Where the cuckoo can be heard.....all Herefordshire
7 May, 2013
- Celebration of Spring
20 Feb, 2013
- If you really have nothing better to do.............with added incentive!
20 Jan, 2013
- Waxwings in Worcestershire
6 Dec, 2012
- If you go down to the woods today..................
23 Oct, 2012
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I would have won the scrap for that clematis if I'd only been should see my biceps! :D And I can run fast! lol ;)
20 Jun, 2012