Upsetting times, our ENOCH`s missing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
By stroller
Back in April I did a blog about Enoch – he`s the guy sitting on the bench – hubby made him for a bit of fun for our greatgranddaughter as she wanted a friend for haha. Although she took haha home Enoch was left behind and we had many comments from children, teenagers and parents as they were passing by.
So imagine our dismay when we looked through the window one morning to find him gone. There was a large notice in his place.
Over the next couple of weeks we were amazed by the number of people who asked why he had been moved. One mother said her little girl had cried and wanted him to be there when she went to school she missed waving to him. Bless!!.
Then the postman came with news in the form of the following postcard.
Well at least he was safe and well.
Then rejoice, rejoice, there he was back in his own front garden but he had another little friend beside him and a postcard and throw away camera.
We couldn`t wait to get the photos printed so off we went – cost £5.99 a pretty cheap ransom I`d say?.
He was obviously enjoying himself dont you think.
We don`t recognise any of the lads in the last photo, we have shown them round but nobody knows who they are – the culprets most likely got others to pose with him.
Anyway its given us a good laugh and a talking point in fact he`s become quite famous and the school children are all happy to see him back.
So alls well that ends well, wonder if I sat out there someone would take me on holiday? :o)).
31 Aug, 2011
Previous post: Time out, oh what BLISS!!!........
Next post: You`ve got a CHOISYA !!!!!!!!!
That's wonderful to know Enoch enjoyed his adventures and is now safely back home :o)
31 Aug, 2011
What a great story. It looks as tho' Enoch had a great time with the lads!!!!! :o)))))
31 Aug, 2011
well Stroller you have given me and my husband a good laugh, so glad Enoch is back home and that he has had a good holiday, he looks to have been well looked after,you say you don't recognise the lads in the photo, but you do have a registration number on the blue car, might be well to investigate it, how good of the culprits to leave you the camera, hope your grandaughter is pleased to have him back, as well as the neighbours and local children,
31 Aug, 2011
Its nice to know there are some nice lads out there in this not so nice world now.I.m so pleased they brought him back.
31 Aug, 2011
Excellent blog - I'm pleased you got your Enoch back:o)
31 Aug, 2011
oh that is a great blog stroller, ive been waiting for this one!!! it didnt disappoint!!!
glad you are back on GoY!!
do you think if i came to sit next to enoch those nice young lads would take me on holiday??
hope enoch didnt get breathalised!!??
31 Aug, 2011
Brilliant blog, laughed my stocking tops off ! !! lol
31 Aug, 2011
nice comment val!
have you ever been to the festival at belbroughton stroller??
31 Aug, 2011
Couldn't stop smiling when I read through this blog, Stroller! ... So, Enoch has been to the seaside, had some wine and beer and now has a girlfriend ... sounds like the perfect holiday for him ... lol! ... I bet the little girl who cried at his departure is beaming now ... :o)))
31 Aug, 2011
Hope he was given a serious talking to about his alcohol intake. What an example to set to the children and told never ever to get into a car with strangers. Naughty naughty Enoch. Still alls well that ends well.
I should put the photo on face book, name and shame them, taking a poor drunken scarecrow away from the loving arms of his kith and kin. Whatever were they thinking. Oh no, he's not on any medication, is he?
Don't know how I shall sleep tonight, the worry. Glad to know he's back safe and sound. LOL
31 Aug, 2011
A Lovely,lovely story,Stroller..I couldn't wait to get to the end..and so glad he came home,safe and sound..brilliant..:o)
31 Aug, 2011
31 Aug, 2011
That is so funny, I`m so pleased he`s back home and that he brought a gift with him, its good to see the shots of him enjoying himself, all nice places to visit as well, I`d sit on the bench with him next year Stroller, you never know there might be a free holiday to gain....
31 Aug, 2011
Lovely blog and made me laugh too at leas he had a lovely holiday:)
31 Aug, 2011
So glad you all enjoyed the story, I`ve been feeling sooooooo frustrated as my computor has been down and I was itching to share it with all of you.
I can now get down to catching up with your blogs so not a lot of housework is going to get
31 Aug, 2011
Fab story! made me laugh! I seem to recall reading a similar story re some ones garden gnome that was taken on holiday and was returned complete with photos.Thankyou for a great blog! x
31 Aug, 2011
Brilliant blog! :))))))))
31 Aug, 2011
Lol!! Fab.
1 Sep, 2011
Loved the story about Enoch :))
1 Sep, 2011
Great blog, I love the harmless fun of it.
1 Sep, 2011
Thanks Drc as you say it was such harmless fun, and provoked such lovely interaction with passersby old and young.
1 Sep, 2011
you will have to visit belbroughton stroller ~ and take enoch ~ he will find lots of cousins there!!!
1 Sep, 2011
What a laugh!! That's the best blog I've seen for ages! Thank goodness he didn't get sunstroke or an upset tum! Brilliant gag whoever did it, a bit cheeky of course, but so funny! :)) Glad to see him back on the bench! I wonder if someone else will do the same could become a local gag! Imagine leaving the camera too...brilliant!
1 Sep, 2011
How funny- thanks for sharing.
4 Sep, 2011
It might now set a precedent where others will take him on holiday and send back photos ; )
5 Sep, 2011
He may get a Xmas gift too.
5 Sep, 2011
Brill blog it really made me laugh
6 Sep, 2011
Welcome home Enoch :o) What a relief lol
6 Sep, 2011
I can only say folks that Enoch poor soul is absolutely soaking wet with all the rain we have had so dont think anyone will be interested in picking him up at the moment.
Am I being dense Sticki - why would Enoch find cousins in Belbroughton?.
6 Sep, 2011
because belbroughton have a festival ~ coming up soon i think ~ hold on i shall google
ah, yes ~ here they are
i rather think Enoch is better made though!!
The whole village is taken over with them ~ 24/25th September
6 Sep, 2011
How did I miss this...fantastic! What a lovely sense of humour someone has. Do you think the registration number was shown purposely? :-))
6 Sep, 2011
I hope he's indoors if the weather is like it is here - terrible storm.
6 Sep, 2011
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What a great blog Stroller. So Enoch had a fabulous holiday then. Ah well.....Alls well that ends well ....
31 Aug, 2011