By terratoonie
Mother Nature’s sweet surprises …
In my beloved garden,
the plants and bulbs will grow.
The gnomes will say, ‘beg pardon’.
My heucheras will glow
The blossoms up above me,
will fill the air with scent
My lawns will look so dreamy,
mown by a charming gent
And snowdrops will be daring.
They’ll cheer, despite the gloom
While Truffle, kind and sharing,
tends pansies, keen to bloom
Small friends will queue so neatly,
while waiting for the loo
The birds will chirrup sweetly,
and collared doves will coo.
The neighbours will be caring.
Bright quince will climb my fences.
No noises will be blaring.
Pink skies will shock my senses.
A robin friend will visit,
while, yonder, children play
Aubrieta, so exquisite,
will gladden every day
As peace reigns all around us,
o’er plants and shrubs and trees
The sounds which will astound us,
are whispers of the breeze
Though plants wear white disguises
while snow is on the ground
Soon nature’s sweet surprises
will stun us, all around.
9 Feb, 2012
Previous post: ♪♫♬ LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW ♪♫♬
Next post: TV .. BIRDS BRITANNIA + Young Gardener + Great British Countryside
Another fab blog terratoonie. Your garden is really lovely. After looking at your photos i can't wait for spring to come now.
9 Feb, 2012
another wonderful colourful blog terra,
9 Feb, 2012
Brill Tt..great blog..lets hope the neighbours WILL be caring...:o))
9 Feb, 2012
Lovely blog and pics Terra..just what I needed on a very wet,foggy day.! I hope your NFH will behave themselves too..probably so jealous of your lovely garden..It won't be too long before it's all looking beautiful again..:o)
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks everyone
Sev ...
GoY member Mark61 kindly made the gnome loo and mailed it to me :o)
Pop ... Spring is just around the corner.
Yorks .. so pleased you enjoyed this. :o)
Joanella and Bloomer ...
Fingers crossed !
Glad you like this blog.
9 Feb, 2012
Wonderful blog TT - as always!
9 Feb, 2012
As always, another incredible blog TT! Wish I were your neighbour!
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks Meadowland....
Very kind comments :o)
Thank you Sheilar ..
9 Feb, 2012
Lil. Thanks.
You would be a great neighbour. :o) x
9 Feb, 2012
Amazing sunny and bright pictures, TT! All we need now here...:)) Brrrrr...
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Uma. :o)))
Thank you !
Lots of flowers, that's what we need ! Brrrr ...
9 Feb, 2012
I absolutely would TT but only when the neighbour is as well, which you obviously are with the incredible garden you have!
9 Feb, 2012
Great blog Terra, couldn't see my dogs waiting in a que like that, I think they would water the gnomes!
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Willinilli ...
That's my blog from last August .. where you'll see that Truffle couldn't wait ! Lol.
9 Feb, 2012
That's lovely and invigorating on this exceedingly dull day , Terra . What a lovely garden , and the doggies are so pleasing ! Thank you .
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks, Driad...
very kind comments ...
Mother Nature is clever to produce so much colour :o)
9 Feb, 2012
great blog Terra, love seeing pics of the boys helping, agree with the neighbours bit to, will drink to that one :o))) x lovely colourfull garden to look forward to x
9 Feb, 2012
Its a lovely blog Terra full of hope for the spring.....
Was the terrier on the lawn your Bonsai?
9 Feb, 2012
Great colours in this blog, TT! Your garden always looks so bright & beautiful.
9 Feb, 2012
Thank you Sandra.
You always write such lovely comments XXX
Hi Pam..
Yes, that's Bonsai my Welsh Terrier.
Still much missed after over 3 years.
This is the first time I've felt able to include one of his photos since he died... Wonderful dog... but he follows me around on GoY with his toy wheelbarrow... every place I visit :o)))
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks Balcony..
My garden has snow cover now, same as your allotments ... ;o)
9 Feb, 2012
only when deserved Terra :o)) x
9 Feb, 2012
:o))) x
9 Feb, 2012
That's a cracking blog Terra...cheered me right up! :))) THank you. Who is the terrier with the aubretia?..oh, sorry, just saw the answer! :)
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Karen.. Thanks ...
You can ask after Bonsai my old Welsh Terrier as often as you wish... he was my special boy... :o))) xxx
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Homebird ..
Thanks. Truffle doesn't really like the snow. His motto is "warm and cosy"... Lol. Conker just likes to be wherever I am.
Both my dogs have smooth-coated legs and they don't have trouble with ice clumps . A different story when I used to have Bonsai the Welsh Terrier with his fluffy legs .. that was more like your Bo.
9 Feb, 2012
So gorgeous Terra!!! your garden has so much colour and interest
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Paul ..Thank you ... :o)))
9 Feb, 2012
kudos to TT - you are so damn talented ...
9 Feb, 2012
Brilliant TT. a very cheering blog during this awful cold snap that we are having. Great Pics. You are wonderful. x
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks Grandmage ..
Looks like we are in for a chilly, icy week.
Nice to think of warm, peaceful gardens full of flowers. :o) xxx
9 Feb, 2012
Terra its always a joy to see your garden, I have lots of the same plants but as my garden is bigger yours always seems more colourful.
You have a grand way of incorporating the words to match the photo`s, very clever, it always makes a good read, lovely pics of the boys and a nice one of Bonsai.
The snow is falling very heavily here tonight, 6.45 and the garden is completely covered in white again...
9 Feb, 2012
Lovely blog Terra, cheered me right up seeing that beautiful garden of yours in full bloom. Can hardly wait for spring to get here :))
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Sue..
More snow ? Oh, dear .. your Morgan won't like that, will he ! A few flakes falling here.. but more to come, I reckon.
Thanks for your kind words.
Bonsai was so very special, as was your Malik. xxx
For this blog I spent a long time choosing photos and rhymes, but it was therapeutic ;o)
9 Feb, 2012
This is so beautiful Terratoonie, love it love it love it :)))))))))))))))))
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Sam .... I'm pleased you like the blog :o)))
9 Feb, 2012
Thank you, Michaella ..
Clever Mother Nature to transform our gardens with the seasons :o)))))))
9 Feb, 2012
Love your photo's and much colour so early too, really cheered me up! My garden is still asleep...just a few snowdrops poking there head up through the snow and the camellia are trying desperately to brave the weather! Roll on the thaw and spring. :-) Thank you!
9 Feb, 2012
the snow can't decide what to do here... a few flakes and then stops, we'll see I suppose,.....
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Red aly .. Thank you.
I have snow here ... these are mostly springtime pics I've taken in my gardens in previous years .... but it won't be long before the colour appears again...
Hello Pam ..
Such undisciplined snow you have over in the East Midlands... give that snow some obedience training ;o)
9 Feb, 2012
You write brilliant blogs TT, with nice photos aswell :o) The winter seems so long, but time flies and it will be over before you know it. Your garden always looks colourful :o)
9 Feb, 2012
Hello Hywel. Thanks. I don't really mind the winter. Every season has its compensations. But I'm looking forward to enjoying the springtime flowers again :o)
9 Feb, 2012
Another lovely blog TT! Is there no end to your talents? Your garden is always one of the first to bloom, Terra, and I'm really looking forward to it! :0)
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks Libet.
I do have a lot of springtime flowers ...
... they reward with such colour :o)
9 Feb, 2012
and with double the effect after winter!
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Fran.. you're right ..
... without winter, we couldn't have a springtime ;o)
9 Feb, 2012
indeed, and doubt we'd appreciate the light at the end of the tunnel if there weren't a tunnel to see the light at the end of in the first place (if that makes sense, not so sure!)
9 Feb, 2012
Another smashing Blog Terratoonie, cuddle's to you little helpers X
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks Sue...
Hugs from my little helpers to you xxx
9 Feb, 2012
After a White winter I think we appreciate the colours of spring even more! I still love that silver birch best!
9 Feb, 2012
the Silver Lady has always been one of my favourite trees, maybe cos it waa one that I knew the name of from the bark!
9 Feb, 2012
Silver birches are very attractive :o)
9 Feb, 2012
Another wonderful blog, much appreciated TT.
9 Feb, 2012
Yes I know what you mean. I enjoy the winter most of the time too :o)
9 Feb, 2012
How lovely :)))))
9 Feb, 2012
Superb blog TT as ever, your garden is beautiful the words so fitting to the pictures, Lovely to see Bonsai, all your boys are special thanks to the love and care you give them.
The snow is just a blanket for the spring bulbs keeping them snug for their big moment.
Thanks for another treat - a **** performance (that's star by the way) :o)
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Stroller and Hywel ... Keep warm ..
... more snow all around again today ...
winter drawers on .... ;o)
Hello Avis..
Thanks..... I don't feed the aubrieta.
Maybe type of soil is important ?
Thank you, Neena. Lovely comments...
I'm glad I included Bonsai the Welsh Terrier in this blog.
Yes, the snow keeps the bulbs snug ...
... but today's white stuff is not much a blanket ...
... more like a big duvet.. Lol. :o)
10 Feb, 2012
are i see the little frend i sent you there , maid me smile , has he setlled in to his new home now !! and have u dun his wash and brushup lol , pics please haha ... p.s your gardens stuning xx
10 Feb, 2012
Hi Cristina .. Thanks...
Your little friend is cosy this winter... safe in the house ... away from the snow ... he had a good wash, but will be having a paint-job this coming summer... xxx
10 Feb, 2012
snow was very well behaved Terra, just an icing sugar sprinkle.... but the art group is cancelled.... frozen carpark.....:O(
oh for spring! thanks for reminding me.....
10 Feb, 2012
Hi Pam ...
... duvet style snow here ...
Looks like today you'll be busy with knitting needles instead of paint brushes ;o)
10 Feb, 2012
Duvet style here too Terra. Lovely photos, I can't wait to see the Aubrieta again :o))
10 Feb, 2012
Hi Annella ..
Thanks... The aubrieta is under there somewhere :o))
10 Feb, 2012
Lots of flattened plants again this morning & I had to dig my car out to get to work. The snow was still on the ground from last weekend here.
10 Feb, 2012
Same around here ...
... beware of slippery, icy roads later ...
10 Feb, 2012
TFI Friday and I can stay home tomoz ;O))
10 Feb, 2012
Yes Terra, but before that I,ve made a herman cake (OH thinks every cloud has a silver lining.??. he loves cake...)and planted the Cersis seeds in the cold GH
Sorry you,ve a duvet in the garden....again!
10 Feb, 2012
How did you get off so lightly Pam?!
10 Feb, 2012
Um I don,t know...I,d love for it all to go I went to feed the birds and its black ice everywhere.....lets be careful out there...(hill street blues)
10 Feb, 2012
Lovely lovely blog and pics still laughing at the loo queue:)
10 Feb, 2012
Thank you Debbie ...
Last August I wrote a whole blog about the queue for the loo. Lol.
The gnome loo was kindly sent to me by Mark61. Maybe I should fix a mini mosaic in the gnome loo ? Lol.
10 Feb, 2012
You are one talented lady , Terra and a great sense of humour as well.
10 Feb, 2012
Thanks so much Rose...
I took my time making the rhymes, but I enjoy writing this type of blog. :o)
10 Feb, 2012
wow you are just the very best at blogs TT.
it always brightens my day up. you are a true STAR and a TRUE friend x :))
11 Feb, 2012
Hi Mark, Julie, Jordan ..
Thanks so much ...
There's still a long queue for the gnome loo.
Lol.. :o) xxx
11 Feb, 2012
Wouldn't they all have frozen - err, assets - by now??
11 Feb, 2012
Lol. Fran..
no there's a nice warm "duvet" of snow covering my lawn.. :o)
11 Feb, 2012
Such a talented family you have there TT loved the pictures, your spring garden takes some beating, one of the best I have ever seen.....
11 Feb, 2012
Wow. Thanks Dotty...
That compliment from you means a lot to me. :o)))
11 Feb, 2012
Lovely blog Terra as usual,you make my day.....
11 Feb, 2012
Hi Numbty..
Thank you !
That is such a very lovely comment ..
you've made my MY day :o)))
12 Feb, 2012
re your comment on my blog about small text, TT - all the text here, blog and comments, seem larger than standard. How do you do that???? It'd make life a lot easier for me too if I could do the same.
12 Feb, 2012
Replying privately.
12 Feb, 2012
thank you!
12 Feb, 2012
A really enjoyable blog -Love the rhymes and the wonderful illustration pic's. You are clever TT!!!
12 Feb, 2012
Thank you, Petal...
Very lovely comments ...
I'm pleased you enjoyed the blog !
12 Feb, 2012
With dogs and blogs and pictures,
Plant quizzes through the year year
She keeps us ticking over
Until gardening time is here.
Loved seeing your pics again Terra and old Bonsai looking very smart. Thanks for all your hard work on here:-)
12 Feb, 2012
Hi Bornagain..
Lovely poem. Thank you.
I'm glad you like my GoY contributions..
... yes, I decided lovely Bonsai my Welsh Terrier should be in this, my "optimistic" blog :o)
12 Feb, 2012
Ooops...I've added an extra year! Wonder if I can edit lol:-)
12 Feb, 2012
lol you wear your years with grace ...
12 Feb, 2012
Ah TT, thank you from the bottom of my fur lined toes - all that colour has done wonders to my spirits - I shall NEVER complain about the heat ever again (well not much anyway) after all this snow, ice and brrrrr cold we've been having - the sun is now shining and I hope all that horrible white stuff will now only be a lingering memory .....
What a joy to see that photo of Bonsai :))) xx
13 Feb, 2012
Hi Terry60 ...
I'm glad you enjoyed reading this, presumably in your furry slippers...
It's still cold here with snow not gone completely...
...and please send some sunshine !
I'm so pleased I included the pic of Bonsai.
I still miss him so much... xxx
13 Feb, 2012
lol Terry and TT, you can tell when summer arrives: within two days someone's bound to complain about the heat!
13 Feb, 2012
Terry has hotter days in Italy ;o)
13 Feb, 2012
I'm sure you do, TT. Time does help a little bit but not as much as we would like. Little old June is now becoming really frail and is slowly slowly becoming a shadow of herself. She is as well as can be expected and is not showing any signs of distress but it's as if her candle of life is running out of wax ...
This terrible weather has been such an emotional strain for me when I see all the stray cats trying to traipse through the snow, coughing and spluttering - it's not often easy to give them medication to cure their ailments. Not knowing how they're coping during the freezing nights, I've tried to let them in to get warm in front of the fire but once they've eaten and drunk some water, they become quite frightened when they see I'm closing the door and they want to scuttle off outside.
So what we've done is put cat igloos in cosy protected corners of the street and covered them with a tent-like contraption. They seem to be OK but I could wring the necks of people who abandon these poor creatures during the summers. We try to keep numbers low by having as many as possible neutered but ....
Heat??? I promise NEVER to complain about it for a LONG time .....
Keep warm TT and boys xxx
13 Feb, 2012
Bless you for being so caring, Terry. sadly, so many people still think of cats and dogs as fashion accessories, or household appliances - or ideal Christmas presents for children - until they start making or causing a mess, or just being inconvenient.
I'd love to have a car or small dog, but won't, because I'mn ot sure I'd be able to look after one properly. Of course, there's only one way to find out if I can or not! I've been looking for a local animal home that I could visit, be an "auntie", to find out how good or otherwise I'd be; not found one yet.
13 Feb, 2012
Fran ...
I'm sure any local animal rescue would be glad of your help in whatever form it would be ... there are lots of older cats and dogs looking for homes ...
... a young cat or young dog would probably be too much for you to cope with ..
... sometimes you can visit a rescue centre to provide one-to-one company to a cat or dog which is awaiting a home.
Terry ...
Sorry to learn that your wonderful June is getting frail. She has been a loyal companion for you...
Must be awful seeing the neglected cats ... you are doing good work, feeding some cats, putting the igloos around for shelter, and neutering etc.
Every cat you help, is one less suffering :o) xxx
13 Feb, 2012
thanks TT, I "could do better if tried harder"
13 Feb, 2012
Thanks TT and Fran - it's reassuring to know that not all humans are as uncaring as some. Hubby, my friends and I try our best to give them a better quality of existance and the look of gratitude on their little faces is a wonderful repayment for our efforts .... :))
Fran, if you find it difficult, cats are much more independent and are easier to look after than dogs - and they give off so much positive energy. I remember reading Colette at school -she has so many wonderful quotes regarding her chats, especiallly ones that say that "time spent with a cat is never wasted ... “Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.”
13 Feb, 2012
I did have a kitten once, years ago; someone found her abandoned and if I hadn't agreed to take her in he'd have killed her "as a kindness". I wasn't very good - I was, let's put it kindly, deeply depressed and emotionally unstable and though I enjoyed her most of the time, there were times when it got too much. *s* that's my only direct experience with pets, and though I'm [fairly] sure I wouldn't be like that now, why risk an animal's health and well-being to find out? Cruelty doesn't just come in physical form!
13 Feb, 2012
I don't know how I've managed to miss this blog. Great stuff, TT. I adore those aubretia pictures - they've gone into my gardening folder on my computer.
Terry, you and me, too. I want to commit murder when I see all these poor abandoned sick and dying animals, and think of the ones we haven't been able to help. There's only so much one can do.
13 Feb, 2012
Hi Gattina..
I wrote several blogs soon after one another ... I don't usually do that, but it probably explains how you missed some. I made the puzzle blogs and TV blogs around the same time too !
There's "Let It Snow, Let It Snow", published on 6th Feb, not sure if you saw that ... but it would be for when you feel in good voice for singing. ;o) Lol.
Glad you like my aubrieta photos...
13 Feb, 2012
lol the quiz blogs were enough to occupy one's attention, TT! I'll have to check to see if I missed any others
13 Feb, 2012
Hi Fran. Thanks.
I did publish rather a lot of blogs in quick succession ! :o)
13 Feb, 2012
Its all because we were snowed in I think Terra, you certainly kept me entertained....:o))
13 Feb, 2012
Hi Pam...
Yes, we were snowed in. Lol. :o)))
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed them all. x
13 Feb, 2012
grins, snowed in but not snowed under!
13 Feb, 2012
I think Terra may have been with the all the replies....:o))
13 Feb, 2012
lol Pam, true - but that's the penalty of fame ... *s*
13 Feb, 2012
Hi guys ...
Thawing out here now ;o)
14 Feb, 2012
Hi TT,the queue doesnt seem to be getting any shorter lol.Best i send some of my friends over to join the queue aswell lol.:0)0)
14 Feb, 2012
Hi Mark..
The gnome loo is just too luxurious ...
... mirror, fancy light etc..
... gnomes are visiting from many miles away ! ;o) x
14 Feb, 2012
Missed this blog too TT! A pleasure to see your garden and it would not be complete without Team Terra!
All your pets are very lucky. It's nice to have such special memories of pets. They are after all our children too!
14 Feb, 2012
Hi Scottish .. Thank you ..
I wrote this blog, and my "Let It Snow" blog hot on the heels of my GoY puzzles blogs... so rather a lot to catch up with !
Thanks for your kind words from everyone in Team Terra ;o)
14 Feb, 2012
Really lovely. And what a stunning garden!!
15 Feb, 2012
lol TT do you issue gnome pennies for them?
*s* Remember those days? only the first person would pay; after that, people'd hold the door for the next person, might go on for hours!
15 Feb, 2012
Thanks Breda...
Looking forward to lots of colour in springtime...
Lol. Fran. :o)
15 Feb, 2012
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So lovely Terra, I laughed at the looqueue :)))))
Poor Conker will have to be patient :/ ;)
9 Feb, 2012