A life is like a garden ...
By terratoonie
While I’ve been feeling weary with this persistent virus, I’ve taken the opportunity to make a short summary of my digital photos from 2009 – 2015.
Leonard Nimoy’s final message got me thinking about how lucky we are to have digital cameras and computers to help us remember our gardens and pets over the years, in the different seasons …
…and for those with poor eye-sight to help us see the photos more clearly …
… and how fortunate we are to have GoY, which encourages us to take even more pictures of our gardens … so that, in some ways, through technology, perfect moments can be preserved and shared …
2 Mar, 2015
Previous post: Photos entered for charity competitions
Next post: Here Comes SUMMER !
Lovely blog TT, hope your virus clears up soon.
2 Mar, 2015
Get well soon TT these virus's take it out of you rest and keep warm ... how do you add the row of flowers underneath the Ceanothus ?
2 Mar, 2015
Get well soon. what would we do without our photographs especially our gardens, and our family..
2 Mar, 2015
What a lovely and moving blog Terra. I'm sure that all of us have fond memories of Mr Nimoy, and his last message was profound and true. But as you say...we can at least preserve the memories of those moments of perfection thanks to technology, and also share them with others online. Your photographs here are absolutely perfect! :))
2 Mar, 2015
Darn virus is really getting folk down isn't it, seems to be going around in circles in my family and just will not go away, I can understand your tiredness and the meds do not appear to be working, keeping warm and rest seems to be the only option.
Lovely blog Terra, he will always be Mr Spock to me and those words are very true as are yours regarding our modern technology........
2 Mar, 2015
That's a lovely blog TT, and reminds us how we should appreciate our gardens and pets, friends and families ... and all good things really :o)
And I hope you are feeling better now x
Lovely photos of your garden too :o)
2 Mar, 2015
Lovely sentiments Terra, and gorgeous photos too. Yes indeed, if we have a garden and friends we are the lucky ones! Hope you'll soon feel much better. x
2 Mar, 2015
A lovely moving tribute to someone we may never have met but like many of our members has had a profound influence on us. its funny really to realise that while millions of people around the world are being terrorised day and daily because they do not fit someones version of 'normal' the character he played so well made so many of us warm to him. He made being different acceptable. I thought I was in a minority because he was my favourite character but it turns out that he was the most popular character in the show. Thank you for sharing this with us.
2 Mar, 2015
I was very moved by Leonard Nimoy's final words TT so how nice - and appropriate - that you have remembered him here with such a lovely blog xxx
2 Mar, 2015
Not having a telly I never saw Startreck but the message is inspiring and so are the photos, especially the last one - makes the heart sing.
2 Mar, 2015
Your photos are a delight as always Terra, and a timely reminder that there is beauty around us in nature, and in people too
RIP Mr Spock xxx
3 Mar, 2015
I couldn't reply yesterday because as each day wears on my throat feels on fire and my head buzzes ...
A number of GoYers are suffering with the virus so I wish you all healthy soon ...
Thanks for your wonderful comments on this thread ...truly GoYers at their best, expressing your thoughts so well ...
Scotsgran's remark is memorable ... 'He made being different acceptable'.... fab ... x x x
3 Mar, 2015
Oh dear TT, I'm so sorry to read you're not feeling any better. Perhaps another trip to the Doc is called for? I do hope you're feeling better soon. Sending healing vibes and hugs ((( )))
3 Mar, 2015
Thanks Waddy ... the virus can't go on for ever .. surely it will disappear as the weather improves .....
3 Mar, 2015
We all need a bit of warm sunshine ?
3 Mar, 2015
Thanks for this very moving blog Terra.
3 Mar, 2015
Hi Klahanie ...
thanks ... I'm glad you appreciated the blog.
3 Mar, 2015
Great blog, nicely illustrated as usual Terra. Get well, soon.
3 Mar, 2015
lovley blog, it was a shock when I first heard the sad news. "Parted from us and never parted"
4 Mar, 2015
I too use to like Spok the best ! His last words are so true ! What did we do before computers and digital cameras ! I have albums galore and a huge box of old photos. I also kept my Mum's and put them into an album, but how much easier it is now ! I started taking more and more photos when I got my laptop and camera , especially of the gardens at Willow Cottage ! Although we are so happy here , I still miss the gardens ! Joining goy encouraged me to take all my photos of the garden. Although the last years there , as you know, where awful, its nice to still be able to look at what we created there. It was a special place !
4 Mar, 2015
Personal life is being recorded as it happens in sight and sound almost 24 hours a day now, marvelous. Please take a visit to your doctor soon. As this thing drags on it may affect other other parts of your body. As a matter of fact in a few years you may visit your doctor without leaving your home through the same means we are talking about. Star trek's Dr. McCoy's hand held medical scanner is now out of the realm of science fiction and is already being developed to provide the primary care physican with 3D imagery of all the internal goings on in ones body!
5 Mar, 2015
Thanks folks ... I'm feeling a little stronger today, so I hope that perhaps by the weekend I'll be back to 'normal' ... whatever that is, these days !
Yesterday I spent a long time transferring all my photos and other computer data to a portable storage unit. I would certainly recommend this ... a good way of making sure you have back-up and you won't lose all those treasured pictures ...
5 Mar, 2015
Don't overdo it TT. I think viruses are good at making us feel great only to hit us hard again as soon as we start being busy.
5 Mar, 2015
Good advice, Scotsgran ..
.. it is so tempting to start rushing around doing too much, but I'm trying to work steadily, one task at a time !
5 Mar, 2015
Pleased you are feeling better Terra, staying warm and getting your energy back now is the main thing, its a good idea to use a backup, it would be heartbreaking to lose ones photo's and important files..
5 Mar, 2015
Thanks Sue for checking on me ... I do seem less muzzy today ... still need to find more energy, but it is nice to feel a bit better ! Yes, I am relieved to have backed up my photos and files ...
5 Mar, 2015
thankyou terra ,very nice blog, sad loss of leonard to the world. Take care Tony.
5 Mar, 2015
Great tribute to Leonard Nimoy and to beauty which, as you say, we can record and keep to look at thanks to modern technology. The pics you have on here are proof of that. I'm sure you'll feel better as Spring advances, just take it easy and don't overdo things when you start feeling better:-)
8 Mar, 2015
Thanks folks ... I've mowed my lawns, tidied some borders ... still no energy or stamina ...
but getting a bit stronger each day :o)
8 Mar, 2015
There's always tomorrow TT. don't rush things. Take it gently.
13 Mar, 2015
Thank you Waddy ...
I'm trying to perk up ... we need warmer weather !
15 Mar, 2015
Don't we just!
15 Mar, 2015
lol two days of sunshine and you can bet they'll be issuing drought warnings!
18 Mar, 2015
Cold here again this morning ... but not much rain lately ..
18 Mar, 2015
14 Apr, 2015
Hi Junna ... thank you :o)
15 Apr, 2015
15 Apr, 2015
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Thanks for this lovely blog TT.
Leonard was so right. When we look out onto our gardens at this time of year it's hard to think how full of colour they will be in just a few short months, but our memories are able to recall that wonderful sight and of course that wonderful invention...the camera
RIP Leonard...
2 Mar, 2015