Photos entered for charity competitions
By terratoonie
Not been around GoY much …
I’ve had a virus …
but trying to bounce back ..
I’ve done my best to keep up, looking at blogs etc.
Have you noticed that sunrise is earlier … sunset is later ?
… wonderful … happy gardening days to come …
While feeling poorly, I’ve entered some charity photo competitions in aid of all creatures, cats, dogs etc … and also ‘human’ good causes such as MacMillan.
Here are the seven pictures I entered in a competition today …
… to be judged at the end of this month …
The cat pictures are of lovely Jasper by my friend who is a stroke survivor and can’t enter them herself …
I very much hope my friend wins a rosette … she is undergoing cataract operations … being very brave …
Jasper up high … Love Cats class
Jasper and teddy … Love Cats class
Jasper … close-up … Love Cats class
there’s a special prize for kissable nose and I thought this pic. might have a good chance …
Baby Truffle at 8 weeks old .. Puppy Love class
Conker with some pebble garden background.
Cocoon class … for older dogs …
Adult Truffle in front of my raised bed
Romeo class for boy dogs … Lol…
… and last, but not least … P.S. I Love You class …
… for pets no longer with us …
my beloved and much missed Welsh Terrier, Bonsai …
wishing everyone a happy St David’s Day on March 1st
I’ll let you know if we win any rosettes or prizes … but whatever the outcome, our donation to this competition will help dogs very much in need.
22 Feb, 2015
Previous post: Till Springtime ...
Next post: A life is like a garden ...
Hi Sandra ..
yes.. we do miss our old pets ...
Bonsai was actually a very quiet terrier ... but extremely loving x x x
22 Feb, 2015
Good luck Terra...smashing photos for great causes! :)
22 Feb, 2015
p.s. Since having her op. back in September, Molly has developed arthritis in her leg so can't walk very far now without starting to hobble. She's only nine this year, which is still quite young for a JRT. It means she has to stay at home when we take Willow for a walk, and I think that causes her more pain than the leg tbh, but we can't carry her, she's too heavy. So life has changed never know what will happen next, so take care of yourself and I hope you are fully recovered from the virus soon!
22 Feb, 2015
Thanks Karen ... I really hope my friend wins something for her cat, Jasper ... would perk her up so much ..
With my virus ...each time I think it has gone, it comes back again ..
That's sad for Molly ... could you perhaps go by bike and take Molly in a carry basket... somehow adapted so that she can't leap out ?
22 Feb, 2015
Hi Terra, Hope you are feeling great now , Oh, so sorry I do not know that you;ve been sick for a weeks??
Love your blog , and they were all awesome:-))
Rio is very happy to see your blog , she truly loves cat :-)
stay as sweetas you are, regards with Conker Truffles,n' conker :-)))
22 Feb, 2015
So sorry to hear you've been unwell. I hope you're feeling much better really soon. I'm sure the warmer weather, when it arrives will help. Like you I've begun to notice how we're getting longer days at last.
The photos are all lovely having a passion for cats, I'd have to say the close up of Jasper gets my vote...but then I also love the one of Bonsai...decisions decisions...
22 Feb, 2015
Jaspers a lovely cat, hope he wins.....and baby Truffles adorable, my Gemma was like an andrex puppy Terra and Kate all legs and ears happy days
Conker and Truffle would always get my votes, hope they do well but as you say its a bit of fun looking at all the lovely old photos, especially on a very cold wet and windy sunday afternoon.....
I just googled images for transporting older pets and some funny ones, like the british bulldog on the starlift, and the one like you mentioned Terra in the bicycle basket, in pushchairs....even a doggy backpack.....have to be small dogs though.....
22 Feb, 2015
Nice idea Terra but I don't think it would be safe with the puppy I'm afraid. She is frightened of the traffic and has to be kept on a very short lead most of the time. Still, it is a lovely image! And my bike is already all set for carrying Molly....perhaps when Willow is calmer in a year or so.
22 Feb, 2015
Sorry to hear you were struck down with that horrid virus too, certainly takes it's time to shift,doesn't it? I still don't feel A1,but we will get there,before long..some warm sunshine and spring should help:o)
I love all the photo's and glad I'm not a judge..I wouldn't be able to choose a favourite..I hope lots of money is raised for such good causes ,and Rosettes for your friend:o) x
22 Feb, 2015
Love the photos Terra I hope they all win such a good cause, do hope your feeling better soon so far I've got away with it 'the virus' good to see you back....x
22 Feb, 2015
Hope you're feeling better now Terra, it can take quite a long time. Well if at least one of those doesn't win all I can say is the standard must be extremely high. Those closeups of Jaspers face are A1. Kissable nose - what a lovely class!
22 Feb, 2015
Sorry you're under the weather, TT, a rotten time to get anything as it does tend to linger. My daughter has just gone down with a bad cold/cough so I am avoiding her at the moment! Hope you feel much very soon.
Love the photos and they are all winners to me. I would be a hopeless judge, wouldn't I? Lovely to see Bonsai there with the others, bless him :)
22 Feb, 2015
Great photos TT. They are beautiful animals and each one deserves to win :o)
And all for good causes ...
I hope you'll feel better soon X
22 Feb, 2015
Each one should win I think! They are beautiful photos.
I do have a favourite though......Conker looks as of she has a daisy chain on her head, so very pretty.
I am sorry you haven't been very well Terra.
22 Feb, 2015
Great photos. Dogs helping dogs. :0)
22 Feb, 2015
Hope this finds you better T T.....a nasty virus can take as long as 6 weeks before you start to feel more like your old self!! so patience lol
Love the photographs they are all winners, as Gee says, so wishing you the best of luck, at least you will be better in time to photograph that stunning spring garden of yours!! Xx
23 Feb, 2015
Wonderful photos Terra. All of them. I am sure some will win the prize. Sorry to hear about your flu.Take care of yourself and get well soon.
23 Feb, 2015
Hi Tt, sorry to hear you've been unwell, glad to hear you're feeling a lot better now, hope you win some prizes, Derek.
23 Feb, 2015
I have to agree the photo's are lovely and I wouldn't want to have to choose a winner, as you say its all for a very worthy cause so does not really matter, they are all winners to us, hope you are back on top form soon Terra.x
23 Feb, 2015
Yes, I have noticed the lighter nights and mornings Tt...can't wait to get out in the garden.
Lovely pics...especially Jasper/Teddy and your puppy Truffle.
Glad u feeling better. I wish Icould stop coughing.........lasted weeks and I didn't even have a head cold.
23 Feb, 2015
Super photos TT, Jasper, Truffle, Conker and Bonsai are all worthy Rosette winners, best wishes for the competition, good to know they are raising money for good causes too x hugs x
Thank you for St David's Day good wishes x
24 Feb, 2015
oh, they are so real. What wonderful pics. Especially, the pup. Spring will come, even though we are completely covered with snow. I am now wondering how the Eskimos ever did it????
24 Feb, 2015
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments ... I'll let you know if any of the photos win a rosette ..
... this virus seems to go away and then sneak back again ... but I'm getting better gradually ... and then I must try to catch up with everything !
My thoughts are with all those in the USA and Canada surrounded by deep snowfall ... almost springtime :o)
24 Feb, 2015
Thanks J .. I can't shake off the virus ... throat feels as if it is on fire... but I've managed to look at the recent GoY blogs and photos ... and I've just uploaded a pic. of the Silver Birch .... so maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.
25 Feb, 2015
Sorry the virus has hit you so hard Terra. I was back to bed again yesterday after a week of feeling much better. Its a real pig of a virus. Longing to get out in the garden, lots to do out there.
25 Feb, 2015
Wonderful photo s Terratoonie I think Conker deserves to win after pulling through his illness , he reminds me of our dog the same named Muffin when we were kids, the kid s use to tie bangers to his tail before we took him in and resucued him.
25 Feb, 2015
Hi Stera ..
I hope your bed rest helped you to feel better ... I can't go to bed in the day time because everything here is my sole responsibility ... pets, house, garden, car, wheelie bins, shopping ... etc ... etc.. But I've tried to sit still for some of today, and I do feel just slightly better ...
Thanks 3d ...
Kind of you to rescue Muffin. Today I was looking back at photos of 2009, when Conker had his many months of chemo ... amazing we got through it all and he has been in durable remission for 6 years now... :o)
26 Feb, 2015
I hope you are feeling better Terrratooni. These viruses can be a real nuisance.
27 Feb, 2015
Hi again J ... yes I remember those viruses hitting you last year. ... I hope 2015 will be a better year for you ..
Thanks Paul ...
trying to find some energy is quite a challenge !
27 Feb, 2015
Yes Terratoonie a long time Conker was having his treatment but all worth it, so glad he has continued to stay well.
27 Feb, 2015
Yes Terra I was worried abut you not being aboe to stay in bed because of your responsibilities. It seems to take a very long time to get any energy back - we just have to take things steady I guess.
27 Feb, 2015
Sorry to hear you are still "under the weather", TT! Hoping you will recover quickly.You have a lot to do in your time & many responsibilities.
The photos of the dogs & cats are very good &, like others have commented above, I wouldn't know what photo to choose, I'd be a hopeless judge!
28 Feb, 2015
Hi Terra, I hope you are feeling a little better today. Love all of the photos, especially Jasper, he's lovely isn't he? We've had a 'bug' and been without central heating & hot water for 6 days recently. Brr! Take care, get well soon. :o)
28 Feb, 2015
Such lovely photos, all of them winners. I hadn't long joined Goy when Conker was undergoing treatment...look at him now! All, I'm sure, due to your special care. You must try to give yourself some of the same care:-)
28 Feb, 2015
Thanks for your comments... I'm still fighting the virus .. one day I think I'm getting better, then next day it hits me again ... very exhausting and frustrating ...
but I have good news ... the results came through yesterday for the photo show ...
Cat photos results appeared first ...
and my friend's picture of Jasper perched up high came 3rd :o)))
I rushed to email my friend to tell her the good news ..
first time Jasper has won a rosette :o)
Baby Truffle wasn't in the top 5 puppy photos, but Conker in the Cocoon class for veterans was placed 5th. :o)
Sadly, no placing for Bonsai in the PS I Love You class, but in the Romeo class Truffle was awarded first place !
A dog was announced as Best in Show, and then it was time for 2nd best over all, called Reserve Best in Show...
... what I hadn't realised was that at this competition, that rosette was to be awarded to a pet from the 2nd - 5th placings in all classes ...
...and the winner was Conker ! :o))) ..
.. second out of the whole 400 pets ...
The photo competition raised ยฃ372 for a very good cause.
2 Mar, 2015
That's great news Terra ... and a lovely amount raised too.
2 Mar, 2015
Thanks Shirley ... :o)
2 Mar, 2015
Well done TT you have some very good photos there I especially enjoyed see Bonsai again :o))
2 Mar, 2015
Hi Tt, congratulations, very well deserved, I bet that made you feel a lot better, {hopefully}, Derek.
2 Mar, 2015
That's wonderful, well done indeed Terra (and congratulations to Conker the film star)
Hope you soon feel back to normal - the wretched bug does come back just when you think you're getting over it. I feel almost better today after four weeks of it. News like todays should really give you a boost.
2 Mar, 2015
Thanks Amy .. yes, Bonsai was extra special x x x
Thank you Derek ... I was especially pleased for my friend ... she has perked up a lot since hearing about the 3rd place with her cat's photo .. she is talking of taking more photographs ! :o)
Hi Stera ... that's good you're feeling better... the virus still has its hold on me ... better days ahead ..
3 Mar, 2015
Wonderful news Terratoonie hope you get better soon x
6 Mar, 2015
Poor Terra - have you been to the doc?
7 Mar, 2015
What a boost to you and your friend and of course a wonderful boost to the charities involved too .... win win for everyone:-)
7 Mar, 2015
My virus symptoms are easing but I very much lack energy. I did somehow manage to mow my lawns yesterday !
The organiser of the photo show works full time, so, understandably it will take her a while to send out rosettes to the winners ... good fun though, and these photo shows are all for a very worthy charities.
7 Mar, 2015
I ve has that for years from my 30sTerratoonie lack of energy it still comes and goes, never like you been to doctors I always wondered if it is M.E
8 Mar, 2015
Can sympathise.........Fibro Myalgia is very similar to ME .....FM is very common as a result of a bad virus!
13 Mar, 2015
Thanks for comments ... rest seems the only way to help chase away the virus ...
... I've just slept 7 pm - 7 am ...
... luckily my pets didn't mind sleeping 12 hours !
14 Mar, 2015
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hey Terra,
I am glad you are feeling better. February is such a bad month for winter ailments ..
and yes I did wonder why you have not been entertaining me with your wonderful blogs. They always bring a smile to my face.
Love your pics, but i am bias and definitely give old Bonsai the prize. We do miss our old friends when they are gone, so quiet here with out Ruby leading the
22 Feb, 2015