Gardening Club Summer Show
By terratoonie
A recent town gardening show was very interesting and I took lots of photos.
I was just visiting. I hadn’t entered the classes.
All exhibits were in the one hall and the tables were arranged neatly and spaciously.
I’ll show you some pictures here, and then maybe you’d like to see more photos in the winter months when we are all less busy.
These are from the Children’s Classes … A Miniature Garden max size 25cm x 35 cm for up to 15 years old.
From right to left, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place …
These next two miniature gardens didn’t seem to be placed…
… it would have been nice if the judges had bent the rules, and awarded a tied 4th place, so that the effort by the youngsters could be rewarded, at least with a certificate …
Floral Baskets … 2nd place on the left, 3rd on the right.
Which arrangement do you like, and why ?
Floral Baskets … 1st place …
… do you prefer this …?
Seems it wasn’t disqualified for having a side-dish of strawberries ;o)
Floral Art Exhibits …
Category : ‘I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside’
This is 3rd place … I like this …
… and the bird was very well-behaved.
Seaside 2nd place
Do you like this design better ?
This Seaside theme won 1st place.
The sticks of rock probably gave it a ‘tasteful’ look
The Cacti and Succulents were attractive, but, I’m sorry … I didn’t take a note of the placings…
Which one would you award first place ?
… or perhaps you prefer the entry on the left …?
I think this is the class for Two Vegetable Marrows
… or maybe Two Very Fat Cucumbers ;o)
… but, whichever, they won 1st place
I felt sorry for this next leafy exhibit … it seemed to be all on its own, away from the others, and had no label …
Perhaps ‘Class 23 Mixed Cut Foliage Plants in a Vase’
but I think it is simple and eye-catching
And, finally, Conker has been making another movie. He’s been preparing breakfast, with a little ‘help’ from Truffle.
Please click on the underlined link below for those who might like to watch.
Breakfast at Conkers : The Movie
The movie link I added to my last blog worked, for finding Conker’s first movie ‘Supernanny’, so I hope this new link is accessible too for the Breakfast movie.
Each movie has my gardens as a background so that’s an extra incentive to keep them neat and tidy … though in this latest film, you can see that the grass had suffered from the weeks of dry weather. Thankfully my lawns are green and lush again now. :o)
20 Aug, 2015
Previous post: My gardens ... our movie backdrop
Next post: New Visitors
I was going to com,ent on how much I liked the little pebble pond garden in the children's section, but, then I saw I wasn't alone.The judges agreed!
Clever ol' Conker.....I'm surprised he didn't eat it all after all that effort!
By the way, give my compliments to Truffle on his chauffeur's hat!
20 Aug, 2015
Hi Pam ... I guess this blog qualifies for GoYpedia Show Gardens ... for the Children's miniature gardens.
Thanks for your kind words about our latest movie ...
we have great fun :o) x x x
20 Aug, 2015
Thanks Paul ...
Seems like you'd be a good garden club judge !
Before filming, I always check the lawn for any fallen leaves. Yesterday I started picking up a few petals off the grass and the dogs got VERY excited ... they decided lawn sprucing must mean camera time !
20 Aug, 2015
What a lovely clean bright hall the show was in! I liked the first prize choice for the children's class but didn't agree with the other firsts! Floral baskets I liked the 3rd. prize seaside one as the grass reminded me of marram grass. And the floral basket I much preferred the third prize one. So much depends on the taste of the judges.
Best wishes to Conkers breakfast cafe - with service like that its bound to be a smash hit (not literally I hope!)
Your pets ar amazing Terra...
20 Aug, 2015
Maybe a smash hit if Truffles doing the washing up bless him ?
the showgardens was a good idea but greyed out!
20 Aug, 2015
Hi Tt, if I were judging I would have the min garden as is for no 1, and the 2 in the next pic r-l 2 and 3, floral art 2 - 1 - 3, cacti second pic, sorry, veg do nothing for me, and the foliage is very nice.
Watched the video, conker and truffle are amazing, you must have had a lot of patience to train them as well as you have, congratulations, Derek.
20 Aug, 2015
Lovely show TT The children's gardens were all very well executed shame they didn't just give highly commended certs to the others, I think the 3rd placed basket was the nicest and the 2nd placed seaside arrangement was my favorite, loved your Conker and Truffle video they are such clever boys and together with your film making skills it is most enjoyable congratulations to you all - Oscars all round :o)
20 Aug, 2015
Loved all the photos of the show and your comments really added to it, making me think about my favourites along the way.
I always like miniature gardens as they are so imaginative and clever.
On the whole I seemed to like the arrangements placed 3rd the best!
Hope there is more to come Terra.
20 Aug, 2015
I watched your video of Conker & Truffles with my 2 year old granddaughter sitting on my lap for a few minutes! She loved the "boys"! :-))
You are now managing the new technologies very well, TT! It must have taken you a very long time to train the dogs & then get them to "act" in the film! You did a wonderful job! :-))
Sent you a message on your Facebook page, you will find it in the folder marked "?" - Oh dear, I've forgotten! :-(( (Blush) (Must be a "senior moment!")
20 Aug, 2015
Those miniature gardens are works of art. I love the different materials used.
21 Aug, 2015
Loved the film. Very clever.
21 Aug, 2015
Thanks everyone for your kind comments ...
Diane, I'm pleased you are able to watch my movies.
Balcony ... the word you are trying to remember is 'others' folder ... I've sent you a reply there. :o)
Interesting to know which garden show placings different GoYers agree with. I very much like the seaside scene with the bird !
And, I agree with Bathgate, I like all the entries of miniature gardens from the children. Good idea, Neena, Highly Commended certificates for the youngsters would be good ...
Yes, Chris, I have lots more photos which I'll publish in a couple of GoY blogs over the winter months. The hall is quite new, and has a nice large area of lawns as well. I'll put some pics of the outside in a future blog.
Thank you, Neena, Pam, Stera and Derek, and everyone for your encouragement. That means a lot to me. Now that I don't travel so far, I find my new hobby of the little movies is ideal ... it means I can combine all my interests ... garden, pets, computer, choosing music ...
... we are already working on our next movie !
21 Aug, 2015
I think Conker is best in show. He is such a star.
21 Aug, 2015
Breakfast at Conkers. Brilliant. Let me know the opening date. I'll be there.
The setting is immaculate and what is the gorgeous pink bush in the background. Reserve my table underneath for me please.
Thanks for the entertainment Terra.
By the way I liked the both 3rd places in floral baskets competition.
23 Aug, 2015
Thanks for your comments, Linda and Klahanie ...
The pink bush in the background is a rose I inherited from my mother. It was really tiny, and I didn't realise it would grow so large !
23 Aug, 2015
I could not choose a best in the childrens miniature section as I like them all and each time I looked I kept changing my mind, they all worked so hard and should all get a certificate, I know I'm a softie, I'm with you on the seaside arrangements and like the 3rd place best, I find the others a bit too gaudy for my liking and the 1st place one with the strawberries looks artificial to me, not really into flower arranging Terra, I much prefer them in the garden although I applaud the effort that people put into growing and then arranging their entries and admit I could never get anything I did to look as good..My favourite cactus is the multi stemmed dark green one..
The movie is fabulous, I kept going back to watch over again, then I got sidetracked watching The Nannie one, lol, they are brilliant and I really enoy seeing Conker and Truffle, its obvious they love what they are doing and you are marvellous training them to do all their tricks and then making these movies, you are clever Terra, I wouldn't know where to start.
I'm sat laughing at Truffle, he sure is speedy with his car and I'm amazed he didn't get a speeding ticket or worse tip his passengers out when taking those bends, who can blame him for choosing his favourite treats, I think Conker encourages him really, I'd be delighted to have Conker prepare my breakfast, he 's very good in the kitchen and such a tidy worker, I love the way he looks to see if you are pleased at him, it shows on the camera and makes me smile..
Thoroughly enjoyed watching Terra and of course another for my favourites...
24 Aug, 2015
Lovely photo of Conker eggs are back in for breakfast so breakfast at Conkers will do well.
I prefer the miniture gardens that came no where better than 1st 2 nd or 3rd
24 Aug, 2015
Hi Sue ..
Your comments are very interesting. As with you, I'm not a fan of cut flowers .. prefer them growing in the garden.
Thanks for your kind words on my movies. We really enjoy making them, but this week, the rain has called a halt to filming, so we've been sorting out all our 'props' instead !
Another movie in the pipeline !
Thank you 3d. Yes, the unplaced miniature gardens certainly deserved awards !
26 Aug, 2015
It's lovely to have a day at a summer show all the people work so hard as you do terra with your movie making so clever .
30 Aug, 2015
Thanks Kidsgran ...
nice comments :o)
5 Sep, 2015
Second set of garden club photos published yesterday in my new blog :o)
14 Nov, 2015
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Very enjoyable thank you Terra........I tried to nominate it for Goypedia, the best I could find was dogs in the garden!
Its wonderful Terra, Its such a treat seeing my doggy friends'almost in real life'?
I sympathised with Truffles passengers.....they needed nerves of steel on those corners!
such fun xxx
20 Aug, 2015