This week in the garden
By thorneyside
After all the heat a few things seem to have come back including roses
Quite a few Fuchsias did nothing but produce leaves but they seem to be coming into their own now with the rain we’ve had
The small ones seem to be doing ok too
One of the disappointments this year has been Maurandya. The blue flowered from spring, the white didn’t get going till about August and the red had it’s first flower only last week
The pelargoniums have loved the heat, the best being Appleblossom rosebud and the Ivy leafed trailing varieties.
The lack of flowers in all my hanging baskets this year was dismal despite the usual water retaining gel and slow release fertilizer as always.
I’m hoping next year won’t be as hot but I think it’s time to cut down on the baskets and tubs and go for something that likes the heat.
7 Oct, 2018
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yes the gardens are recovering well and yours is no exception. Very pretty flowers Thorney :o)
7 Oct, 2018
Lots or colour in your garden now. Your Roses seem so vibrant. My blue Maurandya has been a picture, but a cold night has just done for the flowers. Never seen a white one. Enjoy your late season bloomings, your garden is a picture.
8 Oct, 2018
Thanks all. My Cobaea has lots of flowers and buds but I expect the frost will do for them too.
Another disappointment was white Cobaea, only three flowers in total so far but the purple's been flowering since August.
The little Fuchsia is your Isis Lemoine Hywel, thank you.
8 Oct, 2018
It looks big :)
8 Oct, 2018
Mine was the same Thorneyside, I was beginning to think my fuschias were going to fail completely, summer bedding was a dead loss and I honestly thought I was going to lose most of my rockery plants, we won't mention the lawns, however, like yours it has certainly made up for it now.
Its good to see the colours in your garden, you have some lovely roses, I especially like the deep red one, I'm hoping to hang onto them as long as possible, keep deadheading, the longer the flowers last the happier us gardeners will be....
8 Oct, 2018
I agree about the Fuschias, mine have only just started flowering over the last month or so. I have a Hawkshead fuschia which was growing under the front window and was miles too big for that spot and had to be cut back all the time, just so we could see out of the window! So this year it got moved, obviously to a spot it doesn't like as it is just about a foot tall! So it will have to be moved yet again. A few things succumbed to the weather, but the Iris's loved it!
I think you Appleblossom geranium (pelargonium) has done well, I find these tend to rot between the thick blossoms when the weather is damp, so it has loved the dry weather.
9 Oct, 2018
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I don't think the beast from the east or that Saharah Desert weather were good for our plants. They seem relieved to have a bit of decent weather at last and are doing well.
It's nice to see so many beautiful roses and flourishing fuchsias :)
7 Oct, 2018