What a night..!
By waddy
My goodness, what a night. The Arbor is now dangerously leaning to starboard despite the OH’s efforts to sprag it. We’ll have to fix it quickly or the two clematis which are growing over it will be snapped.
The bird’s feeding station crashed to the ground and will now need running repairs and some new feeders. Our neighbour had half of his greenhouse blown in (ours still intact thank goodness) but apart from that we’re all OK.
Hope my friends on here came off OK too :/
23 Nov, 2012
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It was very windy here too, but probably not as bad as where you are. I hope the damage in your garden is not very bad and everything will be repaired soon. I took my two daughter and my grand daughter to our local IKEA yesterday afternoon and it was so windy, that many things were blown away from the trolley into the open car park and me running to pick them up.
23 Nov, 2012
What a shame Waddy, its been bright and calm here today but the fields and some lanes are still flooded, if we get the forecast storms heaven knows what will happen
We cope quite well with southwesterlys the buildings protect us......its the noreasterlys that do the damage, often in the winter accompanied by s..w!
23 Nov, 2012
Goodness...Sorry to hear that Waddy...Hopefully things will ease off....Take care
23 Nov, 2012
Yes it was a shocker here too. A young motorist was killed near my old school. I heard that he was driving too fast in atrocious conditions yesterday. So terrible and so sad.
23 Nov, 2012
Thanks everyone. My OH has managed to straighten the Arbor and has also given it a bit of a 'Heath Robinson' support as the forecast for Saturday is more high winds.
Neighbour's greenhouse now has repairs..just hope they hold. ...Please..don't mention the S**w word!
23 Nov, 2012
Just read your comment Wildrose, that's awful:( The young tend to think they are invincible don't they? Now I feel so sorry for his parents.
23 Nov, 2012
Me too.
23 Nov, 2012
Oh dear you see such awful things and the young feel invincible.......
Mind you saying that I followed what I assumed was an older person driving down a wide country road, anytime a car came towards her she veered into the grass verge then carried on with the wheels on the white line, I daren't overtake and drove behind her at 30......
23 Nov, 2012
It was the same here,Waddy..but no damage thank goodness..and a lovely calm sunny day today..just a sharp shower this afternoon..Glad OH has fixed your arbour..and your Greenhouse stood up to it..I won't mention the S..w either..you mean the thing that is forecast for next week , along with the Ice????
23 Nov, 2012
How awful the weather is. We are ok at the moment on the west coast of Scotland but we are expecting cold weather next week. Snow and burst pipes next. :0(
23 Nov, 2012
Oh dear. It sounds as if you had a dramatic night. I hope you manage to save the arbour & the clematis. And hope calm & order is soon restored.
23 Nov, 2012
I hope you are joking Bloomer.....?
24 Nov, 2012
I hope so too,Pam..heard it on the news earlier in the week..but what do they know? :o) They change their mind from one day to the next..
24 Nov, 2012
Sorry to hear about your damage Julia, hope the repairs stand upto the stormy weather that is expected later today, its quite still and grey here at the moment although we had the same as you Thursday thankfully we didnt get any damage!
24 Nov, 2012
Freezing fog this morning which has now cleared....to rain.....:0(
Hope its not as bad as they say, any of it!......sometimes the media seem to take delight in depressing us....thank goodness for Goy. :0)
24 Nov, 2012
That's not too clever - hope it passes soon for all those who are suffering because of the weather at the moment.
24 Nov, 2012
Just noticed my spelling mistake 'Arbor' instead of 'Arbour' and me an ex-English teacher!...I'll never live it down, lol.
Bright and sunny here this morning, but as I type this the rain has started and the wind is picking up. Fingers crossed the repairs hold.
Bloomer..please tell me you've heard wrong..snow and ice???? Oh no! I absolutely HATE winter :(:(
24 Nov, 2012
Hmm...seems to be spelled right to me. : )
25 Nov, 2012
Oh Tug. :0))))
25 Nov, 2012
Oh No! It's FAR too soon for s**w and i*e. We still have sunshine here, but it's freezing, however, whatever you all get in the UK we tend to get a few days later, and storms and torrential rain are headed our way some time on Tuesday. Luckily without the very high winds, we think. We've already lost our little greenhouse - it's past repair. Busy battening down the hatches. You all take care out there. Pam - I'm not sure what the fuss is - out here, EVERYONE drives like that, young or old, and talk on the 'phone at the same time. The ones that do that BEHIND you are worse though - 18" behind your back bumper, at speed and nowhere to go in the case of an emergency.
25 Nov, 2012
Sorry,Waddy,there was a piece about it in the local paper,Thursday night,I think..but we aren't going to believe them ,are we ? Lol..Re spelling ..on Wikipedia ,it can be either ! ..your choice..:o)
25 Nov, 2012
Where we are its like spring today, lovely blue skies and sunshine, apart from one of my waterbutts taking a flying leap and flooding my yard, bit hard to believe, I know, lol, and a patio chair, I`m pleased to say no damage, I do feel for the people living in the bad areas, its a good job I pruned my winter clematis, it seemed drastic at the time but I think I would have lost my framework as well.....
That reminds me I must check to see if the clematis is sprouting any new growth.......
25 Nov, 2012
Bloomer, I've just taken a look on 'tinternet at the weather...Oh, you got me so worried, but looks like nothing so drastic. I'll still watch countryfile, to make sure :0
Seems Arbour or Arbor either is right, doesn't make any difference, it's still leaning lol. I daren't cut down the Clematis growing round it as they shouldn't be pruned until early spring.
That reminds me Linclass, should I empty my waterbutts, so they refill or just leave them???
25 Nov, 2012
Devon is wet, in fact it is saturated and still the rain pours down!
25 Nov, 2012
I think they just don't know,from one day to the next Waddy,but I always think Countryfile is pretty accurate,,luckily it was nice and sunny today,but cold..we all went out for Sunday lunch,and then took Thomas to the Garden centre at Birchencliffe..his first visit to see Father Christmas...Early I know,but it will be manic later this month,so we didn't want him to feeling overwhelmed stood in a long queue..All the proceeds are going to the Hospice,so a good reason to go there...His gifts must have been almost worth the entrance fee ..he loved it ..and so did we :o)
Hope the Arbour/Arbor at least,doesn't get any worse..you were lucky it is still standing !
25 Nov, 2012
We've been across to near Pinchbeck this afternoon, lots of flooded fields but roads not bad, just a suprise that the village of Allington was impassable.....did learn one thing, that about ten years ago the government cut the funding to the farmers so now the dykes and drains on the fens are left to their own devices
25 Nov, 2012
Pamg I've argued for years that the removal of the 'water bailiff' would have dire consequences. They kept water courses, ditches and dykes weed free and flowing. It doesn't take the brains if Einstein to realise we're now paying the price..that and concreted/paved gardens.
26 Nov, 2012
Round here we pay €12.50 a year for the equivalent of water bailiffs, who take care of rivers and streams - keeping banks and bridges and retaining walls in good order, and everyone whose land borders a public road is bound, by law, to keep the ditches dug and clear, and the drainage channels across their fields open. Big fines for anyone who doesn't. Once the water goes underground, it becomes the responsibility of the commune - the local council. I am entire agreement with you, Waddy about this ridiculous business of concreting and asphalting the whole country, and developers being allowed to build on floodplains. What numbskull planners do we have in power at the town hall?
26 Nov, 2012
The main reason I think is that access at the minute to the A6 for at least three villages is the building of houses on the flood plains....oh the houses are the other side of the river and are not flooded, but it takes very little guesswork as to where the water has gone
26 Nov, 2012
26 Nov, 2012
Why is it they don't go round like they used to ,to unblock the drains before the bad weather comes ?? No good coming afterwards..it really makes me angry...We hardly ever see one now,at anytime of year...and today,after our neighbour complained about three weeks ago,about the amount of leaves from the huge Sycamore,which makes our little cul de sac,slippery and dangerous...one arrived to day..no,not a wagon,but a man pushing his little cart..! and as OH..(and Thomas) :o) shifted 20 plus bags,there aren't any left ! Poor soul would have had to come every day for a fortnight to shift that lot ! ...Poor man,he only heard about it last friday....and he was soaked to the skin..
26 Nov, 2012
Cutbacks Bloomer, I get the feeling that they cut the easy things and hang the consequences.......
27 Nov, 2012
Exactly,Pam..but it would be so much easier on the coffers,if they used preventative measures first ! Never mind,they know they can put their prices for so called services up ,to compensate......
27 Nov, 2012
Now we're getting into politics and you know that will only lead to grief.
But just to light the blue touch paper...and stand well back, does anyone know of a councilor or M.P. who has put his/her money where their mouth is and taken a pay or pension cut?...Just thought I'd ask..
27 Nov, 2012
As it happens ,yes,Waddy ! One of our GP's is a councillor,and never claims anything..she says she earns enough money as a Doctor..:o)) not many of those around,is there? well ,not round here,anyway...
27 Nov, 2012
Blimey she must be in a minority...well done to her! ;) Pity she can't start a president
27 Nov, 2012
Sorry I missed this before Waddy. Sounds dreadful. Hope you managed to get all fixed up again. I truly hate strong windy days and nights....I can't sleep and it is so destructive. Grrrr.....
11 Dec, 2012
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It seems you've had a rough time :o( I'm glad you are all right though.
Sorry to hear of the damage in your garden. I hope it can be fixed soon, and that the bad weather has now gone away.
I think it's supposed to be wet again over the week end ... take care and keep safe !
23 Nov, 2012