Round Two....fencing, gate and PLANS....
By whistonlass
I am one excited lady today. We have now got the fencing completed and a brand new gate….
In the top photo you will see just some of the old concrete flags (there are lots more out of view). On 6th December the fence/landscape men will return!!! and they will….
lift all the existing flags, clean and re-site them on the unsightly concrete at the back of the house (see photos below)…The area is bigger than can be seen in these photos…
Remove and upgrade sewer manhole to be flush with new patio area..dig out all the existing weeds, rogue laurel, some ivy etc. Bring in good topsoil (likely 6-8 tons), lay turf to my specification and provide any border areas shaped to my instructions. I just can’t believe this is actually going to happen…. :-)….insert “giggle”…
Then….I plant (well maybe not til spring…depends on the weather). I will paint all the concrete fencing on the one side of the property and peruse all my notes about what I would like to include in the garden, arrange for an outside tap and a water butt….hubby will take the asbestos to the council site by appointment in mid-Nov.
I may just have to buy some more containers to plant up…we’ll need them for the patio to augment those I already have, of course!! lol
So….watch this space….the dreams and plans continue :)
21 Oct, 2010
Previous post: The diggers were here!
Next post: Writing on Fungi
Comments have repeated just exactly what my good friend said to me today....we've got good quality plastic (not my first choice but they are very strong) reclining chairs with matching footstools so for now they will do the trick. I would love a rocking chair one day and maybe a bench or arbor...but it's too early for that kind of dreaming! lol
Glad you can feel the excitement,'s been a long wait....pinch this for real? lol
21 Oct, 2010
Hi Whistonlass -what a lot of work for your garden contractors but won't it be great when it's all done and you only have to put the plants in ?
Oh Joy !
21 Oct, 2010
Fence looks great Whistonlass, enjoy the planning and designing, browse the gardening sites and make long long lists of plants and plans, make a large Christmas wish list + birthday lists and make sure everyone sticks to them. lol. Enjoy!!!
21 Oct, 2010
That's my plan, Oliveoil...Christmas wish list, extraordinaire! I've started a list in my little notebook and it will be a difficult choice as there are so many plants and shrubs I've seen on GOY....but I'm up for it! :)
21 Oct, 2010
All looking smart and secure now Im excited for you thinking of all that choosing , planning and planting that you have to look forward too, keep the progress rollong;0))
21 Oct, 2010
It's so exciting to make long awaited changes WL. Imagine the difference this time next year! Well done. . . And to the guys that have been doing the work, from the photos it looks like they've done a lovely job. :))
21 Oct, 2010
Yes, they are very good workmen (team of 3 and they hardly stop for breath). And yes, Silverbell it's such a nice thing to look forward to long-awaited changes.
21 Oct, 2010
little notebook?
i think you need a large folder! and then you could include all the lovely pictures from magazines to put together a gardening planning folder?
21 Oct, 2010
Well....a large folder is no problem....I have one available. You know Stickitoffee I've not thought about taking pics from magazines...what a great idea. Charity shops here I come! My notebook is small because I carry it with me when I'm out so I can jot names of plants down and remember what I like.
21 Oct, 2010
looking good J,i am soo pleased you have it all under way must be feeling good, it looks 100% better,i bet you keep having a quick look at it thinking what a difference...:o)))
21 Oct, 2010
You've got that right, Joanella. I've been out there so much today it's a nuisance to keep locking the garage door (the only entrance to the back garden other than the gate).
I can feel the excitement rising and the wondering....will I get it right? I wonder if anyone else thinks about that when it comes to their garden? I've heard others say they try things out and if they don't work they plant it somewhere else or get rid. We shall see.
21 Oct, 2010
ha ha i would be the same,you will get it right cause it will be the way you want it ..there is no right or wrong way ..dont get stressed about it will look back next year and think we have done all this since last oct lol :o))
21 Oct, 2010
Whey Hey are going to be busy this winter...choosing, planning, scheming, perusing! That new fence is stonking! and the gate too! They both look very smart!
21 Oct, 2010
We are all watching this space. Looks great!
21 Oct, 2010
Very posh !!!!. Only joking W,lass, I remember seeing a GW prog. when Mr T. was presenter and his advice was to sit in a new garden and watch where the sun was at certain times ,then decide where and what to plant......
21 Oct, 2010
A very good idea...I will start a journal so I remember the sunshine and where it lands. I was told that today by another gardening/good friend. Sit and observe seems to be the watchwords for creating "my space"....and hubby/family can share it...I'm not greedy! lol
Thank you all for your encouraging comments. It really helps to get so much lovely support for my dream as it becomes reality :) x
21 Oct, 2010
So pleased to see it is all happening for you, know how you feel...great isn't it?
21 Oct, 2010
Sure is a great feeling, DDaisy. :)
21 Oct, 2010
Sitting and observing, with a copy of RHS encyclopedia of plants and flowers on your lap and a cuppa in your hand....bliss!
22 Oct, 2010
I should take a table out for the Encyclopedia Jacquie, the book weighs a tonne!! It is looking just the job..great fencing, and now you have boundaries its easier to imagine. And dont worry about getting it will change your mind about something each year..we all do it! Gardens evolve, then get reinvented..thats the fun. Have a lovely time dreaming..
22 Oct, 2010
I agree, wrong is right, it never is wrong just a little different, you will never have ever got it just right, it is never wrong though, just a work in progress. Enjoy yourself as I am sure you will, keep up the good work plans. Like someone else said take it slowly, relax, do not overdo things it will take time. Hope you have a great winter planning whistonlass.
22 Oct, 2010
Great replies OOil, M, Karensue.....lovely to have you all on board with advice and encouragement with our "back 40". I will enjoy the dreaming, planning and the fun of seeing it all happen. :)
22 Oct, 2010
M...I missed the mention of the encyclopedia....I've got a table! lol It's in the back garden as I write...I was using it to do my potting up. So many good ideas :) I really must calm down...all this excitement...hehe
22 Oct, 2010
All looking good J. It will cost us to come and see you soon lol. Gate looks good, I wonder if I could get Barry to make me on like that lol, I'll have to twist his arm up he's back for next year LOL.
Keep up the good work, I like looking at the progress your making. :O))))
22 Oct, 2010
Will enjoy every step of the way, saving your blogs so I can see the progress gently unfold like a Money painting!
22 Oct, 2010
Lovely, M....I am like a kid with a new toy! It's really boosted me to have a nice garden to look forward to and add to. :)
Ladyessex....I hope you convince Barry with the gate idea. I am really pleased with the fencing and the gate....they are very well constructed. They have protective coating on them but they recommend repainting/staining next year.
22 Oct, 2010
Can feel how excited you are in your blog roll on 6th December for you.Looking eorward to seeing it done.
22 Oct, 2010
looking forward to see your garden photo's as you are planning it step by step.
22 Oct, 2010
just a thought ~ how about taking a camera round with you and sneaking a few photos of good ideas in other peoples gardens? could add that to the list of plans and ideas?
22 Oct, 2010
I may do that, Sticki....although I have got loads of ideas from GOY....can one have too many ideas, I wonder?? Thank you Clarice, Khayla and Sticki for your kind comments. :)
22 Oct, 2010
your new fence looks great.... looking foward to seeing the work progress..
22 Oct, 2010
what an exciting time for you. I imagine your Christmas list will be all things gardening! I was looking at buying a type of gardening journal/folder as I need to start keeping track of what I have planted and where. There are quite a few around. Don't know if anyone can recommend a particular one?
22 Oct, 2010
i cant recommend a particular one but this year i have made my own in just a little blank diary ~ its lovely to look back on ~ photos of something in the garden every day
next year i may not do every day but i have got a notebook with bigger pages so i can add more detail
i mostly took individual pictures of plants or flowers cos thats how i like them best but each month i took photos from a wider angle so i can look back and decide what needs to be changed or left the same.
22 Oct, 2010
Isn`t it exciting starting almost from scratch? I look forward to seeing your garden as it comes along. I love the fence. :o)
22 Oct, 2010
Thanks will be wonderful to see it shaping up in December and through to spring/summer. Can hardly wait :)
22 Oct, 2010
so happy for you Wlass, what a difference already, i cant wait to see next part, its going to be a little haven, wonderfull ;o))
22 Oct, 2010
You are so right, will be a little haven....that's the plan :)
22 Oct, 2010
I really like your fences and I also like the little wall they stand on.
You have lots of nice slabs there too. They'll look great when laid down together.
How exciting it all is for you :o))
22 Oct, 2010
Thanks Hywel....I agree the fencing looks the part. Yes, the slabs should clean up really well and I do hope you are right that they will look great when relocated.
Yep...I'm just a tad excited :) lol
22 Oct, 2010
Exciting times the fence is up, the gate is in
And plans are laid
A gang of guys to lay the slabs, to dig out trees.
You're not afraid
To plot; to scheme; to bring to life a garden
Bold and colourful
A place for birds, and peace and joy, creating that -
Its wonderful!
22 Oct, 2010
Thank you, M. Your verse reads like a blessing and I am chuffed to read it tonight. I especially like the sentiment of the garden being a place for peace and joy...that's exactly what I want to create. :) x
22 Oct, 2010
You are welcome Jacquie, I hope the journey never ends for you, as it hasnt for us and I know, for all of us here..
22 Oct, 2010
It is an improvement already, I like the gate. You are certainly having a big job done, it is very nice to start from a clean slate and I am sure your head must be spinning with all the ideas you must have. Take your time and close you eyes and try to visualise the way you want your garden. When the picture is clear in your mind, you will see that everything will be easier, even the trickiest details. I am wishing you all the best and will look regularly to see the way your work advances. Kind Regards, Fabrice
22 Oct, 2010
Thank you for your nice comments, Fabrice. You are right that my head is spinning with ideas and I'm trying to do as you say....visualize/dream even about what I want to achieve and the mood of my garden.
Nothing will match your beautiful walled garden but I will put my heart and soul into creating a place of peace and enjoyment. It won't happen overnight.
I have the winter months to dream it into reality. Oh joy :)
23 Oct, 2010
Your gate reminds me of the 'secret garden', W.lass Wont be long now til planting time !! Its looking great so far.
23 Oct, 2010
Yes indeed, Grandmage...looking forward to the planting time! Maybe I need a sign on the gate "welcome to my secret garden"....might be a bit OTT though.
I do feel a bit of a fraud having workmen in to do the bulk of the work but hubby and I couldn't manage it. I'll have lots of fun sorting out my design over the next few weeks before they begin work on 6th Dec. Sure hope the weather is kind to us.
23 Oct, 2010
Dont feel a fraud J, when Ken plants the flowers, I always water them and give them a pat...then they are MINE!! And the design will be yours..Im sure Capability Brown didnt plant all those trees, or dig those lakes!!
23 Oct, 2010
And once again good friend,'ve said exactly the right thing to put a smile on my face :) x
23 Oct, 2010
W.lass, don't feel a fraud, at 'our' time of lives we should be slowing down a bit anyway Lol, however, after the workman have finished THEN your work will begin, planning, planting and hopefully some sitting !!
23 Oct, 2010
Thank you, Grandmage....I am looking forward to the hands-on come spring (or maybe sooner if we get a mild enough winter).
23 Oct, 2010
What an exciting time you're having, Whistonlass, and I can imagine how your head is spinning with ideas! Glad you've got some help otherwise it would be too daunting - enjoy :)
23 Oct, 2010
Yes, Gee....I am very pleased we have been able to arrange for help. I've got my thinking cap on now for a layout and then of course a tentative list of plants/shrubs for spring. Lots of fun :)
23 Oct, 2010
Missed these blogs as I have been away. Just catching up. How exciting it all is. Love the fencing too. I am looking forward to seeing the progression here Wlass.
24 Oct, 2010
Thank you Cinderella. I too am looking forward to the progression of the garden. I have a list as long as my arm of plants/shrubs and features I'd like....need to do some serious thinking about what we really want to include. Spring will be such fun :)
24 Oct, 2010
hi Whistonglass. so pleased things are starting to happen for you. You will be counting down the days until you can start planting and then see the lovely result in summer.
I agree with stickitoffee about saving pics from magazines. I started a scrapbook earlier in the year, its A4 size and just a stardard hardback i bought from WHS, but its now packed with anything i find of interest in the magazines, so it includes tips, plants i like the look of, colour schemes, even pictures of other peoples gardens that has something in i like. Its about 50% full so far and i am always dipping into it to reread some useful bit of info. I've never used so much pritstick before........
24 Oct, 2010
Yes, Tilly a scrapbook will be very useful. One of my daughter's birthday presents to me was a subscription to Gardener' World magazine and she's just told me today it will start with the November issue. I am going to be devouring all the good information I'll find there with a lot of pleasure.
Yes, pritstick at the schooldays eh? lol
24 Oct, 2010
Just caught up with your latest news after our jaunt round England to see friends and relatives. The fencing is fantastic. It's good to see a garden makeover from scratch by a good communicator like yourself. Nice gate too, makes you feel more secure. GJ made is own in his heyday. Then he found it too heavy to hang up so it had to be downsized!!!!!! I look forward to more pics as your carefully layed plans progress
27 Oct, 2010
Thank you for your kind comments, Dorjac. I am so looking forward to having the hard landscaping done....if a little confused about exactly the layout I want. So many ideas rattling around in my is fun though :)
Funny that the gate ended up too heavy....we can get carried away with our big plans sometimes! We are very pleased with the fencing/gate and as you say it feels more secure now.
27 Oct, 2010
so wot are you fancying then .gv us a clue , wot favs have you got
28 Oct, 2010
Evergreens to give structure, rockery, water feature (weighing up the pros and cons of electric vs. solar), arch/pergola, budhlea, rambling rose (fragrant), clematis, cotoneaster, hydrangea, camellia, cosmos, sedum, lupin, heuchera, winter jasmine, peiris forest flame, lavender....not in any order of course.
I have got particular varieties of rose, clematis which I've written on my wish list but I am still viewing other GOY gardens for ideas. The plans need refining and if possible I'd like a space for a very small leanto greenhouse.
I would like to have some grasses but I'll have to see the garden landscaping finished before I can see if there will be room.
I do find it a bit of a puzzle to picture how it will all come together. I've got a couple of rough drawings I've done. It would be interesting to know how other GOYers started their garden spaces on paper or just purchasing plants and putting them in place.
I also want a birdbath and at least one cherub ornament (see Mossy's photos). Not a lot really Cristine! lol
28 Oct, 2010
Where is that lottery win when you need it J? lol! But you will get your garden, the exciting part is like watching a rose bloom...slowly unfolding, rose after piece after piece it comes together..
28 Oct, 2010
Yes, will gently unfold (that's what I keep telling myself)...and yes, a lottery win would be very welcome but then I'd likely want to move to my dream bungalow away from the city! lol
28 Oct, 2010
Well practice on this and when the bungalow appears, you will be ready and waiting for the bigger challenge!
28 Oct, 2010
Great idea, M....positive thinking :) x
28 Oct, 2010
It is more difficult when you only have a small space and there are so many wonderful plants out there and bits and pieces to dream of putting in your new garden. We were Ok with our first rescue of a neglected space.... as it was huuuge, and we were thinking 'orchard and soft fruit'. Just seen my brother's tiny garden. He has altered it all recently, both layouts looked good. I always have this vision of a tiny space and lots of pots of exotica, as friends we visited on our recent journey have opted for. Their garden is ultra tiny, but soothing in season. A bit plasticy as winter protection applied!!!
29 Oct, 2010
lol you have a big list there hun x i just put it in where i fancy things leave it 4 the summer c how it grow and looks then move it all around in the aurtum haha . great fun x
29 Oct, 2010
Yes, Cristina, I expect it will be trial and error for the first season but it will be fun :)
29 Oct, 2010
you go girl lol .....
29 Oct, 2010
Well! How's it all going then, havent seen what you've been upto since. :o)))) these last pic's.
2 Nov, 2010
There won't be much happening until the workmen return on 6th Dec. to begin re-siting the paving slabs, laying turf and giving us borders. I'm trying my best to get a plan together, many ideas floating around in my head!
I'll put up a blog as the work progresses but it will be a few weeks yet. I'm just hoping the weather isn't too foul when they return to the job. Thanks for your comments, Cristina and Ladyessex.
2 Nov, 2010
Hope you have good weather in December and are able to get things done, will look forward to your next blog. :o)))
2 Nov, 2010
me tooo !!!
3 Nov, 2010
aww...thanks Cristina :)
3 Nov, 2010
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will be great fun developing all that new garden, i love a blank canvas. maybe a garden chair the first purchase so you can sit and dream of the new plan?
21 Oct, 2010