New-to-us....SUMMER HOUSE
By whistonlass
My long awaited little summer house offered to us by my garden lady has arrived bright and early this morning, been erected on the pre-prepared paving slabs and now awaits my TLC.
I’ll post a photo of the “before” photo and when it’s all been cleaned, painted, windows cleaned etc. I’ll be sure and post an updated photo. All excited now. It just fits perfectly in the corner of our garden; made for the space!
21 Jul, 2011
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Its lovely and you could even put a few plants in there too. What colour wood stain are you going to paint it.
21 Jul, 2011
I favour "Seagrass" by Cuprinol but will look at the range of colours on offer before I make a decision. I painted our little bird house recently but I'm not convinced I'll use the same colour for the summer house.
Yes, Sixpence...plants are one of my ideas. It will be an ongoing project which I am really looking forward to. The windowboxes will accommodate some nice little plants too :)
21 Jul, 2011
Lovely, I like the shape, it is going to look beautiful...can't wait to see the after! :)))
21 Jul, 2011
I have seen a lot of summerhouses on ebay, the problem is... how to get it home:((( I would love to have one.
21 Jul, 2011
How exciting Jacquie. Bet you can't wait to get it all done.
21 Jul, 2011
Michaella....our garden lady offered us the summer house and arranged for two of her workmen to bring it to us on a flatbed truck. They took it down at her home and re-did the roof when they got to our home, re-erected it and it stands now as you see it.
We were gifted the summer house but paid the workmen (£150) which we reckon was a fair price. It's just finding an odd-job man who could transport for are so good at having a go at projects you might be able to put it up yourself? Good luck...I hope your wishes come true and you have one of your own one day, Michaella.
21 Jul, 2011
That's an attractive summerhouse Jacquie...
a good addition to your garden :o)
21 Jul, 2011
I love that Jacquie, such a nice shape. I'm very envious :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Well, Jaquie! Isn't that just the prettiest thing!! Och it's lovely!!:0)) I'm so excited for you, I hope you get some nice sunny weather very soon so you can go out and make use of it! ;0)
21 Jul, 2011
Wow thats gorgeous, what a bargain, I would love a summerhouse Whistonlass, Seagrass is a lovely colour, go for it..
21 Jul, 2011
What a lovely project for you Jacquie - it will be fabulous when you have renovated it.
21 Jul, 2011
That will be perfect for afternoon tea, I can see a little table and chairs with cushions on and a nice table cloth etc. just like Cristinas ! Enjoy it W.lass.
21 Jul, 2011
perfect fit :o))
21 Jul, 2011
Wlass that is just the ticket, a lovely little retreat where you will enjoy many a rest and a cuppa. Very good value too, couldn`t have happened to a nicer lady, just know how much you will appreciate it.
Wish you lived nearer I`d be there in a tick for the opening when you have it all spick and span.
21 Jul, 2011
very nice hun , .............. carnt wait to see wot you do next x
21 Jul, 2011
You are the bees knees now Whistonlass. That is a fantastic gift from your lovely garden lady. You will be able to use it even if it is raining and early in the year when it is too cold to sit outside you can be very comfortable in your own wee snug. I would get it wired for electricity so you can enjoy it right through the winter months by using a little heater. If you had chosen one yourselves you could not have picked anything better.
21 Jul, 2011
oww lucky you ive always wanted one....yours looks great
21 Jul, 2011
Looks brilliant - I'd love one of those :)))))))))
21 Jul, 2011
great jacquie, i can see you in there now with a small bistro table and chair to watch over your lovely garden in the sunshine, and a few pretty plants in there to, oh a nice cuppa or something stronger ;o)) i would love one myself but no room now.
21 Jul, 2011
Thats really great, such a good shape. I had the concrete base put in 12 years ago and am still waiting!
21 Jul, 2011
That looks just perfect! I love that shape. I think it's just right for honeysuckle and roses round the door and cream teas inside.
21 Jul, 2011
Looks lovely and just right for that space:)
21 Jul, 2011
Well, lucky you Jacquie! I love the shape of this Summerhouse ... it even has little window boxes ready for you to plant up later on ... well done on this latest addition to your new garden ... : o ))
21 Jul, 2011
A summer house with a bit of character - I too keep a look out on ebay I want one to restore - I'm jealous its just what I'm looking for lucky you - keep the photos coming.
21 Jul, 2011
Ooh that's lovely. Don't forget to put an 'after' picture on here for us all to see.
21 Jul, 2011
Whiston I`m really chuffed for you, that will be just the ticket all year round, you can relax in there and also protect your tender plants in winter if you so wish, it sits snugly in that corner as well as giving you a bit of privacy.
21 Jul, 2011
It's super, lucky you! I hope you enjoy using it :-)
21 Jul, 2011
Wonderful J, I have a feeling just what you wouldve picked for yourself! And enough left to do with it to make it your very own. I can just imagine Lucy sprawled on top sunning herself.....
22 Jul, 2011
Oh that's lovely. I can't wait to see how you do it out :o)
22 Jul, 2011
It seems a lot of us have a summer house on our wish list! Your comments are very abundant! lol I've been out at the summer house today and brushed and swept it all out (there were cobwebs and grit/dust) so it looks a bit more inviting now.
I'll be painting the inside and outside once we've sourced the paint and then go crazy "dolling" it up and putting my mark on it. Lucy has taken to sitting on the roof and a neighbour's cat has been teasing Lucy by coming and lazing on the exposed concrete/brick in front of the door. So Lucy has been busy today defending her territory! must be one patient gardener....12 years with the base down and no summer house yet :( Hope it isn't much longer until your wish comes true :).
22 Jul, 2011
You could have little curtains at those sweet little windows, no one would know if you were having a little snooze in there then!
22 Jul, 2011
hey Lass, with a little heater and kettle you could be in there all year round. Nice One.
22 Jul, 2011
I need to sort out electrics for my little retreat....just have to convince OH it's a good idea!!
Yes, curtains are on my wish list, Sticki :)
22 Jul, 2011
Not to mention a little snooze!!! LOL!
22 Jul, 2011
oh you lucky thing iv always fancyed one of those but not got the space :( so if its raining you can sit in there with a cuppa admiring your new garden.I look forwards to seeing what you do with it,im sure its gonna look great,happy summer house doing uppa ! good luck with it whiston :)) and its such a lovely one !
23 Jul, 2011
That looks great,Jacquie..if only I had the room..I love the colour 'Seagrass' think that would look good..just don't end up with it as a's so easy to just bung extra stuff in must have your own space! :o))
23 Jul, 2011
What a lovely little corner house Jacquie. Just the right size for your garden too. You should enjoy making it your own creation. I agree with Bloomer above that 'things' can all too easily sneak into these places. Spooky cat uses our corner house more than we do, as it has no door. It was OH creation in his better times. It even has framed roses cigarette cards on the walls! Spiders like it as well. In a heatwave it is a marvellous retreat.
23 Jul, 2011
I would go for a power supply in it, Jacquie. My Mum has a Summerhouse and I plug the lawnmower in from that supply, then when I'm done, we have a cuppa in there after. She has a radio, table & chairs and has a birdseed feeder hanging either end of the roof, so , if she stays really still, she gets to see the birds up very close. Bliss ! You'll love sitting in yours. : o )))
23 Jul, 2011
that sounds like a perfect retreat to me shirley. i would like to live in a log cabin one day!
23 Jul, 2011
Lol, Sticki, it's the spiders that put me off! . . . . .
23 Jul, 2011
dont mind spiders, cant stand slugs tho!!!
23 Jul, 2011
You must be so excited, Jacquie! It's perfect! will be keeping track to see your after pictures. delightful that Lucy has already staked out her territory... guess that rules out bird's nests, aye?
23 Jul, 2011
Am so envious its fantastic, but I havent the space, good luck with your renovations.
24 Jul, 2011
Looks great, I wish I had the room for one you will have many happy hours in it I'm sure :-)
24 Jul, 2011
It looks lovely :) And I think it has more charm for already being a little loved :) I hope you get plenty of use and enjoyment out of it!
25 Jul, 2011
wow it looks great! looks like it`s always been there.
hope you`ll have lots of happy hours enjoying it :)
25 Jul, 2011
How lovely... looking forward to seeing the transformation. What a lovely place to relax. Enjoy!
25 Jul, 2011
Looks lovely, Finishes that corner off just nicely..Will be good to see the pictures when you've added your finishing touches..
25 Jul, 2011
It looks great Jacquie. You could do bed and breakfast in there. Lets hope you get a good "Summer" to go with the house.
27 Jul, 2011
There's something so relaxing about summer houses. In our previous garden you were asleep in there before you could count to ten. It was good for entertaining too, as it was large. Our one is 'bijou'. It has a woven lounger with footrest. A small pallette shaped table with three legs. A seat with cushion for Spooky Cat to rest on. Candle lantern. The clothes line and a bag in the corner with 2 folding chairs. Anything else is banned. I'm still waiting for the heatwave!
28 Jul, 2011
Oh my,a summer house. You are going to love it.I have one that I just love.I painted old furniture and fixed it up so cute.We had electric put in,so I have a ceiling fan.You will enjoy your new space so much.I'll post pics of mine so it can give you some ideas.
13 Aug, 2011
How brilliant Lass, so pleased for will give you and OH lots of pleasure i'm sure....
22 Aug, 2011
Lovely! ANd for free! :)
23 Aug, 2011
i like that itll be somewhere to go for peace and quiet.
2 Oct, 2011
What a nice little Summer House, it fits perfectly in that corner.
9 Oct, 2011
Now thàt's a nice summer house!
13 Oct, 2011
Yes, "Seagrass" it is to be....I bought the paint in readiness for getting the summer house all spruced up but it is now awaiting that TLC when the weather warms up a bit...not complaining as it's going to be fun getting it all stamped with "my mark" :)
I don't do any painting (as in art) such as you J, but I'll enjoy sitting in the little summer house when the weather heats up a bit...a space just for me! Might put two chairs in there and share it sometimes though....hehe.
3 Jan, 2012
I've just scrolled through all the lovely comments I received through the nice that you all share in my pleasure at having the little summer house.
As some mentioned, it has got our summer lawn chairs and my wooden bench in it at the it's serving as winter storage. But they'll get the heave-ho when spring is on the horizon and I can begin my TLC.
Really appreciate the comments electric in the summer house as yet....that will have to happen this year!
3 Jan, 2012
Hi Jacquie! do you have any snow on your summer house? Hope you have a restful winter you can get out there come spring and enjoy it!
3 Jan, 2012
Hi Lass...
Those Electrics will soon come together, come Spring, I can't wait to see it all looking
Perhaps your Lady Gardeners chappies, will do you a lovely paint job, reasonably priced....don't want to wear yourself out painting, you'll have lots of important plant decision making going on lol...a girl has to delegate sometimes...:)))
4 Jan, 2012
No snow on the roof thankfully, Lorilyn....plenty of rain and wind but the roof is holding up just fine.
I don't think it will be a big job to do the painting, Crissue and I'd rather save the pennies and buy The only hurdle is hubby who reckons that you "do" the garden in the beginning and that's additional plants or changes are needed. Ouch! So I have to tread cautiously and keep feeding suggestions (I bet most of us have been there! I still have plenty of border space that will need plantiing and of course with this being the first winter season I'll have to see what springs back to life in spring and what doesn't.
All a challenge but I'm eager for spring so I can get started once again. I will delegate the digging to hubby and our son who has just returned from Canada after two years away. He was really pleased and surprised at how lovely the garden looks was a huge weed and bramble patch when he left 2 yrs. ago.
4 Jan, 2012
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It look's really nice as you say just made for that space :-)
21 Jul, 2011