Some light-hearted verse
By whistonlass
I saw this posted on my Facebook page today by a friend and I couldn’t resist re-posting it for all my GoY friends. I was given a mobile some months ago now by my friend after she got an updated one. My previous mobile had been disconnected because I didn’t use it for the months I was in hospital and they wanted £20 to reinstate it!
Anyhow….I can’t get the hang of the new phone so I just keep recharging it and take it out with me….if anyone rings me it will be a hoot to try and work out how to answer it!….
So…here’s the light-hearted verse taken from my friend’s Facebook page…..
SENIORS TEXTING CODE…..ATD..At The Doctors. BFF..Best Friend Fell. BTW..Bring the Wheelchair. BYOT..Bring Your Own Teeth. FWIW..Forgot Where I Was. GGPBL..Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low. GHA..Got Heartburn Again. IMHO..Is My Hearing-Aid On. LMDO..Laughing My Dentures Out. OMMR..On My Massage Recliner. OMSG ..Oh My! Sorry, Gas. ROFLACGU….Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can’t Get Up. TTYL..Talk To You Louder. LOL
~~Laughter is the best medicine~~hope it works for you too :)
24 Mar, 2011
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Next post: Plant fair (Ness Gardens)
ROFLACGU....that was the funniest one for me too, Olive.
I don't understand type-talk much either...It's a whole new world out there! lol
24 Mar, 2011
Oh, this just great, Jacquie! I've just printed it off to show a friend. I detest 'text talk' on mobiles you know, stuff like 'c u l8er' ! Why, oh why, do folk do that?
24 Mar, 2011
I have a slight rebellious streak I I go for plain English and I'm resistant to learning new my own worst enemy I suppose. We can all muddle along and understand one another with the long-word versions :)
24 Mar, 2011
I have to admit I sometimes take a while to decipher my grandaughters texts but she is only thirteen, saying that I`m also learning as I go along, nannies cool,now that is a compliment from my grandson,lol.
Very funny Whiston......
24 Mar, 2011
Oh Whistonlass!! I sorry, this is a bit gross, but I have to tell you... that was so funny I nearly blew a bubble out of my nose!!! Absolutely priceless! I'm going to send it to everybody I know! I agree keep to longhand, support our beautiful English language! LMDO! :0))))
25 Mar, 2011
Hi Jacquie - How funny (and true) it all is - this will be idle for me as well as I am not very good at texting - I really must get the kids to show me properly how it's done. ( Mind you I hardly use my mobile phone anyway ).
I shall have to write this down as I shall never remember it all. Thanks : )
25 Mar, 2011
i had to give my new mobile to my teen as i couldnt use it,didnt have a clue,very funny,also libet was realy funny,i laughed so loud i woke the teen at 5am this morning
25 Mar, 2011
It was my pleasure and delight to share this with my friends here. Libet and Ladybug have topped the comments...nosebubbles and waking the goodness I have a lot to answer for causing all this upset! lol
I could text on my previous phone (not text-talk though) but this new-fangled one has me foxed....even with an instruction booklet! I must be that old dog who can't learn new tricks! :)
Have a lovely day all. Glorious sun here :)
25 Mar, 2011
i had a new mobile at xmas.. took me ages to understand how to use it.....
25 Mar, 2011
It seems I'm in good company then, Holly...
25 Mar, 2011
lol :)
I have a mobile but I don't know where it is. I can't ring it to find out where it is because it is switched off !
Anyway I don't want to be pestered 24/7 wherever I am.
LMAIANIIYG - leave me alone I am not interested in your gossip
25 Mar, 2011
brilliant jacquie, my son sends me texts and im good on a mobile but some abreviations i just cant work them out and have to ask him what he means lol
25 Mar, 2011
Like that one Hywel. Very good think the abbreviations are getting very long, somehow think that is not what they are supposed to do. lol.
25 Mar, 2011
Hywel...ever I could do with reverting to the plain and simple one that I just about mastered! And today my daughter has been telling me her husband has bought her the new Apple Ipad 2 that came on sale amidst lots of hype! They pick it up tomorrow as he's reserved it for her.....her birthday pressie for 24th March.
The young ones like all the electronic gadgets...I think I'm doing just fine managing my laptop (just!
25 Mar, 2011
Laughing My Dentures Out, ROFLACGU and BYOT are definitely my favourites :P Tbf, I don't think even teenagers understand them all (although I'm worse than most... it took me almost a year with my current phone to learn which button was 'off'.)
I don't know about contracts, but for poor pay as you go-ers like me it charges you for multiple texts if you go over a prescribed number of characters... admittedly when I go over I will stingily refuse to send two, and go back over my message and cut out all the vowels until its short enough to send as one...
I am going to send this to my mother, she HATES texting, and I frequently hear her arguing with her phone, so hopefully it will cause her some amusement :)
Some other suggestions:
BDIA - Back Done in Again
LMG - Lost my Glasses / CFS - Can't Find Specs
LMZF - Lost my Zimmer Frame
ATWI - At the WI
GFT - Gone for Tea
26 Mar, 2011
My phone will remain switched off :D
Apple Ipad ? ? - what on eath is one of those ?
26 Mar, 2011
LOL. :O))) very amusing this Blog, causing lots of laughter, which is good for all of us.
Jennyfer love those especially the Zimmer Frame one. brilliant blog this one, keep them coming.
26 Mar, 2011
This link (if you highlight, cut and paste into a new window) will tell you better than I can, Hywel, about what the iPad2 does. It all goes over my head, I'm afraid.
26 Mar, 2011
Brilliant, Jenny....hope your mom gets a good belly laugh out of all the text-talk abbreviations.
I sent this out via email to some of my friends and family and have had, in return, some other funny jokes. It would land me in hot water if I kept putting jokes here on GoY so best not do that.
But....suffice it to say the ones we received from our brother-in-law were very's only one, for a taster (if you'd like any more I can email if you PM me an
And that's how the fight started.....
One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift. The next year, I didn't buy her a gift. When she asked me why, I replied, "Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!" And that's how the fight started.....
--------------------------------------------------- o O o -------------------------------------------------
My wife and I were watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have Sex?' "*?!?**!-No,' she answered. I then said, "Is that your final answer?' She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, 'Yes.' So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend." And that's when the fight started...
~~~~There's more....just say the word :)
26 Mar, 2011
Brill could'nt stop laughing
26 Mar, 2011
This blog rang so true to me, Whistonlass. I don't have any problems with computers, power tools, etc but I hate my mobile phone (and everyone else's!). My family refer to it as my 'brick' - it's many years old and they'll never let me forget that twice I picked up the TV remote control and went shopping with it, leaving the mobile on the side :) My first effort at texting was 'this is a very laborious form of communication' - granddaughter said she knew it was me because no one else would text like that!!! Nice to know there are others out there :)
Thanks for giving me a good laugh.
26 Mar, 2011
Love it, Gee.....I am trying now to understand how to view the KindlePC book I have purchased from Amazon!! So far all I've managed to do is purchase 3 copies of the same kindle book....there is no hope for me, just need to keep laughing.
The phrase..."can't teach on old dog new tricks" keeps popping into my head!
26 Mar, 2011
Thanks for the link. I had a look but I am none the wiser. It makes my brain hurt :( lol
26 Mar, 2011
I'm with you on that one too, Hywel.....these fancy gadgets do nothing for my brain cells. :) lol
26 Mar, 2011
:D !
26 Mar, 2011
Ooooh! I have Kindle for PC :D Are you still having problems?
27 Mar, 2011
Yes, Jenny....I sure am....although we have been out at the plant fair today so I haven't tried to access my KindlePC as yet.
Any pointers, Jenny?
27 Mar, 2011
Yes, depending on the problem :P If you can't find the book, have you tried clicking on 'archived items'?
27 Mar, 2011
The books often turn up there and they you have to click on them before they appear on your main home page, and then generally its just a case of click and read
27 Mar, 2011
o.m.g i thought i was the only one on here who can not use a mobile or laptop
27 Mar, 2011
Rest assured,'re not alone! lol
27 Mar, 2011
Hi, When i was ill my wife insisted i take "the mobile" with me "in case", at the time i never could bring myself to tell here i hadn't a clue how to work it but it kept her happy. i too hate Mobile phone and Faceache "speak" i wont answer any letter or message if anyone uses it, my Grandkids call me "Grumpy Grampy" lol.
28 Mar, 2011
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ROFLACGU :o)) Very funny, but very true. I write messages in full when I go on my phone, it doesn't cost any more to send it in full why does everyone have to abbreviate words. My sister in law does abbreviate and sometimes I have no idea what she is talking about, lol. It takes a couple of times reading her messages before I get the gyst of what on earth she is talking about. lol. I think I am getting old!!
24 Mar, 2011