Hello again! It's been a wet Bank Holiday here in Devon!
By wildrose
Well, the family has gone home, the ironing has all been done and I am stuck indoors because it has poured with rain all day!!!
Here are just a few photos of the garden in August on a sunnier day than this!
I hope that you are experiencing brighter weather where you are and that you have been able to get out and about!
It is Lifeboat Day in Bude but we decided that the activities would have to continue without us this year!! It is also the Lustleigh Show on Dartmoor – that didn’t appeal either!
It is supposed to be better tomorrow so I live in hope!!!
This is the path leading to the kitchen door. The white daisies are nearly blocking the path at the moment as they have grown so tall and ‘leggy’!
This is the bed below the dining room window and crocosmia seem to have taken over – as they do!!!
The old red rose flowers all through the summer – if only it had some scent.
Anemone Japonica pops up everywhere too, usually in front of smaller, daintier plants that do not stand a chance!
Ferns have done so well this year, I wonder why?!!
Final picture was taken at The Miniature Pony Centre on Dartmoor. It is the ideal place for young children to enjoy a really lovely day out.
Thanks for joining me on this very wet August bank Holiday!!
27 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Three hours of sunshine and time to myself!
Next post: A pleasant change from gardening.......Dartmouth and the Red Arrows.
Thanks for the lovely welcome back and hints that warmer weather is on its way later in the week. I am about to go outside just to get some fresh air - I hate being cooped up indoors! Now, where are my wellies.....
27 Aug, 2012
Welcome back from me too Wildrose....I hope you are enjoying the peace and quiet now the family has gone....despite the rotten weather!!
Lovely sunny pics btw :)
27 Aug, 2012
Good to see you again Wildrose and your lovely garden, its good to have some peace and quiet sometimes but it would be even better if it coincided with a warm sunny day.......
(forgot to say its lousy here as well)
27 Aug, 2012
Nice to see your very lush garden, love this type of planting. I shall be needing to divide the Crocosmia like yours mine are begining to take over.
No gardening for me today unfortunately, its been raining constantly all day. We have been promised a dry sunny day tomorrow and then back to the rain again.
27 Aug, 2012
At the Council stables here there is a lady who has a Shetland Pony. It is 40 years old. She keeps it as a pet.
She works as a dinner lady at the school to earn the money to keep it. The paddock and stable rent is £40 a month. Goes twice a day on an electric bike some distance, all year round to look after it, also her daughter's horse. So it is not lonely.
She is a very happy lady.
I used to go there for horse manure, thats how I know.
27 Aug, 2012
That is a lovely story. She must be a very kind person and a true animal lover.
The little ponies we saw were so gentle and friendly and were also very well looked after.
27 Aug, 2012
Great to see you again,Chris..and your pretty garden..My Lucifer Crocosmia's are finished now,but I do miss the colour.. but the shorter ones are in full bloom to compensate....lousy here today too,but at least it didn't start till lunchtime..so just had to get out of the house..so had lunch out :o)
I bet it is quiet without your two little boys..but nice to have your own space ..till next time:o))
27 Aug, 2012
It was awful when they left - I could still hear their little footsteps on the floor and their little voices in the garden but we are sort of back in our old routine again now. Still too quiet though!
I don't blame you for needing to go out despite the rain and more rain!!!
27 Aug, 2012
I can imagine,Chris..I would feel the same..such a shame they live so far away...:o(
On Countryfile tonight,they said we were going to get alternate days of sun and rain this week..so fingers crossed,it's our day..and everyone else's tomorrow ! :o)
Sending you a PM...
27 Aug, 2012
Sorry to hear about your wet bank holiday. We had the same :o(
But your garden looks lovely in the sunshine !
The ponies are pretty. I see some in a field near here too. They're cute :o)
27 Aug, 2012
Nice blog Wildrose, lovely ponies. Been pouring down all day today here, back to work tomorrow!!
27 Aug, 2012
Thanks for all your nice comments and I hope you all saw some sunshine today coz it's not looking too promising for tomorrow!!!
Sheilar I hope the sun was still out when you arrived home from work. We need all the sunshine we can get!
28 Aug, 2012
It kept its promise here too,Chris..been out there pruning Pyracantha's and have the scratches to prove it ! ..
28 Aug, 2012
Correction - the Council stables with paddock, are £45 a month. Sorry. This may vary in other parts of the country.
Another horse owner told me they cost £200 to be put to sleep. Also a local farmer keeps a corner in of one of his fields for a horse graveyard to help them. He buries them for free. There are some wonderful people out there, if we only hear about them.
29 Aug, 2012
Lovely to see you again, and your colourful garden Chris, but sorry you had a wet Bank Holiday: bit mixed here too. But I'm COUNTING on the sun shining in north Cornwall in mid-September . . . my precious 3 days at the seaside!
29 Aug, 2012
Glad to have you back here Chris, your garden is looking very lush. I'm removing some daisies soon and quite a few Lucifers along with some of his relatives. So many things have gone mad this year. How lovely that miniature pony centre looks, Aislinn (6) would love it, So would I :-)
29 Aug, 2012
Glad that you are all still here!!
The pont centre was so nice because it wasn't over commercialised and they had thought of everthing to make it a really good day out. I loved it!!!
The garden has been under attack in the last two days!!! John has pruned two out-of-control rambling roses and all I can say is 'There is very little left of each of them!!!.' I wonder what next year will bring?! Two new roses possibly!
29 Aug, 2012
Hallo Chris, nice to see you back on here and hope you enjoyed your time with your little ones. Sorry to hear about your bad bank holiday weather. Dare I say it, we had sunny weather all through our time in Ireland!
30 Aug, 2012
Hello Rose, I am so glad that you had lovely sunny weather in Ireland - well deserved!
30 Aug, 2012
Thanks Chris, will write soon . x
31 Aug, 2012
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Lovely garden. Hope you get better weather tomorrow. Later on in the week is supposedly going to be warmer. YaY!!!!!
27 Aug, 2012