Daylily 9
In spite of some hot and humid weather, and a lack of real rain, the daylilies are proving tough. The section that is at the highest elevation has only a few, but other sections make up for it.
The colors may be subtle like (Trahlyta x Apple Swirl) a large 8" DIP:
Or they can defy the camera with the differences in each color like with (Blue Oasis x Watchyl Lavender Blue) where there is a grey blue band on the sepals.
If I had shot the photo for the band, the colors on the petals would have come out very dark.
I also had the same problem with [Dragon Dreams x (Beautiful Edgings x Feminine Fingers)]. It was a very overcast day, and trying to strike a balance of what could be seen was difficult.
Some had no problems showing off like [(Core Values x Don Herrell) x El Aventura]:
I had wanted to put an edge on the pod parent (Core Values x Don Herrell):
I used one that was new and had a nicely ruffled edge, ‘El Aventura’:
There have been those mornings full of fog and mist. It sounds nice, but all it really does is bring temperatures down a little, get everything above ground wet, and no water for the roots. That can be frustrating when something is open like ‘Painted Pattern’:
Developing nicely is [(Amber Rhum x Kazoo) x Sad Sack]. The pod parent is an applique type, while the pollen parent has teeth. The teeth are finally developing as seen in the next 2 photos:
- & #9
I have been trying to develop some small doubles by using seedlings like WBR2#26 – this is where my location shorthand becomes useful by not having to go through 4 parents with long names. WBR2#26 has been 100% double.
It can be difficult using a double as a pod parent because the pistil on them can be distorted and unusable, so it is easier to use it as a pollen parent. The result was (Crystal Blue Persuasion x WBR2#26):
Also open today were (Frankenflower x Don Herrell):
And [Core Values x (Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy):
It was dry, but threating some sort of water, and I was able to use ’Pirate’s Prism’, which looked especially nice today:
When it looks and feels like it might rain, but the pollen is still dry, a trick is to use a foil cover. I take a small square of aluminum foil, wrap it around a small stick, and after pollenating a flower, slip it over the pistil. This also helps to keep stray pollen away, usually from the same flower. Here is a photo of (Crystal Blue Persuasion x Carpathian Cavalier) after it was pollenated, tagged, and foiled;
1 Jul, 2018
Previous post: Daylilies 8
Next post: Daylily 10
Oh, I love hemerocallis! And what a wonderful collection of varieties you have. Mine, which used to flower well are now in too much shade due to tree growth. Also they've grown into big clumps. Would dividing them help or do I need to move 'em?
2 Jul, 2018
@Pb123: They do best if divided about every 4 years and receive lots of sun & water. If you do it in the fall, they need about 6 weeks to settle in and can work on growing new roots. If you do it in the spring, they will still need to grow more roots and you are more likely to loose a year's worth of flowers. However, some take a year to settle in no matter when they are divided. If they are dormant types (they die all the way back during the winter), sun is important to start their growth and flowering. I have a couple that need front row positions or they start late and never really flower. I use a fork to dig them out and a serrated bread knife to cut them apart.
2 Jul, 2018
They are beauties Wylie facinating how you have got [(Amber Rhum x Kazoo) x Sad Sac that looks like fine stiching
Core Values x (Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy): also (Core Values x Don Herrell):
#5 too.
The light of day has a lot to do with picking up and capturing the colours and markings as the sun now has altered position because of the tilt of the poles might explain this.
3 Jul, 2018
Thanks Wylie!
4 Jul, 2018
All stunning Wylie I don't have room for many seedlings now I don't have the allotment but Trahylta x Apple Swirl is one i might try next year yours is lovely ! Also love love love number 5!
29 Jul, 2018
#7 and the last one are two of those I crossed with Moose Man. #5 always gives a good patterned show.
30 Jul, 2018
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these are stunning as usual. its good to see the technique you use to prevent accidental pollination. I like the pinky purple ones more than the yelloy ones but that is purely colour preference. the toothed edge is an interesting feature of the petal.
2 Jul, 2018