Nerines Part 1
Finally, and sadly, the last of my new Nerines that will be opening this year have opened. I bought a lot from the Exbury Collection in preparation for Brexit and for the new rules in the EU which start December 15 – where all plants and their parts (seeds) need phyto certificates, even within the EU (the costs are going to sky rocket!).
Most photos were taken in front of my house, which provides a grey background. But the time of day, sun or shade, flash or no flash can produce wide variations of color. The main goal was to get the color in the photo of just the flower to match what I was seeing in real life. Sometimes I even managed to get the diamond dusting that is on the flowers to show up. Ageing of the flowers is also a factor. All that being said, here are the results.
‘Zeus’ is a strong red in the tradition color of Nerines.
‘Rhodora’ is another strong red and started opening just yesterday.
‘Mo Farrah’ is one that shows that it can be better to let it age a little. The markings were hard to capture as they are very subtle, so a picture of when it was young, and then older.
‘Mashona’ has striping, and if you look close, diamond dust.
‘Dark Copper’ was the first to open. The stripes are subtle on this, although they become more pronounced with age.
‘Brimanzi’ is red with bluish stripes.
‘Cedarburg’ is the last one to open. It has the largest flowers of all.
‘Exbury Renoir’ is a nice salmon with white and diamond dust.
Since this is getting long and there are, I am dividing this into 2 blogs.
So end of Part 1.
23 Oct, 2019
Previous post: New Hedychium
Next post: Nerines Part 2
They are absolutely stunning - no boring pink for you!
23 Oct, 2019
I think I forgot to get any of the pink varieties that are available. I do have some "regular' Nerines that will be blooming much later, and are pink.
24 Oct, 2019
I only have the plain pink ones but they are lovely. yours are beautiful.
24 Oct, 2019
Lovely to see so many Nerines in flower, Wylie! like others I've only ever seen the pink ones but I've never grown them myself. :(
24 Oct, 2019
These are only about half of the bulbs that I have. 'Rhodora' (the second one) is ablaze in the sun today.
25 Oct, 2019
Wow!! The are lovely! We used to have the bod standard variety flowering for Christmas Day on the Isle of Harris. Just found your blog while on holiday on the Azores- bowled over by the flora!!! Very jealous!
23 Dec, 2019
If you come to the Azores in summer, the roads are lined with hydrangeas in flower, and in the fall there are tons of Amaryllis belladonnas. I have a huge hibiscus open today.
24 Dec, 2019
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Fabulous Wylie..
23 Oct, 2019