End of March flowers
This time of year it is a little colder (it got down to 7°C one night), but the flowers are waking up.
The 4th flower on my Red & White Hippeastrum opened.
The Babiana are opening. These came from a pack of bulbs that I planted in the ground and let run wild.
Another Moraea is open. Moraea ochroleuca does very well in the ground and there can be a lot of flowers open at once.
Scilla peruviana is native to Portugal, but not the Azores. I have the traditional blue, but I also have the white variety.
The large and showy Geranium maderense are in flower.
We have Crinum moorei naturalized here. You will see it in undisturbed areas along the roadside. The bulbs are very large with equally large leaves.
Then there are two things we just deal with, living here. The first is that while writing this, there was a small tremor measuring 2.7. Big enough to be felt, but not do damage. There has been a lot of seismic activity lately.
I’m editing this to show how close I am to the seismic activity. The white arrow points to a white dot where I live. The red dots are activity in the last 24 hours, the bigger the dot, the stronger it is.
The other thing is cows. On Terceira, farmers are constantly moving herds from one field to the next. They can be around 200 head, so the streets get jammed. Here is one that I took a photo of from my backyard looking down into Raminho.
Here is an update for April 6:
The white arrow is where I live. You can feel a 2.5 quake, especially when it is this close!
31 Mar, 2024
Previous post: February flowers
Next post: Spring is here
Lovely blog. It’s so nice to see gardens abroad & your beautiful exotic flowers. The tremors sound a bit alarming though, we're not used to those in UK. I’ve only felt a slight wobble once, they do actually occur sometimes.
1 Apr, 2024
The tremors are a little disconcerting. I was here on Jan 1, 1980 when the 7.3 quake caused widespread destruction, so I do get a little nervous.
The cows are a real bother. The streets get very dirty between rain storms, and it is like an obstacle course walking up to the trash dumpster.
The guy who takes care of my garden likes the Geranium maderense, so he doesn't want to pull out the volunteer plants and it can get a little invasive.
1 Apr, 2024
Such lovely plants you have! And I envy the view from your window!
2 Apr, 2024
Beautiful flowers, Wylie! 👍Your Amaryllis is lovely! My first 3 Amaryllis have now finished but I have another two with buds, one of which is opening now. The other one will take much longer in flowering.
Interesting to read about the earth tremors, Wylie. I've never experienced one in all my life.
2 Apr, 2024
You have some gorgeous plants and I think I would be very nervous living where you do.
Hopefully it won't ever affect you.
I too love to see the cows but it must be a nuisance if you want to get past them.
4 Apr, 2024
Driving past cows is a skill you need to develop quickly. Terceira is the only island with this problem. I've been to several others, and they keep their cows out of the streets.
A lot of the quakes are not felt, measuring below 2.0 on the scale. There was one recently that caused some of the rock walls lining the streets to be damaged.
I am waiting on a new member of the Iris group to flower - Neomarica. The buds are forming, but it is taking a long time.
4 Apr, 2024
Here in Dorset at the moment there is hardly a week goes by without another bit of the South coast crashing into the sea! Not because of volcanoes, just erosion and the wettest winter on record. Spring is just as wet so far!
5 Apr, 2024
Lovely blog, Wylie. Beautiful blooms as always. I do like the procession of cows too, but can appreciate the mess they can make on the roads.
It must be very stressful being so close to seismic activity, its the destruction that volcanic eruptions cause. I can understand your nervousness.
6 Apr, 2024
Hopefully you haven't had any more earthquakes, Wylie! 👍
I suppose you've heard about the very strong one in Taiwan. There was one in Japan as well, just not as strong. No tsunamis fortunately from either quake! 👍
It came as a surprise to hear about the low level quake in New York as well! I can imagine people being very scared even though it seems it caused no damage.
6 Apr, 2024
I grew up in the San Francisco Bat Area, so there were quakes from time to time, but not this frequent. They are small, so you feel the wave and it is over. See the update at the end of the blog. The center of that quake was less than 5 kms. from my house.
7 Apr, 2024
Thanks for the update, Wylie! 👍🏻
9 Apr, 2024
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I love a cow procession! When I visit my local farm shop Ioften see them being moved. Just like this! I love all your colourful flowers Wylie, but you’ve reminded me of Geranium Maderense. I’ve always loved this. I think I will try to grow it here now I am in a much milder climate than we had in Scotland.
31 Mar, 2024