Activity in the garden
By Gee19
We have had a long spell of icy cold weather. Every morning the ice has got thicker on the pond and it has spread nearly all the way along. There is just a short patch of water and the more adventurous ducks are swimming . The others are all huddled on the banks!!
Like most of the population I have had the cough/cold virus and today is the first day that I have been out for several days. But while I have been house-bound I have been very lucky with all my garden visitors.
Of course, Freaky came several times a day, looking through the kitchen window to see if I was getting his breakfast ready – his girlfriend comes regularly too but is not as bold as Freaky.
While I was watching Freaky and his Mrs there was a terrible commotion going on in the front garden so I peered through the window to have a look.
A real Squabble of starlings were on the birdfeeder but not for long!
Tufty arrived and took over the table! He ignored the nut tree I had provided for him
And went straight for the bread, oats and cheese!!
Trotty took a look and decided there was no chance of getting a bite…….
…… so he joined the dunnock in the back garden.
The starlings had regrouped in the back garden, too.
And still Tufty enjoyed his meal…… although he seemed to be sleeping on the task!!
But after a good scratch he was OK for a few more mouthfuls!
He ate upside down……
…and downside up!
Sparrow kept a look-out and told the back garden crowd what was going on
Robin gave up and flew off in a strop!
And Tufty kept on gorging himself!
The gentle dove tried to mediate but couldn’t budge him……
So returned to the back garden but found all the food gone there too!
At last Tufty was full up ……
But he did take a snack to eat on the way home!
Just as I was about to replenish the food supply this little feathery bundle arrived and scared everyone away. His visit was brief but I think it was a bullfinch.
Not sure if it was the bright colour that scared everyone or whether it was me jerking the camera up too quickly to take the picture! I expect it was me but I am hoping he will come back again soon.
I also spotted a heron circling the pond so will have to try and take a picture of him if he returns – and if I am quick enough!!
What a long blog – sorry, folks, just got carried away!!
10 Jan, 2009
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Oh Gee...fantastic blog.and what a great shot of the bullfinch ! Tufty will ignore his nut tree as the rest of it is just sooo tempting ! The starlings are a real rabble arent they.lovely photos !
10 Jan, 2009
Fabulous blog Gee. Lots of lovely pics and great story. Loved your bullfinch picture. He is really pretty.
11 Jan, 2009
Lovely photos!
11 Jan, 2009
Don't be sorry Gee. I enjoyed it !
11 Jan, 2009
Thoroughly enjoyed that! Especially the bullfinch - I've only ever had one of these in the garden once (that I know of).
I much prefer your collective noun "Squabble" of starlings to the published "Murmuration" or "Filth"
As porridge oats swell so much I prefer to cook it with water - I worry about a little bird eating too much, swelling and exploding!
11 Jan, 2009
What a lovely blog, & photo's really enjoyed your trip round your garden.
11 Jan, 2009
Wow...a great blog Gee.....all your visitors there waiting for Tufty to take his leave..ha..ha.....and the Bullfinch too....fabulous!
11 Jan, 2009
Loved your photos Gee! The robin in flight was amazing and what a cheeky squirrel you have visiting!
11 Jan, 2009
Lovely blog Gee, good photo's. What an assortment of wildlife you have!
11 Jan, 2009
love this blog thats a great way to cheer yourself up,fantastic photo,s,thanks for sharing............
16 Jan, 2009
What a terrific blog Gee! do you have koi or goldfish in your pond? If so...perhaps you'd better give the Heron the heave-ho. Wouldn't want to lose all your fishies. Herons are quite efficient eaters...would clean out a pond in no time!
It's great to see all the wonderful entertainment that nature gives us~ gratis!!
17 Jan, 2009
Thanks for all the nice comments. There are large fish goldfish in the pond (some are huge) and also shoals and shoals of little ones. If a heron ate that lot he wouldn't be able to fly :) It's not my pond - its the village pond but I am lucky enough to live right next door to it.
17 Jan, 2009
LOL...I made the comment because my niece lost some koi and goldfish to a pair of blue herons!! she finally bought a plastic alligator (very realistic) for her pond to deter them...they weren't afraid of her waiving a dish towel...but they didn't like the look of the fake alligator!!
18 Jan, 2009
LOL. What a great idea Lori. Very clever of your niece.
18 Jan, 2009
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~lovely pics~more good ones of your starlings!
10 Jan, 2009