Is fencing an Olympic sport?
By Gee19
If so, my son in law, his friend and my young grandson should win medals!
It meant that both my front and back garden has been in a mess for a while, with all the materials ready and waiting until the workers had time off to start the job.
These two ditch warblers were discovered early one morning! They were fed on honey flapjacks and millionaire’s shortbread throughout the day with copious amounts of liquid refreshment! Fortified in this way they dug out loads of rubble and about 25 bags of clay! Fortunately the ditch was dry.
Then they put in three rows of blocks as retainers and to raise the level of the fence.
Once the wall was in place the shrubs had to be pruned before the old fence could be removed
The three tortoises had to spent a day indoors and Chloe was only allowed out with supervision. I didn’t trust her not to go on a duck hunt!
The new fence is very sturdy and I am so pleased with it. I no longer have to worry about Little ‘Un disappearing through one of the holes and it’s nice to get rid of the blue rope that was holding the old fence together!
I have gained about a foot of garden but, because it was previously a gravel bed , it’s very compacted and impossible to dig at the moment. Hopefully we will have some rain soon to make it easier.
I have put my seat in its new position – but it’s sloping slightly to one side!! More adjustment necessary, I think.
This is one of the reasons I have not been on GoY for some time. The other reason is that my family has been on holiday but, due to circumstances, have not been able to go away this year. We have all been having days out locally which have been great fun but tiring. Hopefully I will be able to catch up with you all soon but I think it will be a mammoth task!
30 Aug, 2009
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I'll let you into a secret, OB, but don't tell anyone :)
I am hoping to put a Rowan tree in this bed when it has been well dug over. I have my eye on one called Autumn Spire which grows upright. All I need now is some rain to soften the ground!!
30 Aug, 2009
Brilliant! Mine is just starting to lose some of it's leaves. It's been an unexpected joy this summer, as you know, with the blackbirds and squirrels on it daily.
I'm chuffed for you and will be praying for rain for you....maybe you could take ours down here. It's been a lousy week!!
Look forward to seeing it in place so we can compare pics!!
I even took some pics of a rowan for you when we went to a place called Bryngarw Park....see 2 blogs of mine when you have time!
30 Aug, 2009
Your ditch-warblers have done a sterling job, Gee!
I just rescued two baby rowan trees from the gutter by the road the other week! So my trees are about 42 high!!
You can have my rain!!!
30 Aug, 2009
They have done a very good job Gee and you get a bit more garden into the bargain,nice one, love the seat....
30 Aug, 2009
Any offers of rain very welcome, MP. We haven't had any real rain for ages - just a few drops now and again. It's a bit like the Gobi Desert here :)
30 Aug, 2009
Good to see you back Gee great looking fence and it SHOULD be an olympic sport much better than the one they have now hehehe
30 Aug, 2009
It looks great and well done, I m not sure about fencing being an olympic sport, but is there another compition there besides fencing is the one in blue shorts with the builder bum competing against Milky s Ray LMAO, love your new seat its beautiful
30 Aug, 2009
I wondered where you were.
You have a lovely new fence now :o)
31 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Hywel. The fence is great, just need to grow some plants now to hide it :)
31 Aug, 2009
They have certainly done a good job...... all looks great..
31 Aug, 2009
Gee good job, lke Marie said you can have her rain ,well you can have mine aswell, i'm sick of it raining.
31 Aug, 2009
They have done you proud Gee what a grand job and I love your seat it looks very posh !
We haven't had any rain so I can't offer you any of ours it's been hot and sunny again today , thank goodness ! at least my grandsons have been able to play outside .. we may have some tonight according to the weather forcast ..
31 Aug, 2009
Great job Gee if a fence worth putting up worth doing well and this will last for quite a while go to all the bother of inserting posts to then attach those silly larch panels , respect to the workers.
31 Aug, 2009
Ditch warblers are a new species to me - how do you attract them? Are they only resident in drier areas? I'd be prepared to provide unlimited honey flapjacks, shortabread and anything else they particularly like. What gems.
1 Sep, 2009
Well done the lads, nice looking job theyve done there!
11 Sep, 2009
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Looks really good Gee and good to have you back!!
It's always nice when things take shape and your fence and the area inside it sure look good.
Nice one!
30 Aug, 2009