On my trike!
By Gee19
I haven’t been out on my trike recently. I seemed to have lost my nerve after a couple of near-misses with ditches etc. You would think a trike was well balanced and easy to ride but on main road cars coming too close for comfort are a problem and on country lanes the road camber seems so exaggerated that it is easy to tumble sideways (I speak from experience!). However, I wanted to go to the local garden centre so trike it had to be!
This morning was lovely and warm and, surprisingly, I really enjoyed the ride. So much so that I carried on pass the garden centre and went a few yards further on and turned alongside the Royal Military Canal. I left the trike at the gateway and wandered a little way. It is possible to trycle along the footpath here (and I have done it several times) but it is very bumpy and pot-holed and in some places the bank falls away quite steeply and a tumble would mean a very wet landing!
I then returned to my trike, crossed the road and rode alongside the other section of the canal where I used to see a little kingfisher. No luck today as there were anglers there. I liked the outline of this dead tree.
The track became more uneven so I abandoned the trike and walked a little way…
…to where a group of swans were congregating.
Way across the fields I could see the church at Warehorne. It looked short and dumpy from this viewpoint and I knew just how it felt! Time to go back to the garden centre I decided.
But when I got back to the road my legs pedalled away in the opposite direction down to Johnson’s Corner. This is where a very brave USA airman, Flight Lt W H Johnson died in his B17 bomber in 1944. His plane was damaged returning over the channel but he kept the plane going until all his crew had parachuted out safely. Unfortunately he didn’t make it himself. I like the fact that the American flag flies here.
The memorial is very well kept. I couldn’t find a label giving the name of the rose. Would it be ‘Peace’ I wonder?
Opposite the memorial is a bed full of flowers. I liked this blue one and the lantern shaped ‘pods’. Some were spent and brown so I collected some of the seeds!
Finally I returned to the garden centre where I had some Gardeners Club vouchers to spend and a free viola to collect! My trike was quite laden on the return journey but I stopped to say ‘hello’ to some of my neighbours.
But, apart from a quick glance, they ignored me!
Back home, I did a nifty bit of reversing…..
And unloaded all my goodies.
Now all I have to do is pot them all up :)
29 Sep, 2009
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Thanks Gee that was a lovely blog, nice to see the war grave still so well kept, no harm in collecting a few seeds, lovely countryside and good looking neighbours too, I like the one on the left is her name Dolly by any chance :o)))
29 Sep, 2009
Lovely Gee! That DOES look like the peace rose!
30 Sep, 2009
A lovely day out. Glad you enjoyed it.
30 Sep, 2009
It looks a smashing day and I dont blame you for having a detour in such a lovely area, your trike does look well laden, pleased you got yourself and plants home without any mishaps and mostly that you enjoyed the ride and obviously got your confidence back..........
30 Sep, 2009
Lovely :o) I enjoyed reading that. I like your trike . I could do with one of those... lol.
You live in a pretty place. I liked the view with the church and it all looks so peaceful around there with you. Very nice.
30 Sep, 2009
You can't keep them hells angels from tearing round can you, well done on your ride , it blows the cobwebs away doesnt it.
A lovely blog Gee and a great introduction to "round your way", I like the shot of the tree too, I'd probably have taken one of it too!
Keep on tearing around, I can sell you a good second hand leather jacket which will help protect you if you have a chuck it down the road moment, (cheap), choose from White gorrila shaking its fist , the "bird",or One life , ride it!
30 Sep, 2009
Gee I was more than a bit worried when you set off down by the river and quite relieved when you decided to walk , There's nobody around to help you if you should topple over or worse in !
What a nice area to live in and near to a garden centre :o)
I suspect you are busy today deciding where to place them in your garden , you have bought a good selection , your trike is ideal it made me wonder why all these school kids don't have one to carry all those heavy books and it would stop all the cars doing the school runs .........
30 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog it is so nice to see where other people live.I liked the river views and the swans.Your trike seems a good way to get around.
30 Sep, 2009
What a super blog Gee, you are braver than me riding that tricycle! Can anyone put a name to the blue flower, we acquired a ripe seed pod today and I 'think' it is an abutilon but no idea which.
30 Sep, 2009
Aha...I was just going to ask that question Moon Grower. I too thought it looked like an abutilon perhaps A,vitifolium? , a shrubby one. We saw some at Cragside when we were there last week. The leaves are a nice shape too.
30 Sep, 2009
Such a familiar area, Gee - it made me quite nostalgic for Kent! Mind you, not the M2/M20!!!
Lovely photos - thanks. Where's your Wyevale? I don't remember one in your area??
30 Sep, 2009
glad you had a nice ride out.........id like to bike ride but my poor old knees dont like it..lol
30 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Indypendant, for the offer of the jacket. I would probably choose 'One life, ride it' but think my family would disown me so I will pass on that, thanks :)
Please don't worry, Amy, I bounce quite well! When my daughter was with me and I fell into a ditch (dry) she couldn't help for laughing anyway!!
Spritz, I don't think I would dare go near the M2/M20 on my trike! The garden centre is about half a mile outside the village, right next to the Royal Military Canal.
Thanks, Moon grower and Amblealice, for the name of the plant. It is very attractive. I probably have enough seeds to share if anyone wants some (and I could also go back for more!)
Thanks, everyone, for your very kind comments. Glad you liked it :)
30 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog I like the basket on the back of your bike
30 Sep, 2009
Thanks for taking us with you, that rose looks like my standard rose and thats called peace, love your bike you'd get good exercise using it.
30 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Donnah and Clarice. I hoped the rose was Peace, Clarice, as it seemed so appropriate somehow. Must admit my shoulders and legs are aching a bit today :)
30 Sep, 2009
How far did you ride, Gee??
30 Sep, 2009
Not very far at all, Spritz! It is probably just over a mile down to Johnson's Corner plus a bit extra for my detour along each side of the Canal. The longest ride has been 29 miles but I don't think I will repeating that :)
30 Sep, 2009
My goodness! I don't think I could do that! I should think that you're stiff because you're out of practice. I'm sure it must be good exercise. :-)
30 Sep, 2009
lovely blog and thank you for taking us. I would have got lost on my own LOL seriously it looks idylic down your way. So pleased you had a nice ride out and came home with such a lot of lovely plants and "borrowed" seeds. Love Sue x
30 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog gee I really enjoyed that ride on your trike.You have certainly got some beautiful country side around you.
2 Oct, 2009
What an absolutely brilliant way to get about an what can only be described as a beautiful ride.
The pics are ace and it certainly looks worth a visit. You're very lucky to have such a nice place to visit Gee.
Thanks for the journey, thoroughly enjoyed it! :0)
2 Oct, 2009
I'm glad now Gee that I read again , the blog by Ajay with all the contraversial(let's say)( comments) because your comment prompted me to come and look at your blogs and I've seen that I've missed some real crackers. But I'm still baffledf by the comment! (Never mind, I won't be nosey in future)
2 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Paul. Not sure which comment has baffled you though :)
2 Nov, 2009
Dolls House!
2 Nov, 2009
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Lovely blog, nice to see where you live and I am glad you are making yourself go out. The war grave looks very well cared for, such a sad end for a brave man good to remember him. Lovely looking plants enjoy planting them.
29 Sep, 2009