By Gee19
….turns into reality!
I used to have a rowan tree in one of my previous gardens and for nearly 20 years I have wanted another one. I finally discovered one that was columnar and would fit into the small garden I now have. The problem was locating one! I found several on line but none near enough for me to visit and see what it was really like. In the end I decided to blow caution to the wind and buy on-line! I ordered the tree from a tree nursery in Norfolk at the beginning of November. It was due to arrive at the end of the month so I was surprised, but happy, when it turned up early.
20 Nov, 2009
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They say that every thing comes to those who wait, I think thats the saying anyway.There are some plump little buds on it already.Have the neighbours stopped shaking yet ? LOL.
20 Nov, 2009
What a nice surprise to get it early Gee :-)))))
Great too to find one that fitted your needs !
(Morgana, you've got a sweet tooth there !!!)
20 Nov, 2009
Cheers Morgana i'm on my way round.
20 Nov, 2009
Lol. Gee..... you start by talking of a broomstick...
... and then you write about blowing caution to the wind...
...what a witty play on words...
Your tree looks a lovely choice :o) x
20 Nov, 2009
what a lovely tree, hope you have many years of pleasure from it.
20 Nov, 2009
Oh Morgana my fellow West Midlander !! lol My friend got me a tree for my birthday a few years ago and I look at photo's of it then and I'm amazed at how it's grown ! Yours will be the same ! (In the meantime, can I hide in your cupboard ?? lol) ;~)))
20 Nov, 2009
It will soon make a respectable sized tree, Gee, and look really good.
So Morgana has three evil spirits in her cupboard and a good fairy!
20 Nov, 2009
Thankyou Mr MB !!! (I do hope you mean me !! LOL) ;~)))))
20 Nov, 2009
As long as you don't mind sharing with me Sue he he Sue I thin Bulbulbaholic means the Whisky lol
Bubaholic, do I detect you are after my fairy, what would Mrs Bulbaholic say to that I wonder he he
20 Nov, 2009
Have to say impressed by the way they packed it Gee. So glad its a tree the thought of you joining Morgana on broomsticks ..is it a cauldron of witches or a squadron ?
20 Nov, 2009
Der der der der de de der der ....... Is that the Squadron you seek ?? Lol ;~)))
20 Nov, 2009
It could of been worse Gee you could be riding a motor bike with side car and have to take in 3 children as in Bed knobs and brooms stick s he he
20 Nov, 2009
Better that Sue than Ghostbusters ..who you gonna call ...Morgana?
20 Nov, 2009
So Bonkersbon are you calling what about the old man with grey stubble and a scar on his cheek to his chin.
20 Nov, 2009
You been talking to Jane ..? How did you know thats what I look like or you looking in that crystal ball ..
20 Nov, 2009
I took it it was a relation of yours actually.:o)
20 Nov, 2009
Grey stubble .. scar on his cheek ??? Who you gonna call ......... BB ???? LMAO
20 Nov, 2009
God !! The time diff !! lol x
20 Nov, 2009
I have not been talking to any one, tis what I seen as I read your s and Sus comments, just say what I see. LOL Sue
20 Nov, 2009
Morgana ... you're a babe ! ;~)) xx
20 Nov, 2009
Thank you Sue : o ))) xxx
20 Nov, 2009
Ar the parrot ..the wooden leg the eye patch ..
20 Nov, 2009
Joke all you like you will remember eventually hehe cackle
20 Nov, 2009
.....I'm a lumberjack and I'm alright .....shame about Norway on me shoulder !! Lol ;~)))))
20 Nov, 2009
I have no idea what any of you are talking about! You're all mad...mad I tell you!!
20 Nov, 2009
I'm glad you got one after waiting so long. I hope it settles in for you
20 Nov, 2009
At last you got yourself the Rowan. Now we can share pics!!!
Chuffed for you that you've now got it Gee and look forward to monitoring it's progress!!:0))
20 Nov, 2009
i love rowans too i wish i had room. but i will look forward to your pictures.
21 Nov, 2009
so pleased you have the tree you wanted........my poor willow has been blown forward in all the strong winds.....
21 Nov, 2009
So pleased you got a tree that you have wonted for so many years, looking forward to seeing it grow, how tall will it be.
21 Nov, 2009
Thanks, everyone, the little tree is still standing upright in spite of the windy weather. Clarice, I have added a photo of what the tree should be like when mature - about 13' tall but narrow.
21 Nov, 2009
Great one of them would be ok for my garden then if only 13ft, thanks Gee.
21 Nov, 2009
If you want further details, Clarice, let me know and I will pm them to you.
21 Nov, 2009
Yes please Gee, would love the details x.
21 Nov, 2009
You can make wine from the berries you know , and folklore says it is extremely unlucky to uproot one, you can chop it down to the ground (it will come back) but you can't uproot it, so I'm glad you like it as youre stuck with it or the consequences now!
They are lovely trees. ;~)))
PS I love the new blog style how do you do that ?????
21 Nov, 2009
I'm very happy to be stuck with it, Indypendant - in fact I keep going out just to look at it to make sure it's still there and upright :)
I do my blogs in Power Point first, then save as 'Jpeg file interchange format' - I'm a bit of a powerpoint junkie, just find it so quick and easy and use it for all sorts of things.. This way it saves the bother of slotting photos in the right order as they are saved as Slide 1, slide 2, etc.
21 Nov, 2009
I wish you and your tree many happy years together. Its wonderful to watch a little sapling grow into an adult tree, like little children really. On my mind today with great grand children children visiting.
21 Nov, 2009
Brill!!! may try to work that one out meself ta Gee!!!
21 Nov, 2009
Hope you had a good day with the great grandchildren, Mad.
21 Nov, 2009
Love Rowans too Gee, they give so much interest ,with their flowers, Lovely berries and fabulous Autumn colour. will look forward to the progress yours makes.
22 Nov, 2009
It looks happy in it's new home Gee, are you going to give it a name ?
25 Nov, 2009
It's called 'Twiggy' at the moment, Heron :)
25 Nov, 2009
I've got one in my garden, but its 5 inches high! :~))
12 Dec, 2009
Good job might is taller, MP, or it would have been completely under water when the garden flooded last week :)
12 Dec, 2009
Oh, that wouldve been disastrous! :~((
13 Dec, 2009
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Hope it settles in it might be twiggy now but won't once the spring appears lovely trees. They are said in folklore, to ward off evil spirits, it can't work as I have 2 overhanging my garden and I have a cupboard with Whisky, Apricot Brandy also Cherry Brandy also Tiamaria lol
20 Nov, 2009