A Frosty Morning In My Garden
*The garden looked magical covered in a layer of frost, just had to take a few pictures, so on went my fleece and out I went. Brrr it was so cold I didnt stay out long, decided to admire it from indoors with a nice hot cuppa.
London Pride
Ornamental Kale
A Frozen Pond
Garden Patio
Well hope you enjoyed this brief visit to my garden, we could have stayed a little longer but too darn cold lol*
25 Oct, 2010
Previous post: A Hairaising Climb with Simon and Claire Blencathra Via Sharp Edge
Next post: Christmas is around the Corner*
lovely pics pp.... best place to view it is in the warm..... been lovely here today and no frost....
25 Oct, 2010
I love the frost effect in your photos, but glad it wasn't down here Pansy. Brrrrrr, don't like the cold.
25 Oct, 2010
Loved that patio picture, shame that we are getting the frosts already, but its nice to admire .
25 Oct, 2010
Thanks Yorkshire, Holly, GrandM and Stroller, Its been chilly here all day despite the sunshine this afternoon, as much as I love the visual effects of Frost I dont like the damage it can do!
25 Oct, 2010
It does look lovely Pansy, we also had a frost and I have to admit I also admired it from the warmth of my sitting room.........
25 Oct, 2010
We had nowhere near the heavy frost you've had but I must say the bushes look amazing with the frost still clinging to the foliage. Don't blame you for retreating indoors, PP!
25 Oct, 2010
Thanks Lincslass and Whiston lass, Im lucky to have a conservatory so can admire the garden from indoors!
25 Oct, 2010
truly beautiful! and have they all survived now the frost has gone?
25 Oct, 2010
The frost didnt disappear until this afternon ST so will be able to tell better tomorrow, the Acer looks a little wilted but it was on the verge of losing its leaves anyway!
25 Oct, 2010
WOW...beautiful :))))
25 Oct, 2010
Lovely pics, Pp...Your pics look like Christmas cards, with
the touch of frost on your plants, a nice collection of lovely plants you have there Pp...Brrr..it does look very cold, we
have not had Frost like this yet either...
25 Oct, 2010
you are right freesiaperson, they would make lovely christmas cards
25 Oct, 2010
Your garden looks beautiful Pansy even covered in frost.
25 Oct, 2010
Wow, you had a much harder frost than any we have had so far but what lovely photos. Hope all your plants survive the cold and, fingers crossed, it's not as bad as last year :)
25 Oct, 2010
hi pp. we also had frost here this morning, I took my son to work and had to use deicer on the car first, yes it was very chilly.Hope its a better morning tomorrow!!
25 Oct, 2010
I really like these pictures with the frost, there was a heavy frost here today as well. I have just put the bin's out and you can smell the cold.
25 Oct, 2010
Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments, Hmmm Christmas Cards thats a nice thought;0)
25 Oct, 2010
Its been the same here Carole,but a gorgeous sunny day.
I intended planting my violas which have been in the shed for a week..but the soil is frozen solid...as was the bird bath.I had to go out with the kettle to melt it.May get them done tomorrow,as although its given heavy rain,its expected to clear by lunchtime..and much milder..:o))
25 Oct, 2010
It was really cold wasn't it yesterday, much milder overnight here. Lovely pictures Pansypotter, lovely garden, thanks for showing them.
26 Oct, 2010
You managed to get some fine pictures, Pp! We also has a frost here but much lighter it would seem than anyone else who has posted above! It's been the 2nd or 3rd but none of them have been much hardly more than ice on the car windscreens. Nothing hardly to see on the grass or on the roofs of the houses over the road from us.
On my balcony the Busy Lizzies, while not exactly "flourishing" aren't dead yet! They have no protection & are in wall pouches where they have been all summer.
Down on the allotment my Pinto beans were killed by the very first frost but it hasn't killed any of my other plants, well, Gerry's Dahlias are a blackened mess as are my Sweet Pepper plants. Fortunately I'd collected all the peppers worth picking only a day or two before.
26 Oct, 2010
looks lovley we havnt had frost in norfolk yet that ive noticed . been lucky with the sunshine realy thow its raining today .
26 Oct, 2010
Lovely blog your right it was very cold yesterday, but rather have them days that the one we have today....
26 Oct, 2010
if you mean rain clarice i agree x .
26 Oct, 2010
Your garden looks a picture in all weathers Carole.....the cotoneaster was my fave, beautiful!
26 Oct, 2010
was same here carole and so cold, rain today, cant win lol, your garden still looks lovely even with frost ;o)) i love the coneaster to, looking at getting a standard one for next year ;o)
26 Oct, 2010
Thanks all, its sad to see the summer plants dying off with the frost, will take extra protection this year with some of the more vunerable plants! Its amazing the change in temperature today very mild have managed to sharpen the edges around the lawn [copying you Sandra] and plant my winter Pansies in the wall baskets. Hope everyone wherever you live are making the best of the sunshine;0)
27 Oct, 2010
After a heavy rain shower at about 5.30 this morning the day has brightened up & the sun has come out & with the warmer air coming up from the South-West it's been an almost spring like day!
Finished planting my Crocuses in the pots on the balcony railings, they have had Violas in them for a couple of weeks but, as I had no Crocuses at the time, they have had to wait till now to be finished off. I've actually had the bag of Crocuses for about a week but with the cold weather & the rain I hadn't been out on the balcony.
I also finished planting the last 8 Winter Flowering Pansies that I had left over. I planted them in two pots but I had no bulbs with which to underplant them. :-((
A friend brought me a potful of Agapanthus Lilies on Monday. I changed the garden soil for compost or they will surely rot during the winter. Looking forward to seeing them grow & flower next year. :-))
27 Oct, 2010
You have been busy good luck with all your bulbs and winter pansies, I was bought an Agapanthus but was so disappointed as it only came up the first year and no sign of it since.
27 Oct, 2010
carole i was the same great first year then just leaves this year ;o(
27 Oct, 2010
Lovely pictures and your garden looks like it would be beautiful in any weather.
27 Oct, 2010
Don't give up on your Agapanthus Sanbaz,it may do better next year..is it in a pot or in the ground?
27 Oct, 2010
Ooooh Pansy Potter, what a lot of frost. I love the Cotoneaster photo, I do like a good Cotoneaster and the frost makes it even more beautiful!
28 Oct, 2010
Beautiful pictures, I agree they would make lovely Xmas Cards.
29 Oct, 2010
I love how the plants look with the frost!
30 Oct, 2010
They are beautiful - I agree...but I'd rather enjoy them from here than be outside in that frost! We had one, a lighter one, but it still blackened some of my dahlias. Some? Yes. The ones in the far border are still fine and flowering! Strange that. :-/
30 Oct, 2010
I too had that hard early frost and now all is looking brown :-( Your pics are excelent, looks like you've been out with the icing sugar.
31 Oct, 2010
wot fab pics look like a callender , maybe you shud do one make nice pressies
1 Nov, 2010
Sorry you had frost so early. Everything looking crunchy lol - I don't like it myself but lots do. I'm glad you didn't stay out in it too long.... We had a frosty morning last week. It seemed too early :o( I'm hoping for a mild winter this year ;o)
1 Nov, 2010
me tooooo
2 Nov, 2010
Thanks Everyone for all your lovely comments! Just wish it were back again, we have had very heavy rain all day here,
Cristina funny you should remark on a calendar, last year brought a blank one where you can put your own pictures, every month I have piced a favourite photo and printed it so I can look back on what was growing month by month!
2 Nov, 2010
That sounds like a really great idea, PP, & one which would be great to copy!
4 Nov, 2010
Your welcome Balcony, its nice to have pictures that have your own personal memories attatched to them;0)
4 Nov, 2010
lovely pictures
30 Nov, 2010
Thanks Islander pleased you liked them;0)
30 Nov, 2010
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My goodness you had a hard frost, we had one also but not as bad as you, photo's are wonderfull Pp, prefer to look at them on my computer than outside, glad you have put them on,
25 Oct, 2010