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Thanks folks.


I hope they thrive in your garden ... really lovely flowers.


Karen, they are so pretty. I can see how they cheered you up. It was a dry, if grey, start to the day so we went up to Highdown gardens this morning, desperate to get some clean air and see some flowers in bloom.


I agree with Hywel ... it is lovely.


Now this brings back a childhood memory for me as my Nan had this growing everywhere! Well, it seemed that way to me when I was very young ... :o)


You do have some lovely Hebes.


Well done for finding the perfect position for this lovely flower to grow.




I did a search on Peonies Zone 10, and there they talk about the difficulties, even to dumping ice on the plants! Some people mention digging them up and putting them in the fridge. This is the downside of living in a warm area.


Klahanie, I have planted the Primroses now, in the back garden where I can see them from the kitchen window.

Lindak, that's good to know they're flowering well. No sun today, but then again, no rain either!

On photo - Primroses on sale


I agree, mine isnt showing any sign of growth, but I have excavated round it and the crown is firm. Harvesting my own forced stuff up in E Yorks is usually mid March.


not aware of needing a chilling to flower. But I find they 'sulk' for at least 1 or 2 years after moving. and flower well after that.
I've added the RHS link for you.


I'm down south as well, I think it's too early to expect outdoor rhubarb now.
The Feb / March refers to protected, under a bucket, forced stuff, not out in the open ground

You may find fresh growth any time now, now the weather is warming & shoots are appearing on trees etc.


I understand Rhubarb doesn't like being waterlogged, it can cause the crown to rot. I hope this hasn't happened to yours, but I think February is too early for picking it anyway.
Maybe you could try covering it with an old bucket or large pot, I know people do this to encourage soft stems.


Good bargain. Hope they do well for you Shirley. The cyclamen that I planted under the roses and along the edge of the low wall are flowering well. They seem to like being in the sun. (When we get any that is!!!!!)

On photo - Primroses on sale



It looks good. I throw avocado pits under many plants as compost, now I have dozens popping up. Several popped up last year and now more are popping up. I have to pull them up before they become too large, as you probably know here in San Diego County we’re the largest avocado growing region in the U.S.

On photo - Avocado


The white one is much hardier. This one from Madagascar is way more tropical.

I used to grow the pink one in Fremont, though.


I know Brahea ‘Clara’ is a very beautiful palm. I’ve seen several in San Diego.


They are. I wish the weather was clear, because then you can see the waxy white fronds and trunks.


Klahanie and Hywel your comments are so generous..
thank you so much.


Lovely ! You have an interesting garden, it's laid out in a very pleasing way.


They are amazing.


Very clean and neat and also colourful. Beautiful winter garden Julia.


Thanks you say that is so frustrating for you.


Nor here Klahanie..ha ha...looks beautiful though.We will have to imagine it!


They are pretty smart little birds.
Thank you for your nice comment Sheila.

On photo - It is cold.


I have the same bouquet on my dining table Julia.
It looks beautiful but no rose smell. Does yours???


Perfect Klahanie 🙂.

On photo - It is cold.


Thanks Linda. We were so lucky to have such a beautiful day for the funeral.

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


The palm society created a Palm collection there. If you see seeds on the Brahea 'Clara' save some for me. It's the nicest looking Brahea I've ever seen.


No, got lucky this time 😊


I’ll have to go visit them. I’m in the SF Bay Area and my mom lives in South Gate about a mile away from Chabot College.


I love the colour Julia!
I'm pleased to be able to see a few photos, I'm not able to rectify the adverts problem as yet, subsequently I'm not able to get my news. It's so frustrating!


Thank you all, It's raining here today, that's much better for me. I don't do very well in dry cold weather .


A few years ago I saw a few of those at Chabot College getting plenty of water with baby tears under them. I might have posted them. In summer I'll take a visit.


Yes, it was sunny, but still nor for long enough for the Crocus to open up! I wrapped up warm and quickly planted some Primroses, back indoors straight after though.


Your very welcome Klahanie .:0))


Thank you Rose...It will be cherished!


I love Cyclamens in your blue pots with the rosemary.
The pots (as whole) look elegant to me.
Maybe you can squeeze some in between???

On photo - Primroses on sale


Thanks Julia for your explanation.


Same here Shirley, but we have sunshine! :)


Ha, Rose. Some days I feel the same!



Thank you. I will post my progress with this tree.

I’ve read it has to have tons of water and no direct sun here until it’s over 6 ft (2 m) tall.



It’s considered an ultra tropical tree. However, there’s people growing them in the mildest , protected areas of San Diego’s awesome frost-free subtropical climate. One local nursery that sells them says Vietnamese people here have fruited it. Although, I would have to see pics to believe it.


That sounds awful B.B! I would never want to go outside!


Wow Julia, it's striking!


Klahanie, so good to hear the snow is melting. I bought these to replace the Cyclamens in my blue pots, but the Cyclamens are still looking good! Hmm, now where to plant them!

On photo - Primroses on sale


Best of luck with your new venture.


They are an attractive group of shrubs aren't they Thorney.Shame about your loss.


Thank you is a semi hardy shrub...prefers a milder area to grow.I mulched it well last is also positioned behind a pot and surrounded by 2 tall plants.