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Maybe I aught to get instagram, my cousin, brother, and the people in the art group keep on at me about it.
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...
That's a shame Ff, Hywel's planning on planting one in a pot, good idea! It is a bit rampant when it gets going, I'm sure my neighbour enjoys it too, her side of the wall.
Yes that's a good idea Hywel, it does love to scramble, but you'll be able to keep it in check..:)
Thanks Sheila! x
On blog - Pretty Clem Wisley Cream.
Happy Christmas Linda. I love the peacock feather baubles!
On photo - Happy Christmas everyone..
Happy Christmas Sheila x
On photo - Happy Christmas!
Oh Kate, that sounds very bad. I am so sorry you lost your colleague and friend. Take good care of yourself and please don’t drive yourself into burnout. X
On blog - Break away..
I’m sure I’ve seen Ixora as houseplants here, but I find flowering houseplants very challenging to keep alive. Foliage plants seem a lot easier indoors. They are a shrub I only see on my holidays.
On photo - Ixora
Hywel, I just have to say..that is a quite beautiful description of a seaside childhood! Back in the days when children were allowed to explore. Everyone is so fearful now, of all kinds of danger. I am no different. Hardly let my 2 out of my sight as children, and now one has ‘escaped’ to Canada! (Karen rolls eyes at herself).
On blog - Went up home.
So many times I’ve looked back Balcony and thought “oh, I wish I still had that”. But everything changes. :)
On photo - Christmas Cacti (3 Orange) flowe...
I find it frustrating Janey when things I can see so clearly in real life turn into teeny dots in my photos! Human eyesight is truly wonderful! We can ‘zoom in’ so well on everything we see whereas the camera just records a flattened image. Isn’t our rain amazing? lol! Hope your new glasses are perfect. X
On photo - Trout pond at Fontmell Magna. Ca...
Yes indeed! We are very happy to have our view too. X
On photo - Just able to see the hills infro...
I had the same problem Shirley. I honestly thought that was the end of Goy. I was really glad that I recently made a paper note of all my plants. I’ve said this before, but GoY was a brilliant forum and I learned so very much from everyone on here. Goy made me into a much better gardener. I would be sad to lose it, even though we are such a small ‘band of brothers and sisters’ nowadays. Still, times change, and this site has been neglected for a long time although I am certain that Dave does his best for us. I find Instagram is a lot of fun with so many great gardeners. But it’s the garden catalogue and blogging facilities on here which make it special.
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...
Hi Kate,do not worry about not appearing on here...a very sad time for you will seem very different for you having a smaller unit.Hope you are able to offset work stress with your yoga.Will keep in touchx
On blog - Break away..
Happy Christmas Linda 🙂.
On photo - Happy Christmas everyone..
Most of the Dipcadi species are from SA, but there are 2 from Spain and northern Africa. I found someone with seeds for Dipcadi fulvum that are from Morocco.
On photo - Brown Bells
Thanks Bernie, this is a sturdy 'Pensham' series Penstemon, tough as old boots!
On photo - Penstemon blooming today.
How strange about the Ceanothus shrubs, climate change doing crazy things!
On photo - Penstemon blooming today.
Thanks Bernie, sad to say that it's getting blown around today in these strong winds.
On photo - Rose in flower today
Hello Rose, I do hope you are feeling a little better now.
It took about ten days for him to feel really well, loss of appetite, coughing, sweating, fatigue all just wore him out but all good now, phew!
On blog - Good morning my goy friends.
Thank you all of you and it has certainly put me off having the covid vaccination again, especially as my doctor said that this could probablyhappen again.
Shirley, I hope your husband is fully recovered now.
On blog - Good morning my goy friends.
That is absolutely lovely.
On photo - Japanese Forest Grass
What a lovely idea.
On photo - Rotten tree stump in our forest
Beautiful colour.
On photo - Rose in flower today
On photo - Penstemon blooming today.
Thanks Klahanie and Janey. The bushland that surrounds our place is bleak, brown, dry and dreary for around nine months of the year so my pergola, courtyard and shade house garden areas are an antidote for that.
On photo - Corner of the shade house garden
One of my favourite plants Janey. I've been growing them forever.
On photo - Corner of the shade house garden
As our surroundings here are so dry, brown and dreary for months and months of the year, the shade house garden is my colour retreat.
On photo - A corner of the pergola garden
Added to favourites! Hope to find a place for one, one day. x
On blog - Pretty Clem Wisley Cream.
Thanks Janey, maybe I'll plant one in a pot and it can grow on my patio where I'll be able to see it when it flowers :)
On blog - Pretty Clem Wisley Cream.
I still log on to both of those sites, they don't have problems like GoY, and I find them easy to look at because I've persevered and got used to them.
They are both very old forums.
Gardeners Corner is busy with lots of threads, many not garden-related, but I just stick to a few and only read what I'm interested in.
There are lots of members on it, but they are quite friendly, and the new ones from Gardeners World forum (which closed down) have become part of the GC 'family' now. I would miss them just as I would miss my friends on GoY.
Having said all that, I'll still look at GoY and I'll still show photos and write blogs (when I can get around to it !) ... I'm not easy to get rid of :D
I just wish someone would look after GoY better !
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...
Thanks Janey, lovely surprise to see it opening today.
On photo - Rose in flower today
Klahanie, not very warm with a weekend forecast of strong winds and heavy rain. The South west of England and Wales look set to bear the brunt of it.
On photo - Rose in flower today
A couple of years ago Hywel told us about a couple of gardening forums that he was a member of & posted links to both of them. Well I joined both. I was quite happy posting on both for a year or so that is until another gardening forum I'd never heard off went west! Then lots of its old members joined one of the 2 forums, Gardeners Corner, & flooded it with their comments & photos & made up little groups where the old members could find each other easily. After a month or so I felt so overwhelmed that I left off posting there & since then I've concentrated by posts on the smaller one called Garden Friends as well as on GoY. I did try to encourage people joining Gardeners Corner to join Garden Friends but very, very few few joined.
When I found that GoY was offline I almost went back to Gardeners Corner. But just before I clicked on the old bookmark I decided to give GoY another go & found that it was back up again so I didn't go back to Gardeners Corner.
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...
I looked it up & saw they are from S.Africa.
On photo - Brown Bells
Beautiful coloured leaves!
On photo - Persian Shield
Lovely colours..
On photo - A corner of the pergola garden
Pretty coleus..
On photo - Corner of the shade house garden
All the greens are gorgeous BB! with the contrasting leaves of the pink plant, it's a smashing photo..
On photo - Corner of the shade house garden
Looks great, a good one to have. I’ve nowhere to put one either :-(
On blog - Pretty Clem Wisley Cream.
That is a lovely one, love the colour Shirley.
Klahanie, my ceanothus has done the same, a flower of blue here and there..
On photo - Penstemon blooming today.
Wow, I agree with Klahanie, Shirley . Such a brilliant colour..
On photo - Rose in flower today
I was much put out by that ‘go daddy thing ‘. saying that I must pay in future, then I was locked out &I thought that was the end ofGoY for me. Tried tonight & all ok again. I was wondering if it was a scam, one has to be aware of such these days. Anyway, it’s the only site I’m on & like Janey Iwould miss not hearing about other folks gardens & especially their visits to parts of the country which I’m not really ever going to see for myself. Keep posting about your doings. Best wishes to all.
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...
Thank you Klahanie..:)
It is BB, especially when I forget it's there all the rest of the year. A few bumblebees have been busy collecting pollen even in December, so I'm pleased for them..
Thanks Julia, it really is..
Thank you Hywel, if you've room on one of your trellises, it would do well there.
On blog - Pretty Clem Wisley Cream.
This site is among the oldest . Because it was never changed it is simple to use. It is not managed and with so many changes to Internet's software, apps and algorithms it will be hard to keep it up because of its originality.
I was wondering if Dave (or someone) is moving it to “GoDaddy's Website Builder which does not require much of technical skills...just a thought.
Most people here today are the original members. Quite tight group of gardening friends.
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...
Beautiful rose Shirley_tulip. Do you have a warm weather now?
On photo - Rose in flower today
Wonderful. I've noticed that my Ceanothus started to bloom.Never before in this time of the year.
On photo - Penstemon blooming today.
Everything looks so lush in your garden Bushbernie.
On photo - Corner of the shade house garden
It's really lovely Janey, I wish I had somewhere I could grow one ...
On blog - Pretty Clem Wisley Cream.
Thanks Janey, last night I was able to log in with no problems, but after commenting once, I had the GoDaddy screen again, so frustrating!
On photo - Seedheads
That IS spectacular BB and what an apt name..
the colour is exotic.Is this a house plant?
On photo - Persian Shield
We're all with you there, Hywel! We all wish GoY was better maintained! We are all thankful for the job Dave does of keeping this forum going. It would be a sad day that GoY closes down once & for all!:(
On blog - Anyone else having problems with...