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What a treat! That is a stunning sunset.

On photo - New Discovery


What a beautiful creation. I wish I had such a talent. Merry Christmas to you.


Klahanie, I generally only get one or two buckets of mangoes from the roadside stalls and then my husband and I enjoy those for a couple of weeks. As you say, they're high in sugar so we don't feast on them for too long.

We used to have a pop-up market at our local service station for many years where we could get things like fresh tomatoes, capsicums, beans, shallots, zucchini, lettuce, and herbs whenever the surrounding market gardens and farms had excess. Sadly that market doesn't exist any more.


Meadowland, I like Kiwi Fruit but I love mango. I don't eat either of them in desserts, but freshly sliced and cold from the fridge. Nothing better in the summertime.


I love mango, we have plenty of them in the stores here in British Columbia. Mainly from Mexico. My favourite is 'Ataúlfo' mango as it has rich, sweet flavor. I could eat tons of it but it is very high in sugar so we have only few raw pieces for breakfast.
How lucky you are Bushbernie that they are being sold at roadside stalls in your area. I love to buy nice and fresh fruit and vegetables from owners sale tables in our neighborhood.


Merry Christmas Meadowland :)


Take care Kate and try to enjoy Christmas, you're having a stressful time so it's important for you to look after yourself.

On blog - Break away..


Definitely a mango dessert for me...I usually push the kiwi yoghurts over to OH's side of the fridge.We don't often see fresh mangoes in the supermarkets.You are very lucky BB.


Karen, here in Australia the best mango is considered to be the Kensington Pride. It's regarded as the best-tasting and is probably the most common.

Kensington Pride used to be known as the 'Bowen' mango and I grew up eating them as I'm from Bowen. We were so very proud to be the home of the best mango!

Almost everyone had a Bowen Mango tree growing in their backyard back then and there loads of mango tree orchards / farms as it was the main source of income for the town.

I'm afraid I still think it's the best ever.


Thanks you Sheila, I agree.

Julia, last year I think I showed the lovely cross-stitch cards my daughter-in-law had made us.

Merry Christmas to you as well Hywel, stay safe.

Thank you Klahanie, have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.


On our honeymoon…yes that’s going back…we were told that the best Mangoes are the Julia and the Graham varieties. Funny how some things stick in your brain. But there’s nothing like fresh tropical fruit and fish straight from the sea. Now I am longing to visit St Lucia again!


Thank you Shirley-tulip XX
I have it for many years. It loves that wild spot on the property.


Thank you for your kind comment Bushbernie .


I am glad to see that beautiful pot undamaged Julia.
So far we are lucky on the south V. Island. It is calm and relatively warm but I do not expect to stay that for too long. We can get some bad winter periods here too.
Stay safe.


I love handmade gifts. Merry Christmas Shirley_tulip.XX


These are also my favourite palms. Their colour is spectacular. They were very popular in the Mexican region where we used to winter.


Looks like it has lots of buds.
My first blooming camellia will open in April.

On photo - Camellia Flowering


Thanks for your kind offer, Shirley! :)


That explains your interest in palms then! :D


Lovely card ... Merry Christmas Shirley :)


Oh what a shame :( Will you get another mirror or something else ?


I've always wanted Croton, I think I'll treat myself to one in the new year :)


Thank you Sheila ... Merry Christmas :)

On photo - Happy Christmas!


Thanks for the good wishes Linda ... Merry Christmas :)


One of my greenhouse windows was open in the recent storm, and the other two were shut but not fastened.
I noticed the wind had blown in through the open window and blown the other two wide open as well, so I closed and secured them all.

I think if the two 'other' windows were closed securely, the wind going in through the open one would have caused some damage.


oh Katie that is so sad, no wonder you have been 'missing' from here. Do take care of your self in the coming weeks/months.

I hope you will have a lovely Christmas none the less.

On blog - Break away..


Thanks for your felicitations. The same to you too.


Thanks is a lovely occasion. The first time this ho7se has had Christmas celebrated within!


My mistake friends. I must have been thinking of seeing them on my holidays. X

On photo - Ixora


I second I right that you recieved one last year that was homemade Shirley? Happy Christmas to you bothx


A Merry Christmas to you both Sheila..keep safe and here's hoping we all have a healthy New Yearx

On photo - Happy Christmas!


Happy Christmas Shirley - always a treat to receive a home-made card, and what a lovely one!


Thanks Klahanie, wishing good health to you and Andy, and a happy gardening year.

Thanks Bushbernie 🙂.

Thanks Shirley, and all the best to you and Michael for the New Year.

On photo - Happy Christmas!


Julia, you know me, I always have to find out things like that!

We have seen Goldfinches, Greenfinches and Bluetits clinging on to the feeders for dear life, swinging side to side in the wind. Poor things. I did read somewhere recently that small birds roost at the base of shrubs and hedges overnight, seems sensible.


Rose, thank goodness you are feeling better now. Have a restful time over Christmas and New Year.


Stop it, I'm salivating here ... :o))


I would think it's their job to clean up so fingers crossed they're over once the wind drops.


Ha ha...Dear Shirley I knew you would look it up...thank youx We probably did get away with not having to spend any money to repair it...I wont replace the mirror just stain the brown area .Rich strengthened the panel.
You mentioned the bird box...I've been wondering how the birds cope trying to shelter in these conditions.

I agree BB...many people so badly affected. Leaving your home must be awful .


Oh Julia, such a shame to see this. Be careful clearing that broken mirror away. Michael just had another look around our garden and found a wooden bird box on the ground ... it could have been so much worse. Stay safe.

I too wondered about the saying 'Scot frre' so I looked it up!

The phrase "scot-free" is an adverb that means to avoid punishment or harm for something that deserves it:
"The court let her off scot-free".
"He got away with his crime scot-free".
What Does "Scot-Free" Mean?
The phrase originates from the Old Norse and Icelandic word skot, which means "tax" or "payment". In medieval England, scot was a tax levied on members of a town or village. Someone who didn't have to pay the tax was referred to as "scot-free". The word "scot" is believed to be of old Germanic origin and is related to the words "shot" and "shoot".

Every day's a school day! :o))


My OH has popped round to inform them and we'll see what happens ... no damage to us but their car port isn't much use now ... :o(

Current wind speed is 48mph, expected to drop to 22 later.


What a shame! Take care cleaning up all the glass. I suppose the positive view would be that at least it was only the mirror and the panel that were damaged.


Oh, no! Will your neighbour be the one to pick it all up? Has it caused any damage?


Nothing can beat the taste of cold freshly-picked mango Shirley. It's just the best in summer.


I just put "like" as it was nice to hear from you despite the sad circumstances.
It must have been very hard and sad for you all.
Thinking of you at this very sad time. x

On blog - Break away..


Bernie, since my earlier comment an hour ago, a lot of the polycarb. roofing has blown into our garden! The wind speed is set to reduce by 17.00 this evening, I really hope it does.


I am now Shirley thanks. I had all of those symptoms too and is now 2 and a half weeks since it started.
I hope I never feel that ill again and needless to say won't be having another covid vaccination.


Happy Christmas Karen to you and your family..lovely to have a first one in the new house.x


Very kind Shirley x

On photo - 20241130 091928


My potted Camellia was blown over during the night, courtesy of storm Darragh ... :o(

On photo - Camellia Flowering


Well done, they look very healthy.