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I'm another who saw the Error message, and pleased all seems back to normal now, so I'll continue as before

Like Hywel, I would not be willing to pay to use this site but happy enough to continue flagging spam etc as “payment”


This is in the same family as Bluebells, but for warmer areas. The stem is also very long - 60cm.

On photo - Brown Bells


Looks a very Christmassy climber Janey.


Truly lovely! What a marvellous Xmas present every year.


Yes it was down for me as well over here in Australia, for two days. All good now though.

I've only recently returned to this site after a number of years away from it, and it seems like a much smaller number of people using it regularly.

It used to be a very busy site with lots of photos being shared on a daily basis. It was hard to keep up sometimes. There were also loads of comments and interactions from so many people.

I do still see some familiar names, but the whole site has a much quieter feel and slower pace these days which seems a shame.

I've tried others, including GardenStew, but found most of them clunky and very time-consuming to use. I've always found this site quite simple to use with very few issues.


How awful for you! I haven't heard of many that have had adverse reactions to any of the COVID vaccinations and thankfully no one in my family has experienced that.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Blooming Poinsettias are not a common sight in gardens here in the southern hemisphere at this time of the year.

If they do appear in garden centres we know that they've been grown in light and temperature controlled glasshouses to trick them into thinking it's winter, and they're expensive.

On photo - Poinsettia.


What a delicate little beauty.

On photo - Brown Bells


Wow! That’s incredible! I know some Ixora species will tolerate a lot of neglect, my Ixora ‘Maui Red’ plants have survived heat, drought for 15 years. They bloom like crazy every year.

My Ixora ‘Super King’ is one that will not toletrate neglect nor drought without dying.

On photo - Ixora


Absolutely beautiful Janey.


Same here Shirley_tulip.


Beautiful and interesting pictures SBG. Thanks for posting.
Glad you have enjoyed a home visit .

On blog - Went up home.


tis indeed Balc. It is an lovely area of Sunderland.

On blog - Went up home.


well touch wood I have had both when offered and a part from a sore injection site I have had no problems. Hubby was fine too.

hope all that have been unwell recover quickly.


I certainly agree with you was only 2 days when GoY wasn't accessible certainly felt like a void.I wont be paying for it I'm afraid. It's a shame after all these years as a member.


Well I'm not paying to be a member of a rubbish forum that never works properly, and where the members have to monitor all the inappropriate photos and blogs that appear nearly every day.
And you needn't think it will improve if you pay, because that depends on the people who created it, and they are 'busy doing other things'.


Sheila, I didn't see that one, seems like Gremlins are within the site once more, grrr!


David, I had a text from one member saying it was back on, but when I tried logging on the screen in the photo was back.

I would happily pay an annual fee to keep the site running.


Janey, that's just how I feel, even though I may never physically meet up with members on GoY, I feel I know them so well over the years.


Though I've never seen this "Brown Bluebell" before it still looks lovely - & different!

There are plenty of pink or white Bluebells around here, as well as the dark blue ones, (I have some on the balcony!), but no brown ones!

On photo - Brown Bells


Perhaps the time has come when we should pay a small subscription to continue to the use of GoY - for as much as it pains us! I never see ads due to the various adblockers I have installed in my Firefox browser.

Without ads nowadays it's extremely difficult to keep a site free. We have had a fright seeing our favourite site vanishing into the ether so perhaps we should consider it. What does everyone think?


Yes, GoY is back - after 3 days in the ether! :D


Although I had them for a few more years after taking this picture I eventually threw them away or they got overwatered & died but I simply don't remember any more! Well the photos was taken in 2016 & now we are (still) in 2024!


I agree, Bernie, but they were taking up too much room in the kitchen. All the ones you see in the photo I still kept growing for several more years. They were in tiny square pots with next to no compost in them when I finally got rid of them. They were encrusted with salts of years of watering & fertilizing & looked terrible. Yes, I could have cleaned them up I suppose & repotted them in bigger pots & fresh compost but some died from overwatering & others I don't remember but I still had some of them for years after this picture was taken. So it's not like I threw them all away at once.


So that's how you got your avatar name - from a Burn (stream) that flows into the sea! very clever! :D

Glad you had a good time back in your family home with your brother! The sunrise picture is gorgeous!

On blog - Went up home.


Thank you Balc, it is joyful to see..:))


No wonder you post photos every year - it's lovely! :)


Yes, like Janey, I lost the site briefly. Glad it seems to be back and, for now at least, without annoying ads!

I did see a strange site that asked for money to join GrowsonYou but happily that has disappeared.


I also had problems with GoY but I never saw the screen above. I just ended with a blank screen every time I tried to get in. Yesterday I tried 5 or 6 times not only using my usual bookmark but doing searches, even with different browsers & on the phone as well as here on the computer but I always got a blank page, even if the search engine took me to GoY.

I tried one last time this morning with the same results so I thought "That's the end of GoY!" I felt sad that GoY had come to such an "abrupt" end! So you can imagine my surprise on opening my usual bookmark for GoY this evening & the usual login screen appeared I hardly dared believe my eyes! Let's hope GoY's woes are over!


Yikes, still haven't found it, I really like the star on the right tho.
New specs for me, I'm looking at frames tomorrow..😄.


I had the same Shirley, but it's okay now. We're having a terrific storm right now with electric off and now back on.

I would really miss everyone if that was the end of GoY, so I sincerely hope not! You're all my friends and I couldn't do without you all...


Yes I have Shirley, and Go Daddy saying GoY is with them and unavailable. We've a terrific storm right now, the electric was cut off, but back on and so is GoY! 😁

On photo - Seedheads


Found 'Garden Stew' garden forum last night...not as good as GoY.



On photo - 20241130 092159


Rose, be very careful and ensure you have made a good recovery before doing too much.

My husband had the Flu vaccination on October 3rd, then the Covid one on the 6th, after which his right arm swelled up, he developed Cellulitis and he was so unwell that he was prescribed antibiotics, anti -Histamines and anti- viral meds.!

Look after yourself and get better soon. x


I belong to another two, they were difficult to get used to at first but I'm so used to them now it's like second nature.
They are very different to GoY, and to each other, but if they were the same there wouldn't be any point in them would there :)
I've made some nice 'friends' on them too, like I have on GoY.


I like the red ones because they look 'Christmassy' but I like other colours too, it's nice to have something more unusual :)

On photo - Poinsettia.


Thanks Hywel, I sometimes wonder if I should investigate other gardening forums but this one is so easy to navigate around ... not sure if I could be bothered to start again!


I'll await your report haha :D

On photo - 20241130 092159


That was lovely for you Eileen, nice that you're still able to go 'home' . Nice for your brothers too.

I can understand why you'd spend all your spare time on the beach. I used to love going down the Gower (near where I grew up) and looking through rock pools etc on the different beaches, and I always went home with crabs, sponges, etc which I kept in a marine aquarium.

And I love the sea when it's rough, and all the tourists have gone home :) Many is the time I've got a soaking from waves crashing over the rocks ... and over me !

On blog - Went up home.


I and some others I know of have had the same problem Shirley, but it's working for me again today (obviously!)
I wrote to Dave but I was told the message could not be delivered so I thought GoY had ended, and to be honest I'm so fed up with all the problems going on with it these days that I find it more trouble than its worth.


Janey, have you had problems logging on to the site? Please read my blog posted today.

On photo - Seedheads


Janey, it’s just above the roof, on the tree trunk. But the image goes blurry when you zoom in! It’s an age!


Wow! That sunrise! Beautiful!

On blog - Went up home.


I'm sorry to hear your news Rosie and hope you are getting better now.
I was unable to breathe properly for many weeks after I had the first two jabs so I'm not having any more.

When I was making an appointment for my flu jab I told the lady in the medical centre the flue jab was all I wanted - I didn't want the covid one, and I told her why that was.
She replied "I don't blame you for not having the covid jab, I've heard horrendous things about it"


So sorry you have been through such a bad time. Do try and take things easy now, and hope you'll soon feel better. x


Thank you Klahanie 😊

On photo - 20241130 091953


Oh my gosh Rose what an ordeal you have been through..who would have known the vaccine was the hope you get better very soonx


I do a similar type of tree. Around here, it is too warm for any of the traditional types, and Cryptomeria is too lanky, especially when young. So I got a dried branch, anchored it in a pot and put lights on it (battery operated). Less expensive than a fake one and can be used to start a fire in the fireplace after the season is over.


What a lovely corner of the world. That sunrise photo if just spectacular. Such a fabulous stretch of the coast.

On blog - Went up home.