Guest Questions - Rude or Not?
By bamboo
I know I’m sticking my head above the parapet here, and will no doubt be shot down in flames by some of you, but I have to say this. Some of us appear to be very upset that guests ask questions without saying “please” or “thank you”. First, I’d argue there’s no point in saying thank you unless and until you get an answer, and in fact, some members are adding thank you in the answer box before they’ve even got an answer. This is very confusing, because it looks as if someone’s provided an answer already, when they haven’t. Obviously a sign of nervousness on the part of new members who’ve realised that not being overly polite and servile may get a sharp response.
Second, some members on here ask questions in a blunt fashion, but that seems to be acceptable, yet if a Guest asks a question in a similar fashion, they get a rocket. So for instance, if a Guest says “dahlia not flowering, why” they’ll get blown out of the water – if a registered member asks the same question, they don’t. Seems a little unfair.
Thirdly, I fully understand that sometimes, Guest questions really are out of order, phrased in such a way as to be some kind of order. I recall one that said “Tell me where to get [a plant…]” and that questioner got an extremely sharp response from me – that’s not a question, or request for help, it was more an instruction. And I could go on at length about the questions which are statements, which don’t give enough info, etc., etc., and I agree, one’s tolerance level drops rather rapidly, so I do understand the frustration and impatience when dealing with those Guest questions. They’re not popular, not even with me, really.
Nonetheless, the point I’m trying to make is that some of the responses to short questions made by Guests on here are actually much ruder than the question itself. There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and certain other members remain polite whilst still reminding guests that a please costs nothing. So please, can we all moderate our responses a little, imagine a human being in the ether asking the question, and not be quite so terse and unwelcoming?
Here’s a little pic to take the sting out of things and hopefully, put a smile on everyone’s face. If that doesn’t work, I’ll get my coat…
23 Aug, 2010
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must tell Toms mum about his offspring Bamboo!!
23 Aug, 2010
i agree with you bamboo. some of the replies given are very abrupt. also some of the answers by members to questions from new gardeners can be very condescending. this is the only forum that I have joined because the members on the whole are welcoming and patient, without all the sarcastic remarks that I have seen on other sites. In general, if a guest has asked a question in an overtly rude manner I just ignore it, they wont come back again.
23 Aug, 2010
now to be serious-- we all have the option of answering or more to the point Not answering any question, If the tone of the question offends in any way at all just ignore it--- don't get involved and if after trying to help get a nasty reply ignore it or flag it!!
there are so many questions this summer that I wouldn't dream of trying to answer so I cherry pick those which interest me!
23 Aug, 2010
oops posted at the same time as pam
23 Aug, 2010
great minds think alike Mageth :0)))
23 Aug, 2010
I agree Bamboo. I'm a baby on this site compared to others and when I asked my 1st ever question I browsed through first to get the general feeling about it.
Whilst some answers may be a bit on the "short" side I think the best thing to do is, invite them to sign up, as many do already.
Lets not forget what it says at the top of the page.........................................
23 Aug, 2010
Mageth, some of my responses to Guest questions have been abrupt too - my new method is to try to tailor the response to fit the question, in the same vein, so to speak, and that sometimes means being abrupt, or terse - but hopefully not actually rude.
23 Aug, 2010
I think it's possible that those who seem rude dont understand what the site is. One poor chap wanted to buy industrial amounts of something or other which I can't remember. Some type in as they would to google, I don't think they are intentionally rude, just ignorant in the proper sense of the word. I was told off by a guest once, along with Mookins, for having a little joke on here. He'd put a question on about a rapidly growing plant, and I jokingly wrote beanstalk and Mookins said something along those lines too. He really told us off lol. Bamboo, this is just like Friends Reunited, I think I know the whereabouts of your tomato rabbit's long lost relatives. What variety is it?:-)
23 Aug, 2010
I've no idea, probably Cherry of some kind - they're my sister's, I snapped them at the weekend when I was over there. Cute, aren't they?
As for Guests being cross, I well remember one who said something like he'd never come on here again, we were positively unhelpful and very rude, but I've no idea what he'd been told! He probably deserved it, lol, sometimes its just impossible to resist the temptation to be facetious.
23 Aug, 2010
I think the site's being seen as some kind of commercial one by a lot of people who are asking questions ...... and that we're 'not' being seen simply as members of the public who have gardening as our hobby and interest.
Perhaps the questions facility to non members ought to be questioned itself.
Perhaps the moderators ought to make it 'perfectly clear' that it's not a 'panel' of professionals who answer the questions but just us normal human beings who are at home, at the PC, at the time !
Maybe folks asking questions would then think more about how they address themself/the question - and wind some of us up, less :-/
23 Aug, 2010
I take your point, Louise, but we always have to remember that not everyone is particularly literate, or has even the slightest gardening knowledge, or has very good computer skills, never mind interpersonal ones, especially these days. And it seems daft to me to be ruder than they are when reminding them about manners.
23 Aug, 2010
I agree totally Bamboo, it seems you can't please everyone all of the time, I think short and to the point question is ok, which leads to me to believe that a short and to the point answer would be expected, but to do that can come across as being curt, I can understand that, but that doesn't offend me. I must admit I sometimes cringe at the way some reply to others, the written word unfortunately does not come easily for some, to enable them to project the correct manner, a please and thank you I agree costs nothing, but I would never assume anyone is deliberately being rude for the sake of it, and if I felt that was the case its easy just to ignore.
23 Aug, 2010
Talking of curt, there was one recently that asked something like, will it winter, (with the plant name at the bottom, obviously asked from the plant pages) and it was an annual. I just said No. Can't get more curt than that, but they did at least get their answer. I figure if they want a more expanded answer, they'd ask a more expanded question.
23 Aug, 2010
Very true Bamboo, those skills are becoming extinct :-/
You're both very patient and understanding :-)
I loathe curt i'm afraid, when it comes to questions :-/
23 Aug, 2010
Well unlike you, Louise, I'm very good at curt, or I prefer to call it concise - I well remember being told at school that my essays were more like reports, lol!
23 Aug, 2010
23 Aug, 2010
You make me smile Bamboo....
23 Aug, 2010
Good, better than having a flamethrower directed at me;-))
23 Aug, 2010
I very rarely answer a question as I do not feel knowledgeable enough, but I do enjoy browsing through them and looking at other peoples answers to the ones I find interesting. I have on occasion felt a little bit sorry for questioners who have been slightly 'told off'. It is such a great facility to be able to get advice from a friendly community of gardeners I would be sorry if it was limited in any way. Many people use an abbreviated style on the internet. The simple answer, as Pamq says, is to ignore the question if you dont like the way it has been asked.
I am quite a new member and have benefited from the advice given - long may it continue!
23 Aug, 2010
Good blog Bamboo, the one thing I don't much like about guest questions is the vagueness of them. They put in a question and then you never know if they have joined Goy or disappeared into the ether. I do like to answer questions from people who either I "know" or can find information about in their profile to help give a proper answer. It's always nice to get feedback as well so that you can find out what happened afterwards. I do tend not to answer many guest questions.
23 Aug, 2010
very true Dr Bob I do agree that no response especially is disheartening
23 Aug, 2010
I just thought I might mention that this is a world wide club and perhaps some members are writing in their second language. Us Brits are very into preamble, eg. ....If you don't mine ......Could you please possibly tell me ..... Sorry if this seems a silly question..... Some other nationalities don't do this. I have to say I love the British tendency to preamble, but I don't wish to be unkind.
23 Aug, 2010
Up until yesterday, I have tried to be as courteous as I would like to be treated if I asked a question on a site - and I do also invite 'guests' to join us so that we can answer better, or ask for additional info. However, probably because I'm not too well at the moment, I got annoyed at the way some people speak to us, as a demand rather than a question. It's happening more and more!
That's why you may have seen my answers suggesting that a 'please' would go a long way.
It's a pity that guests can't make a reponse.
By the way, I did write to Peter & Ajay about it.
23 Aug, 2010
A very thought provoking blog Bamboo and some very good answers too.
I think if you take the jems from these answers then you have the reason, firstly for the "curt" or "vague" questions and secondly the same type of answer.
Internet "speak" leaves a lot to be desired and there is absolutely no way of transmitting feeling along with the words. I have seen lots of "google" type questions where the bare facts have been given without any "politeness" at all. I personally don't feel that the asker is being rude but doesn't understand our site.
(All of this has been said in previous comments here!)
On the other hand, when someone is giving their knowledge and expertise freely and with care it would be nice to get a please and thank you. Don't forget, of course, that guests can't enter comments even on their own questions so they will probably be very relieved and pleased to get the information they required but because they can't reply they go away again and do what ever has been suggested in their question.
A very difficult situation to "cure" and it's certainly beyond me to think of a solution.
I just hope that GoY isn't about to break up into factions again as it did earlier this year over the blogs fiasco, with the result of us losing some very good members.
23 Aug, 2010
oh my youve got me thinking now bamboo, hope im pollite when asking a question lol, im sure i am if not i appoligise right now, but yes i know what you mean as i have noticed a few which dont even bother to put the question in full and we are surpose to mind read the rest haha, maybe a bit of added info when folk go to ask a question, like "please give as much info in your question when asking and always remember your manners at all times" love the toms bamboo and you dont need to put ya coat on yet ;o))
23 Aug, 2010
Absolutely not! Sorry - I was thinking what to say - I forgot about those great tomatoes!
23 Aug, 2010
lol barbara ;o)
23 Aug, 2010
I'm going to add my ten pence worth to this blog ! On the whole, I think most questions are put politely by Guests and members, I have noticed when the question is in CAPITALS that the reply is sometimes 'please don't SHOUT the question' but, I truly think using capitals is the only way some Internet users are able to type at a reasonable speed for themselves. I groan at the spelling on here sometimes, but that's just a problem for me, nobody else ! As long as the gist of the text is there, so what ? This is an extremely informative and helpful site, as well as a good humoured one, long may it remain that way.
23 Aug, 2010
Don't make me laugh Spritz - you being rude, yea right, just unimaginable - yes I've seen you suggest politely that a please wouldn't come amiss, and there's nowt wrong with saying that, because you're not doing it rudely. My grouch here is being even ruder to the Guests than they are perceived to be to us. In the end though, its down to the boys who run the site - I thought it was much better without guest questions, but then I'd bet our membership has increased since they introduced them from people converting to full members.
Glad you liked the rabbit tomatoes, and glad I haven't to get my coat Sanbaz, lol
23 Aug, 2010
Thanks, Bamboo - I appreciate that! Well - we all agree, really. It's nice to get 'please' and 'thank you', and we can surely do that if we're members, even if guests don't or can't. Sorry, Shirley - I have to disagree about the 'most'....take a look!
23 Aug, 2010
Adding a PS to my comment ... I was given the most helpful information after I'd purchased a Eucalyptus and was worried I'd made a mistake ! It's all very well reading up on plants ... at the end of the day it's the practical experience from members on GoY that is helpful to amateurs like myself ! So, many, many thanks Bamboo.
23 Aug, 2010
Ah yes, I remember your question now, I'd forgotten that Shirley, you're welcome.
23 Aug, 2010
An interesting blog, Bamboo. I think the administrators need to make it clear to Guests that the members on this site are 'real'people(albeit keen gardeners with a wealth of knowledge and practical experience), ....who are sitting at home on their PCs responding to said questions. While I agree that some are curt and even rude at times, I firmly believe that it does not help to respond in the same way. I just ignore it. Sometimes the responses are extremely curt and even patronising..THAT too is unhelpful! . I don't care if someone uses capitals or lower case...for's too short to worry about such pedantics.
23 Aug, 2010
I have really got fed up with guests being told off and not to shout. I too think - if you dont like the question dont answer it, as someone else will. I dont mind upper case either as there may be a good reason for someone using upper case only. What I dislike is the condescension of some answers in trying to blind us with science, please keep the answers so we can all understand them. The telling off of guests it surely not for members to do and why the Flag is there? I cringe sometimes at the way a question is answered and cannot help thinking that a potential member has probably been lost? A new member or a long standing member we all have a contribution to make! However, the written word is very easy to misinterpret and sometimes this is the case.
23 Aug, 2010
I rarely look at the questions, but I will say this - I've stopped contributing to most of the tortoise forums because I'd ask a question and sometimes get the most horrible, patronizing, sneering responses from someone a continent away, who somehow STILL had the ability to make me feel embarrassed I'd even asked. I've always thought that perhaps I'd just been overly sensitive, but yes, it is a turn off and might very well scare away a new member.
24 Aug, 2010
I hardly look at the questions anymore, because 1) I realise how little I actually know about gardening! and 2) so many are guest questions. I'm a bit hesitant to answer guest questions because if I help the guest in question, they can't comment on their own question to say thanks, they write a whole new question just to say thanks.... that's one thing that puts me off... wasting questions on saying 'thanks'...
Hope you got my message through all that garble, and I also hope I don't sound like a selfish, unhelpful snob....
24 Aug, 2010
I was going to add my two-pennorth but you said it all for me Drc726.
24 Aug, 2010
when I first found Goy I had no real idea what it was-- and what an amazing thing I'd accidentally found-- never before had I 'spoken' to people-- all over the world -- with interests like mine,--- I just asked a question,--- I didnt really understand the system, I read what to do but it didn't really sink in exactly who would answer! remember I'd only ever asked google ( or jeeves)!
Now I know that there is a wonderful community here all happy to chat and help about their favorite subject who would honestly believe me if I said that I spoke to someone in the Azores about growing pointsettias outdoors or congratulating someone 'downunder' on their first daffodil opening -- last week!-
I truly think that guests have absolutly no idea what they'ved stumbled across
24 Aug, 2010
I have to say that when I first found this site I joined straight away as I wanted to know more about gardening and have to say how glad I did..I too have sometimes flt as if I have said something not quite right by some responses but then I just think 'What the heck..I only want to add my opinion even if I know little'
24 Aug, 2010
I always think long and hard before I ask a question, even though I have been gardening for twenty plus years but I still consider myself as an amateur so some of my questions are basic.My questions have always been answered nicely ? with lots of good advice.Another way to find out about a certain plant is most members have one kind that is their favourite, so by looking on that persons blogs you can glean lots of information that way.
24 Aug, 2010
Pamg makes a good point - I'm sure that a lot of Guests really don't have a clue who's on the other end of their question, that this is a community and not Google. But that surely doesn't mean we have to be rude in our responses. We always have a choice about whether to answer or not, after all.
And Cazzalyn, sometimes answers disagree - I've experienced that, when I've blithely gone on and said something and then another person has come on and said something different, and I've realised they're right and I'm wrong. Not comfortable, but the point is to get accurate information across to the questioner, not score points for being right, nor be perfect (oh, if only) so I have to bow my head in respect, lol, and try very hard not to be grudging about it!
And Drc, I agree about the over lengthy and detailed answers one occasionally sees on here, and which I notice quite often don't really address the question in any obvious fashion, unless you've got a degree in horticulture, but hey, that's people for you, we're all different. I'll admit I'm sometimes driven to put in a pithy, simple answer underneath those... or just hope the questioner notices the much more simple answer previously given.
In the end, the old adage, you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink always has to be borne in mind; sometimes people just don't like the answer, even if its accurate, it's not what they want to hear, and often they post it again, in hopes of a different answer. Always makes me laugh when that happens.
Anyway, sounds like most of us are in agreement, basically saying we shouldn't be so quick to judge, even when we're irritated. Blimey, beginning to sound like a sermon, I'll shut up now;-))
24 Aug, 2010
Are you mellowing Bamboo? lol
24 Aug, 2010
I think not, Dido - I've just responded very carefully to a rather nasty response from a member on one of the questions I answered for a Guest. Phew, managed to keep it civil, lol;-)))
24 Aug, 2010
Well done!!!
24 Aug, 2010
I'm back again lol, I've missed out on all the rudeness, I miss everything:-( I think I've only seen a very curt answer to a guest question once on here, and I answered the question to the best of my ability and just ignored what I thought was an unnecessarily abrupt comment. Being very ignorant myself when I joined, I'm hardly in a position to criticise. We are so lucky to be part of such a kind, pleasant and friendly community, but I suppose anyyone can have an 'off ' day. Perhaps our Web Masters could have a look at the problem, at least allowing a guest to comment on any answers received, I never knew they couldn't! See ignorant and miss everything that's me lol:-)
24 Aug, 2010
Oooh-err!! Crossed swords at dawn, eh? The first GOY duel! Well - maybe not. LOL.
24 Aug, 2010
Hello Spritz:-)
24 Aug, 2010
Oh dear, Ba - never mind. Guests can't answer anything...that's one of the problems!
Hallo to you too! :-))))) Are you OK???
24 Aug, 2010
I always thought they had forgotten they had asked! Yes fine thankyou:-)
24 Aug, 2010
First duel? Hmmm, I think not, Spritz, ha ha, but I'm determined to prevent that happening wherever I can, if possible. Hope you're feeling a little better...
24 Aug, 2010
Not really, thanks, but my appointment is through - 13th September. There's light at the end of the tunnel!
24 Aug, 2010
That seems like a long wait in your situation, sounds like another 3 weeks on antibiotics. Tomorrow wouldn't be too soon, really, would it.
24 Aug, 2010
No, it wouldn't...but they have only certain days when the Anaesthetist is there. :-((
24 Aug, 2010
Oh lord, I don't envy you all that, but I know it'll happen to me one day again! My grandmother always said they're a trouble coming and a trouble going...
24 Aug, 2010
Yup. Sure are!
24 Aug, 2010
Good grief, are we talking teeth here? There's no way I'd have anything done unless they knock dentistphobic me out:-)
24 Aug, 2010
Well, I know what you mean Bornagain, but sometimes the pain's so excrutiating, you're begging anyone to do what's necessary, despite the fear - this is the voice of experience, here! It's unnatural, letting someone loose in your mouth like that, you're in a vulnerable position from an animalistic point of view, so bound to induce a fear response. After the last episode, I'm resolved that any trouble, get it out, don't hesitate - toothache, earache, facial neuralgia, all awful, painkillers don't work.
24 Aug, 2010
I know all about it Bamboo, got to be one of the worst pains... but...dentists...big chair.. how far from chair to door...could I make it? knock me out:-)
24 Aug, 2010
This is somewhat embarrassing, but I punched the oral surgeon at one hospital some years ago, I just couldn't stop myself, it was an instinctive reaction - fortunately, it was a bit of a pathetic punch, and he laughed. I didn't, I have to say...telling me not to make a fuss, root canal was fine, when he'd never had one done in his life..
24 Aug, 2010
Oh, stop it! Eeeeekkk!!!!!
24 Aug, 2010
You'll be fine Spritz, the word anaesthetic removes all that trouble. And I do actually think training dentists should be obliged to undergo some of the more rigorous treatment they're being trained to do, then they'd know what it feels like. I have to admit to rather vociferously and vigorously suggesting that on more than one occasion at the dentist - I wouldn't mind, but they all just fall about laughing, telling me how funny I am. Yea, hilarious, they don't realise I'm 100% serious.
24 Aug, 2010
Just got to be patient now, I'm afraid. (NOT a pun!)
24 Aug, 2010
Thinking about it, again, .......
... i think a lot of people/Guests 'do' see the site as a type of Google site ..... maybe P&A should enforce some kind of charge/fee to ask a question on here ..... they'd make an absolute fortune overnight !
Overnight billionaires .... see all this money they're losing ;-)))
24 Aug, 2010
And making, Louise - footfall increases profits via what you can charge for advertising.
24 Aug, 2010
couldn't do that ( I hope) Louise, if this is making money for them and it doesn't cost us then hopefully we are all winners!
24 Aug, 2010
The following quote is taken from our members page 'Ask a question' .
"If you want clarification or want to thank any of the answerers you can do so by leaving a comment/answer on your own question later."
I thought that this was the same for guests too.
If this is the case there is no need for them to thank separately.
I think that guests must be taking the 'later' literally and not thanking at the time of the question.
Also like googling they may think that basic words will pick up a response more easily.
As has been said previously,the tone of the written word is not always easy to interpret as no facial expression or tone of voice is evident.
On the whole I think most questions are answered courteously and knowledgeably, especially by those who work or have worked in the horticultural trades.The rest of us can only give our experiences of gardening and the plants we have grown,which is why GOY exists :)
24 Aug, 2010
No, Aster - Guests can't do more than ask a question - they can't add a further comment of any kind. Click on the 'Guest questions' link.
You may well be right about them thinking that they can, though!
24 Aug, 2010
Yes thank you Spritz,they can 're-claim' their question only after joining to elaborate or thank.That is probably why we never hear from them again,if an answer was satisfactory.
Members can 'hide' guest questions if they don't wish to see them.
24 Aug, 2010
Yes, but if we all did that - they wouldn't get their questions answered, would they? P&A say that guests often go on to become members.
24 Aug, 2010
No they wouldn't but if some members feel strongly about it the option is there :)
24 Aug, 2010
I dont object to 'guest' questions in fact I like them for all sorts of reasons. I certainly think they are a good idea as in the beginning it seems lots of people joined asked one question and never returned to the site.
Sometimes I do think the member responding has got out of bed the wrong side and perhaps would be better signing off till their mood improves? I try hard to avoid confrontation on this site when it pops up as that is not what I want. Its the gardening I am interested in and thats why I like this site.
24 Aug, 2010
To get back to Bamboo's question, Are Guest Questions Rude or Not? Well, they can be, but members' questions can be too, and sometimes they 'shout', but sometimes members do too, and I think we just notice the rudeness more when the guests are doing it :o(
24 Aug, 2010
It all seems to boil down to one thing: If you don't like the way a question has been asked - by Guest or Member - be the bigger person and walk away; move on to other more pleasantly worded questions and leave the ignorant to flounder in their own mistakes. It only takes a minute or two to look through the questions on this site to see that most people have and use politeness, and to see how the system works, so any person 'demanding' an answer to their terse question will soon get short shrift. I, personally, have left many questions well alone - due either to my own lack of knowledge or to the tone of the question asked, but I have been astounded at some of the responses from members who clearly have no intention of answering the question, but have obviously gone in with all guns blazing just spoiling for a fight. My Dad always said "When in doubt - leave it out." A good philosophy.
25 Aug, 2010
Quote ....."Sometimes I do think the member responding has got out of bed the wrong side" .......
I think you can be having the most 'beautiful day' ..... you come onto your favourite site for some rest and relaxation - you look through the pages and ....
WHAM ..... one, two, three, four ..... (it goes on) questions being asked that are not addressing 'us', or even a human being for that matter, but that are a few words strung together by someone who's not in the least bit interested in being here and speaking to 'us' as people, but are just wanting and asking Google type questions.
Internet etiquette is important and for friendly, personal forums like this one to have vague one-liners - well, it's not nice.
To summarize : Guests being given the opportunity to contribute ..... probably not a good idea, they can 'read' and listen to us all as we gabble on , but to 'take part' in any way - shouldn't be possible - they'd 'have' to join.
This is the way it happens on a large number of forums so i know i'm not being unfair there.
25 Aug, 2010
Oh Crikey! I hope I ask my questions politely :)
I do see some of the 'shorter' questions (to put it politely) but then some people in this world can be quite short and to the point, just the way they are.
I find personally that the more you put to a question, then the better the answer you'll get.
Some times I find that some people (maybe me sometimes) can as the most pointless of questions - I think out of laziness more than anything, nothing that a quick 'Google' could sort out first. But I imagine this website (forgive me here) has a lot or more 'senior' members that aren't all that savvy to the WWW.
I hope everyone filled in the questionaire before they read this blog, or there might be some interesting results :)
25 Aug, 2010
Didn't even think to mention it Donna :-((((((((
25 Aug, 2010
Whats seniority got to do with using the WWW? Donna
25 Aug, 2010
25 Aug, 2010
I've been away so just missed this interesting blog and discussion.
Hmmm - I hope I missed the offending Q & A's & wasn't the source of the rudeness. It can be hard to see oneself from the outside and, as has been said several times, the written word can come over without the tone and expression that would modify it.
Apologies for past and future failings. Thank you for raising this topic Bamboo.
Quoting Shirley Tulip -
"I groan at the spelling on here sometimes, but that's just a problem for me, nobody else ! !
NOT "Nobody Else". I share your pain Shirley! :-)
25 Aug, 2010
Oh, and me! That's the teacher blood in me...I cringe, and keep my mouth shut. Please, if anyone says 'I blame the teachers', don't be surprised if I explode, will you? LOL.
25 Aug, 2010
Beattie : I think that mobile phone text where 4 instead of for, l8ter instead of later has an awful lot to blame for bad spelling ! I mean, how difficult is it to text 'See you later' instead of ' c u l8er ' ! Are we in that much of a hurry ?
Off my soapbox now ... : o )))))
25 Aug, 2010
Confession time - my granddaughters tried to teach me how to text - I am a dismal failure! I still can't do it....maybe it doesn't matter though. I only use my mobile in emergencies, anyway! I do take your point, Shirley. You see a lot of youngsters texting madly away, don't you - and I think it's a lot cheaper than calls, isn't it?
25 Aug, 2010
Ooh, lots of worrying here - Donna and Beattie, I've never ever seen either of you responding nastily to any Guest question, which is what this blog is about, so hope that's put your mind at rest. And Donna, I'm now 60, but use Google all the time, but I think you're right, lots of people are unaware of just how useful it can be but let's face it, if they all asked Google their gardening questions, I'd have nothing to do during those hours now left open by semi retirement. Well, except for housework, and I'd have to be really desperate to do that, thanks.
Spritz, I can't believe you can't text, I do it all the time, love it. I'll give you a tip, get someone to turn off predictive text for you. A more useless thing I can't imagine, it offers up Nun if you want to text Mum, for goodness' sake. And I don't mind the abbreviation that goes on, although my son tells me it is no longer de rigeur amongst the young, its considered old fashioned -he actually said "only old people use C U for see you", cheeky devil. I do abbreviate occasionally, but only so I can fit everything in to one text instead of paying for two.
What I really hate is those people who use text speak on forums like this, drives me bonkers...
25 Aug, 2010
--- I text too, I've friends who have a boat and like to travel as well , texting keeps us in touch it is much cheaper than calls to a mobile, and I don't use predictive text and although I use thing like & thats about all, I'm slow and have to sit down with my glasses on do enjoy texting, the other day I texted a friend here--- I was away , she replied from France and we met in Hove !
Thats when they're good :0)))
25 Aug, 2010
My kids laugh at me texting cos I poke the keypad with a finger from the hand that's not holding the phone. They tell me you're supposed to use the thumb of the hand holding it. Seems impossible to me.... I use predictive text but having it offer "Nun", then "Mtm" when I want "Mum" is crazy. What does "Mtm" mean? What is the ratio of mums to nuns, do you suppose? Which one are you more likely to use?
25 Aug, 2010
Exactly my point, Beattie - how many times in your life are you ever likely to want to type Nun? Nonsense, isn't it. And I do it with my thumb/s, it is much easier, provided you haven't got teeny tiny keys and you have a thumbnail!
25 Aug, 2010
I'm falling about laughing here - my mobile is out of the ark! It wouldn't know 'a 'Nun' from a 'Cardinal'! And what's 'predictive text', please? NO - don't answer that!
As for 'enjoying' it, Pam, I got so enraged that I almost threw the phone out of the window! LOL.
I am a dinosaur...however, I can and do use google, so maybe there's hope for an old fogie like me!
25 Aug, 2010
Well correct me if I'm wrong, Spritz, but I think you're a fair bit younger than me, so being an "old fogey" is absolutely no excuse, lol
25 Aug, 2010
Wrong! Thanks for the compliment, though! :-))))))
25 Aug, 2010
Spritz, if you consider yourself a 'dinosaur' for not texting on a mobile what would you call someone like me who has no mobile, has only just got Broadband and still uses a camera to take photos instead of an all-dancing-tea-making mobile? Maybe I haven't even crawled out of the lake yet?
25 Aug, 2010
LOL. You're here, aren't you? My sister will NOT even consider a PC even tho' it would be a lifeline for her. I think she's still at the very bottom of the lake!
25 Aug, 2010
My predictive text, refers to me as Kinda and Linda as the second option?? I use full grammar when texting and often use Skype so that I can see what I am doing.
25 Aug, 2010
That's on the PC... OH and our son often use it!
Does that mean that your phone thinks for you? Blimey!
25 Aug, 2010
I text all the time Its less intrusive than a phone call and I've been 'love nun' for some years now, I didnt bother to correct it and thought my daughter didnt notice until she bought me a fridge magnate of the 'Pope' back from Rome Lol. She is again in Rome this week having been driven through Europe I carnt wait to see what she brings this time!!!.
25 Aug, 2010
A real Nun? lol.
25 Aug, 2010
Urgh, texting! I never quite got the hang of it, something always seems to go wrong while I'm doing it.... this is a tragedy for one so young! And predictive text? FORGET IT!!!!
25 Aug, 2010
Texting and mobile phones are beyond me but I can use the P.C even though I just use one hand,my left and I am right handed.I use Google a lot .
25 Aug, 2010
flipping heck , wot a mammoth task reading all that. well i hope i am polite as well lol. i always try to be. doesn't bother me how people ask tho as i think they may b worried as to appear being a bit ( thick) so to speak . and that's why it appears rude. on the whole this is a wonderful site and most people know that , i am always telling every 1 bt it . so thank you 4 all help i have received on here , i have learnt so much and really appreciate it ;0)))
26 Aug, 2010
I never text, it takes me probably 5 minutes to type a sentence, & I won't read anybody's text messages either. If they want to get in touch with me they can call or email. My nieces laugh at me but I suppose at 42 they consider me an old lady.
26 Aug, 2010
Congrats Bamboo.. I'm proud to award you the 'Bornagain's Flowerpot' award for 100 comments on a blog or photo... Just something I like to do :o)
26 Aug, 2010
Congratulations Bamboo! I took my first (very cheap) mobile phone to Carcassonne so that I could keep in touch with my daughter. I had no idea how to use it and she received a garbled message which consisted of random letters followed by an x. She guessed it was from me lol. On our last night, I had to ring down more than once to reception, to complain about an intermittent beeping in our room which kept us awake and we had to be up early to catch our flight. They, of course, denied all knowledge, typical! How embarassed was I on realising it was my new phone telling me it needed re-charging. We crept out red faced in the morning:-(
26 Aug, 2010
Well you lot certainly made me laugh on reading the latest comments this morning. Bornagain, that's hilarious - I always think that little bleep the phone makes when the battery's low is so sad and mournful, makes me feel sorry for the phone, it's like a pet whimpering help, help every 2 minutes.
As for Drc texting Nun for mum and then getting a magnet of the Pope, well, I burst out laughing at that, couldn't help it, am in on my own, bet the bloke in the flat downstairs thinks I'm bonkers.
And an award to Linda, who appears in some mysterious way to be using Skype to do her texts?!? Now I feel positively ante deluvian...
And to Cristina for ploughing her way through all this - it gets to a point where, if you come across a blog with over 50 comments, one's heart sinks at having to read them all at once to keep up, so congratulations to her too.
And 102 comments, well I never, I'm going to award a medal to everyone - this blog has not yet had one nasty comment, and hasn't deteriorated into something ghastly and vindictive, and of that I'm very proud, so well done guys, pats on the back all round. Anyone remember the statistic, its something like over 58 comments and it all starts to go Pete Tong... not that I'd have allowed it, though, lol!
26 Aug, 2010
whose pete tong? please....
26 Aug, 2010
LOL, Pam, it's from a movie, and now used as sort of cockney rhyming slang - pete tong - wrong!
26 Aug, 2010
aahhhh--- a 'southern expression----its a horrible day here Bamboo is it any better with you?
26 Aug, 2010
It's absolutely foul, has been since about 1pm yesterday, unusual for London to be this wet for so long. Had to put the heating on, despite its not being cold, cos everything felt clammy and damp - carpets, cushions, etc. I'm not complaining though, I'm thrilled, stops all that dust from the works on the field opposite, and I'm banking on its changing once the schools go back.
26 Aug, 2010
everyone heres saying that!--- just made a cup of hot chocolate--- comfort food, forecasts a bit better tomorrow ( hopefully)
26 Aug, 2010
Ooh hot chocolate, yummy, haven't got any, had to eat 2 cadbury flakes instead!
26 Aug, 2010
ermmmm yum choc flakes , my fav . of to the shop now ......................................................................................;o))))))0))
26 Aug, 2010
wow, what a brilliant blog. I also try to be polite but no doubt will have slipped up some time. In my early days on here I did get some very rude responses and felt that I had no place. But luckily I stuck with it and feel on the whole good. I do find reading capitals odd as we have had it drumed into us at work that it is against internet etiquette to use it. As for text speak it took me ages to realise that gr8 meant great. I read it as 'gee- are eight' and couldnt make it make sense. Predictive text gives my name as a word for a sex toy. not funny but my oh & eldest thinks it is hilarious.
26 Aug, 2010
Very funny story Ba!!!!! That'd be me......
27 Aug, 2010
For what it's worth, I'll make a few points.
If we were face to face, would I say "why have my leaves turned brown please (or thank you)?" Of course not. Many guest are probably surprised to find out that they can't respond after answering the questions. I only found out the other day myself.
A forum "conversation" is very different from a real conversation. I was offended by a comment about a response that I made to one of Spritz's photos (not by Spritz, I'll make that clear), but as there is no inflection in a forum "conversation" it's best to just leave things be. My response may very well have just been misinterpreted.
Capitals annoy me, but I can still read, so, so what.
Text speak though - it makes my blood boil!!! I'd rather see the "F word", at least it's in the dictionary!
If the question is a little short, choose not to answer it at all, or just respond in a short manner too. I do understand how you feel ( I have a lad at work who is very similar face to face), but I tend to think that it's just a result of the instant gratification nature of the internet (and society in general) rather than deliberate rudeness!
27 Aug, 2010
I think it would be nice to read the words Guests ask as .... "Please could you tell/help/advise me ......"
When we're here asking 'each other', as members, we don't always use pleases and thank-yous but that's because we're 'addressing friends' but when you're a stranger/Guest it comes across as demanding ...... in my 'own' opinion.
Just a thought, perhaps P&A could simply alter the wording so that the Guest question always lead with "Please could you ......" and the person then starts to type their own words.
27 Aug, 2010
I understand exactly what you say Louise.
"Thanks for looking" would be another suitable phrase.
In the course of my business, I ask a lot of questions on a daily basis, but I don't add please every time.
I think that a snappy response is no better than a short question - I always take the higher ground. A snappy response will probably influence a guest in their decision as to whether to sign up also.
In my opinion, it's much more of a social problem than an individuals failing.
These are just my thoughts though.
27 Aug, 2010
I agree Meanie 'its do as I say not as I do' from some areas and surely before we can hope to have polite questions all the time -we must always be polite ourselves!
27 Aug, 2010
Now that's a toughie Drc, as I tend to be very snappy in these circumstance in a face to face situation. I think though that it's best to let these situations wash over where there is no eye to eye or verbal contact.
I do however respect the right of others to respond as they see fit.Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right in my opinion.
27 Aug, 2010
'Freedom of expression' is not an excuse for rudeness!
27 Aug, 2010
.....thinking about it, isn't there some wording advising you how to frame a question? I'll have to go and look memory8~/ strange in one so young lol;-)
27 Aug, 2010
Absolutely agree Drc!
Neither do I agree with keeping your mouth shut because of perceived convention.
As I say, I can blow my top very easily in face to face situations (although I'm better with age), so I prefer to toss ideas into the hat.
27 Aug, 2010
Hi Meanie I think this site does include challenging another's suggestion/experience, I do this myself quite often. but there has to be some level/code of conduct re politeness/respect that we all have to adhere to? I do challenge if I dont agree with what has been said or I dont understand but often I find I put it in the of question so as to avoid any misunderstanding. If someone 'blows there top' I do not respond I may even log off, as I do not have to take another's tantrum its not what i joined GOY for!
27 Aug, 2010
Ah, Meanie, isn't one of the advantages of getting older knowing oneself better, lol, I certainly know myself pretty well now, and am aware that what everyone has said about me for years is, in fact, true - calls a spade a spade, shoots from the hip, blunt, impatient, etc. Funny thing is, most of the time I'm not offended by Guest questions - think everyone's idea of manners is different, some people expect a lot of please and thanks, etc., and others (like me) tend to cut straight to the chase, which might seem rudely blunt to other people, I don't know, so we're all different. But the point I was making, and which you have certainly picked up on, is its ridiculous to be ruder to the Guest than they've seemed to be to us - although I will admit, if you look back through this blog (a herculean feat now!) that the dictatorial order type ones I'm very short with. Unless the Guest is foreign - sometimes foreigners don't have enough English to phrase it differently, so all these things must be taken into account. Anyway, seems we're all in agreement about the main issue - don't be unpleasantly rude, short and snappy with short and snappy Guest questions, you haven't walked a mile in their shoes...
27 Aug, 2010
Now if we only has 'Smileys' !!!!!
These small, seemingly insignificant little faces tell 'everyone' the manner in which the comment was said/meant.
They diffuse/enlighten situations/sentences every time.
I wonder if they cost .... is that why we don't have them 'here' .... is it a cost issue ..... even the smallest forums i go onto have them ..... it seems unusual 'not' having them :-/
27 Aug, 2010
good idea Louise-- theres a nice range of them now should we ask do you think......
27 Aug, 2010
I asked last year, and I'm sure others have asked, was told not possible. Not sure why though, probably a financial thing.
27 Aug, 2010
I thought the same.
27 Aug, 2010
Well as a "newbie" I've read each and every entry on this blog and I've laughed my socks off! It made a great read...the mobile phone comments were hilarious. I've only asked a couple of questions so far as I'm pretty new to gardening, and to this forum, and I have so appreciated the replies. I've got to award a "gold star" to Bornagain for his account of the hotel/mobile event....too funny! lol Glad to be here :)
27 Aug, 2010
In response to Meanie, I think 'thanks for looking' might be going a bit far, but certainly just avoiding the word 'want' should do. I wouldn't have an issue with a question that went something similar to 'I'd like a plant suitable for sunny conditions. Any suggestions?'
27 Aug, 2010
Mornin' Pip, I see you made no mention of my 'gold star' awarded to me by Whistonlass...jealous? Thankyou Whistonlass, I'm from your neck of the woods originally, when it was in Lancashire lol. I gladly accept your award, but must correct you....I'm a Laydeeee:-)
28 Aug, 2010
A medal to whistonlass for reading it all, what a marathon that must have been - but you're right, it's worth reading cos some of the responses are really funny. Glad you enjoyed it.
28 Aug, 2010
Gold star, Ba? What gold star? LOL
29 Aug, 2010
Havent answered the recent guest question directly as dont want to appear rude .. but when asked how do I get rid of bamboo from my garden? I would love to reply .. stop inviting her around ..
29 Aug, 2010
... boom--boom.... :0)))))
29 Aug, 2010
the one today that hae amused me is--- in capital letters---
I thought curl up near the fire with a good book?
29 Aug, 2010
Aye Pamg some questions really do lend themselves to humorous replies the way they are worded , is a witty reply necessarily rude ?
You only have to look at other social network sites and see the way people chat to one another to realise we have an awful lot to treasure and be thankful for here.
29 Aug, 2010
You can say that again Bb:-)
29 Aug, 2010
Perhaps it's because people interested in gardening tend to be drawn from a similar demographic - not many "youngsters" are interested. It often starts with owning a house with a garden, and that comes later in life. And having time to spend on it comes with kids growing up.
29 Aug, 2010
those that are would probably enjoy it--- I think its because we all love plants, animals and all things nature that this site is so different and good
29 Aug, 2010
Re your comment Bonkersbon, I think sometimes a witty response can be rude - the questioner often doesn't realise how stupid their question is, and can't see the joke, so they think we're being facetious, which we are really. My son told me about a techie website for software engineers - some poor soul asked a technical question about something, and he got 45 answers - all of them were sarcastic and facetious, and at no point was he given the information he asked for. But hey, that's men for you, they tend to be much more sarcastic and generally less helpful, specially when they're young and geeky. I felt really sorry for the poor bloke who never did get his answer, despite pleading with everyone to be sensible.
And PamG, I answered that what shall I do in winter one - I was going to say hibernate? until I saw the plant name beneath. It is so tempting sometimes, lol. And as for how can I get rid of a tree, I find it very hard not to say Agent Orange or Napalm... in fact, I think I did respond like that to one once. Smacked wrist to me...
29 Aug, 2010
but funny--- ;0))))
29 Aug, 2010
I agree with Bb, we are sooo much more pleasant to visit than social networking sites! Does that sound snobby?
30 Aug, 2010
Thanks Bamboo ..I m reminded of Lincolns quote ..
' You can please all the people some of the time , you can please some of the people all the time ..but you cant please all the people all the time '
He also said ' A woman is the only thing I m afraid of that I know cannot hurt me ..' mm perhaps male sarcasm was evident even then lol
Yes it does Pip ..or so my butler tells me.
30 Aug, 2010
Never heard that quote re woman before... hmm, a paternalistic point of view if ever I heard one - women are certainly not always the gentle, caring, daughter substitute, mindless angels they're painted to be all the time. But I guess if Lincoln said it, at the time, it might have appeared true. Anyone watch Madmen? - I do, am constantly gobsmacked at the attitudes towards women, talk about MCP! Fascinating stuff.
30 Aug, 2010
It's on too late for me, I'd be fallng asleep halfway through but it looks interesting on the ads.
31 Aug, 2010
No-one watched the IT Crowd or Black Books either when I mentioned them on another blog, and I didn't watch Madmen, too many channels now, we're all watching something else lol:-)
31 Aug, 2010
Black books, one of my favourites, Bornagain! And how about Mongrels, hilarious - very rude, but hilarious.
31 Aug, 2010
Where are you finding all these? We don't have Sky - are they on there?
31 Aug, 2010
I don't know either Spritz and we Have got sky!
31 Aug, 2010
Black books repeated now on something like More 4 or E4 - Mongrels was on BBC 3, first series finished now. I don't have Sky, only freeview.
31 Aug, 2010
OK. I'll keep my eyes open, then. Thanks, both! :-))
31 Aug, 2010
Erm, I suspect Mongrels might be a bit strong for you, Spritzhenry!
31 Aug, 2010
What about the IT Crowd Bamboo? Spritz may like that, I've only seen one Mongrels, the one where a fox? was struck by Cupids arrow lol:-)
31 Aug, 2010
Oh, so you missed the rabid French fox over on a visit as the other fox's pen pal. I cried with laughter... as for the IT crowd, not one of my favourites, I try it occasionally, much prefer The Big Bang Theory.
31 Aug, 2010 I a fragile little flower, then? Careful, Bamboo! I just might surprise you one day....LOL.
31 Aug, 2010
Well its very, very rude indeed - as the makers said, because its puppets, they get away with it, if it was humans it'd be banned...
31 Aug, 2010
LOL. Puppet Shows???
I could tell you about a Theatre Group who came to school - they were incredibly rude, but of course Infants didn't 'get' it at all! The staff were in tears of laughter. Let's just say it involved a cucumber......
31 Aug, 2010
Hmm, well, I'm not saying you're too delicate a flower, Spritz, but even I was slightly taken aback at the swearing (most of it is bleeped though) and the content initially, and I swear like a docker myself... It's a fox called Vince who does all the bleeped out stuff, I love him to bits, I've met men like it before, you know the sort, "a good thump sorts everything out" rough type of bloke, makes me cry with laughter. Probably mostly because he does remind me of a brother in law I once had...
31 Aug, 2010
Ooops! Families, eh? A foxy thumper of a b.i.l. I don't think he'd be 'my' sort of person, really!....
1 Sep, 2010
Well Bamboo. Have only just read this blog as I've been away and only just catching up, and I must say what a wonderful blog it's been. I agree totally with what Pamg said about this site. I only joined myself in May. I needed to know about my wisteria plant, and my daughter suggested asking Jeeves. I did so, and this site came up. I had a little scroll through to see what kind of site it was, as I'm not computer friendly as such, and didn't want to get involved with something unfamiliar. It looked such a good site, plus you could join for free, I joined before asking my question. When I did ask, I was amazed at the response I recieved. Many thanks to Ray/Jane, I should hopefully have a FLOWERING Wisteria next year. Lol. Being on GoY has been amazing. I'm still not quite computer friendly, as this is the only site I use, but my Daughter has now shown me how to get my bank Online, which I never thought I'd do in a million years. I cannot believe I've made so many friends in such a short time, and there are so many interesting things to learn about, as well as gardening. Like Pam said, not only have we all got these wonderful friends here in our country, we have so many friends all over the world, enabling us to see their gardens, plants and habitats. Absolutely wonderful. :o))
3 Sep, 2010
Well I'm glad you like being here, Lindalooloo - we have our problems from time to time, but this site has certainly been a great addition to my life - I've learnt an awful lot being on here, even though I've been in the game (IN, not ON) for 30 years, if nothing else, its made me actually look up information which I was too lazy to do before. And, on a day when I don't go out at all, I actually feel as if I've talked and been with people because of this site.
By the way, ten out of ten for persistence if you actually read all the responses under here, lol!
3 Sep, 2010
LOL !!!
Love the bracketed bit ;-)
3 Sep, 2010
Do we believe her, Louise??? LOL.
3 Sep, 2010
Oh for some smileys !!!!!!!!
3 Sep, 2010
I 'do' agree! That calls for a HUGE wink! ;-)
3 Sep, 2010
I must just say that if I'd meant ON and not IN, I'd probably be a hell of a lot richer...
3 Sep, 2010
There's still time........<wink, wink, nudge, nudge!>
3 Sep, 2010
No there isn't Spritz - being 60's like Siberia - everyone knows where it is but no one wants to go there, boom boom!
3 Sep, 2010
Absolutely hilarious! I've not got much to look forward to then? I'll be 58 end of next month, so I'll only have two years left, if that's the case. Lol. :o))
3 Sep, 2010
Great blog, Bamboo. Well over 160 far!
Just my pennithworth about spelling, some folk can't spell, some folk won't spell. BUT, get this, It doesn't matter. Try reading the rest of this reply, it's soooo easy!
An interesting thing about the human mind...
Believe it or not, you really can read this!
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?
Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt!
HE, he, he.
3 Sep, 2010
Brilliant Stjohn. I read it first time. Is that good or bad for me? hehehe. :o))
4 Sep, 2010
I knew about that Stjohn, and its certainly true for me, I could read your text easily, but not everyone can do it, its a large percentage of people, but not all. My son's dyslexic and he can't!
58 next month Lindalooloo, well, you've not quite yet joined the ranks of the invisible then! Take no notice of me, its just my sense of humour, very dark really - I'm always saying it's all over bar the suffering now I'm this age...
4 Sep, 2010
After struggling with the first few words Stjohn I gave up and scanned the rest.Amazingly I then read it at normal speed,weird :)
4 Sep, 2010
I'm still waiting for the bit 'life begins at 40' Lol. :o))
4 Sep, 2010
My mother in law told me that the "life" which begins at 40 is your intellectual life, meaning, presumably, that past 40, you're so over the hill physically that you've got more time to think. Wasn't exactly cheering to be told that when I was 38...
4 Sep, 2010
Lol Bamboo. There may be some truth in it, as my family, even my ageing Aunts are amazed at how well I can go back in time remembering things. hahaha
4 Sep, 2010
I take it that's your ex mother in law Bamboo:-)
4 Sep, 2010
Oh yes, Bornagain, and in more ways than one - divorced 18 years ago (though my ex still comes mostly every Sunday for dinner) and she died about 3 years ago. We used to talk on the phone couple of times a month when she was still around though. Yea, I know, weird, you're thinking - not really, after all, my two sons were part of them as much as me, and I didn't ever settle down with anyone else. Not cut out for it, really, I've concluded, lol, far too independent.
5 Sep, 2010
It is sad but true that many people in today's world have been raised with little knowledge of social graces. For this reason, I generally respond politely to such shortcomings. It seems to me that we should pity them, rather than let it bother us?
8 Sep, 2010
Wow thank goodness for a rainy afternoon, very entertaining blog, its gone off at a tangent more than once but I`ve had a darned good chuckle. .....Its all been said and at the end of the day we are here because we want to be, long may that continue. .......
13 Sep, 2010
I expect you needed the whole afternoon to read through this lot, Lincslass....;-))
13 Sep, 2010
I admit I popped back to the beginning twice, as I said it was very entertaining and thats what I like about goy, I was able to read stjohn`s as well, not sure whether thats good or bad, lol.......
13 Sep, 2010
What a whopping blog, the most useful response was def Stjohntongue's, so true!
It's often said that ?% of communication is non-verbal, ie body language etc, so it's not surprising that sometimes misunderstandings arise on this site, surely they are not deliberately nasty - whether questions or answers to them.
At work I take lots of calls daily from many people who are struggling to express themselves, and many are making enquiries about a system so complicated it's a wonder ANYONE understands it, let alone whether or not they can speak reasonable English. So I can mostly be patient answering that type of clumsy GOY question (if I even know the answer!)
I've not found much rudeness on this site at all, it's very rare. A handful of extremely experienced and knowledgeable gardeners who like to post answers and of course have lots of answers to give, can occasionally come across as scary - sorry friends, but true. Spare a thought to us ignoramuses out here!
For anyone still irked by guest questions and their otherness, best advice, as already given, is to skim over them and not waste your time answering - easy as the tree's brown instead of green - save your blood pressure and stress levels.
As for spelling/shouting, Izzy123 is absolutely right and I completely agree.
And what no txt words in the dictionary yet?! Only a matter of time. This is a living, rapidly-changing and wonderful language. Move along the bus, Lynne Truss. (Whoops there goes my own blood pressure)
19 Sep, 2010
Hmm, well there's a different opinion in lots of respects. Lynn Truss has a good point re punctuation though, Weeding - I mean Eats, Shoots and Leaves has a completely different meaning from Eats shoots and leaves, doesn't it? and the only difference is one little comma... The object of language is to communicate with others - as long as the meaning is clear, a few misspellings are fine, but there are times when a misplaced comma changes everything, clearly. And whilst I don't object to txt instead of text, r u for are you (saves time and space, still immediately understood) in a phone text message, it would be a sorry day for this flexible, expressive English language if 'Gr8' started appearing in print media regularly - be a bit like going back to grunting instead of speaking, a retrograde step, surely.
20 Sep, 2010
I must say I disagree - & even if I agreed, it would be futile because language is not governed by the dictionaries or grammar rules, but the other way around. There just happens to be a bit of a time lapse while the books etc catch up. Just think of how people used to spell names and other words non-uniformly centuries ago. Or the dying word "whom" that I never use unless perhaps at Christmas to please somebody I know might be missing it (bad syntax, sorry)
When I was little 30 odd years ago anyone saying "I guess" instead of "I suppose" or "I imagine" sounded immediately American and exceptional. The same went for wishing other people "Have a nice day!" Now I find myself saying these things and think nothing of it, we hear them all the time. "Awesome" is everywhere, annoying people as "great" or "groovy" did a few generations back. I don't like the spelling nite replacing night but I'd being doing a King Cnut trying to stop it! Gr8 rather than great, and equally l8 or l8r/l8rs just make me smile and so do lots of other txting innovations. They can't be retrograde steps, any more than 'phone was when it first happened, or pram, or NATO.
We can understand Shakespear's language and it was not any more or less correct than the English used on GOY.
Yes, Lynne is right about her famous panda sentence example but I believe it's nitpicking of the highest order, and in any case only stands scrutiny in its written form. Do we always hear commas? So-called "Greengrocers' commas" are ugly and (currently) incorrect but heck yes language is communication as you say, and who in their rite mind wastes time fretting about these things? Can't they communicate by smiling at the greengrocer and buying the veg, commas or no commas? Or frowning and moving on to a soulless supermarket shelf where things are uniform and more likely to be correctly spelt?
Incidentally, German is now a very slowly dying language and I think it's symptomatic that it has tried to reform its laws far too late in the day to make any difference & made a complete hash of it. The different German regions could not agree on how to reform the language, so they passed varying reforms individually and the teachers were left high and dry - what a joke. Literally, it is disintegrating now, and what some people call "Denglish" is taking over gradually.
As for English, many, many different forms and dialects of it are spoken around the world and ours is only one.
Anyhow, I digress massively. Sorry for writing such a long comment. I've just noticed that there is a "don't show guest questions" option members can select under the "more about guest questions" - or something similar anyway - link. Would that be helpful?
22 Sep, 2010
After all that waffle I still find something else I've missed. Wanted to say thanks for this blog because it's really made me reconsider how I respond to guest questions and I will take more care in future.
22 Sep, 2010
OH well, jolly good, Weeding - that was really the point of it!
22 Sep, 2010
22 Sep, 2010
I have just found this blog and as I have been busy after losing my mum I haven't had time to respond to many things. Why dont we just be nice and kind and answer the said question regardless of how it is written because some folk do not know how to phrase things correctly or use a computer keyboard properly, also writing in capitals for some is the only way folks with bad eye sight can manage. Why do we always think that 'we' are the correct ones, just do not answer the guest questions if you are so annoyed at the way they are written, it's crazy, like being back at school, surely we all know the gist of the questions so lets just answer them as we know how and politely too. I have found that if I tell a guest how my plants/seeds etc grow or how I plant something or how I feed my plants I have had rude replies from members telling me that my way is wrong! How dare they, for me it was not wrong and I have been gardening my own way for donkeys years so you see we all think we are right but maybe each and everyone of us has different ideas, it is difficult and the written word can be read and taken the wrong way. I try not to answer questions now, because of the way I have been treated, unless I know something thats relevant and peculiar to my gardening no-how, even then I wait with baited breath for a turse reply.Shame really because I think we all have a lot to offer.
7 Oct, 2010
Sorry you feel that way Grandmage - most of us have posted answers which are 'incorrect' or not the accepted way of doing things - I've certainly been corrected when I've got something wrong, and I don't have a problem with it - its one of the ways we learn, I feel. And I'm perfectly comfortable with someone else posting a response which is different from mine regarding methods - many people have their own way of doing things in gardening, which works for them - the site is about sharing those experiences. And that means ALL the experiences, so if two people do an opposite procedure for, say, raising seeds, its perfectly valid for both those procedures to be offered up, even though they're completely different. Sometimes though, advice given is so the opposite of what should be done, it is necessary for someone else to present a 'professional' viewpoint, for the sake of the questioner. And certainly, some of those on here "in the game", so to speak, have offered up something completely different from what I've said, on occasion. Just means I got it wrong, and that's an opportunity to learn, so I'm grateful. Not a big deal otherwise, I'm human, not perfect - as are we all.
8 Oct, 2010
I know I've made some shocker comments in my time :o) thanks for this blog Bamboo I think its got some of the longest comments I've ever seen :o)
8 Oct, 2010
I can't believe it's still rolling!
8 Oct, 2010
Even the professionals get it wrong Bamboo, which is why I get annoyed at being told off!! For me, my way is correct and at my age I do not need telling off. Of course we all learn as we go along but to openly challenge someone is awful, I wouldn't dare do it, I was brought up to respect others and that is what I do, I am also comfortable with an 'alternative' method however, I flag any response that I see now if I dont like the tone, because I do not like rudeness. i think also that folks do not read other comments properly and go blindly in with two big feet, a little respect goes a long long way. Here endeth my lesson, sorry to have gone on, but it's good to get it out in the open!
8 Oct, 2010
Someone disagreeing and posting a different suggestion is acceptable, but if you're being "told off" then that should be flagged, Grandmage, certainly.
8 Oct, 2010
I do agree with Grandmage that it's really no big deal - those who get in a tiz about guest questions don't need to answer them, or even read them. Shame people have been rude to you GM, that is out of order.
It's taken me a while but now I appreciate that a handful of GOY members are more direct than I consider polite, and even fewer are too "professional" for what I'm looking for from this site, so now I just try to stand back from their particular discussions.
And others in turn can avoid my long rambling windbag-style essays!
10 Oct, 2010
I agree with you Weeding - I'm not going to name names but I do think that some GoYers are a bit too professional for the site. In my view this is a site for hobbyists who enjoy rabbiting on to each other about how wonderful plants are and asking for friendly advice. Those who treat plants in a very scientific way are not really suited for the atmosphere of this site. I might be shot down for suggesting they go somewhere else and discuss why a daisy has either 34 or 55 petals, but sometimes the scientific background they provide with their answers to our questions really gets my goat.
10 Oct, 2010
Just to say....I expect I am a rabbiting on kind of gal too...I've had some lovely responses to blogs/photos/questions on GOY....all the scientific stuff I can't take in at all. I'm still at the stage of "is this a weed or a flower".....
Let's just say....we can all select what pleases us and enjoy our gardens, weed patches, plans, dreams and frustrations....and laugh/cry sometimes too. :)
11 Oct, 2010
Agree wholeheartedly Whistonlass - I'm a professional and I'll admit quite often I feel there's "too much information" so to speak in a response - but you don't have to read it, after all.
I don't agree entirely with you Pip c - your description of the site is appropriate, for sure, but not complete. Excluding professionals in the horticultural field would make the site less valuable for all, I believe. At the very least, it would mean I'd have to sign out straightaway and never return, since I'm not just a hobby gardener. Hmm, well perhaps that's what you'd like, lol! Guess it depends on whether you find my own contributions useful or irritating/intimidating.
I have found I've learned a great deal more since joining, and that's mostly been from other professionals on here, though not always, often just from someone who's perhaps been gardening for years as an amateur.
My feeling is that this site is primarily about gardening; it is not exclusive, but inclusive, and all the more valuable for that. I personally may not find all contributions useful or even interesting, and some I find downright irritating, but I wouldn't want to exclude them because of that.
If you're going to aim the gun, the targets are hostility, intolerance and aggression - those are the things I believe are utterly unacceptable. A little abruptness, or a lack of social niceties, isn't a cardinal sin, unlike the aforementioned.
11 Oct, 2010
I don't mind that you disagree with me, Bamboo. You're right that the 'pros' provide really good answers to our questions, in fact I would be lost without them and I'm sure others would too! It's simply answering questions in a scientific, almost know-it-all way that I don't like.
11 Oct, 2010
I know exactly what you mean - I sometimes stick on a more pragmatic response after one of those, one that might actually make sense to the person who asked the question, lol. But occasionally (admittedly not very often, even I get bored after the first paragraph...) I learn something from those over detailed, "blind you with science" responses. My theory is those people haven't had kids, or aren't good with them - the rule with kids is, answer the question they've asked as simply as possible, don't ramble on enlarging the topic. It was a lesson I learnt early on with my two, they'd just get bored when they were little if your answer was more than a sentence! and if they want to know more, they'll ask...;-))
But each to his own, really - its not a big deal, just tedious.
11 Oct, 2010
I had to smile when I thought about this - example of kids and questions - when my boys were 5 and 6, it was at the time all the warnings about AIDS were on the telly, all those gravestones and dire words, usually involving the word condom quite frequently. My youngest asked me what a condom was - can you imagine how long it took me to think of an answer to that one, I mean, it's not exactly easy to answer in a short, non explicit way, is it... but I managed it, and he just went "oh". And that was it, till a day or so later, when he asked the next question...
11 Oct, 2010
Oh no ;o) almost on a par with getting seahorses in a tank to demonstrate the birds and the bees (male seahorses are the ones that get pregnant as you might know)
11 Oct, 2010
Blimey, never thought of that one, doesn't help if you're trying to keep things simple, does it, lol! Personally, I've always been envious of female seahorses, sounds like a plan to me, getting the male up the duff...
11 Oct, 2010
They have all the fun don't they and we girls bear the consequences ;o))))
11 Oct, 2010
Pip - sometimes, just sometimes, a member or a guest might need a bit of scientific explanation It all has a place on GOY. OK, I admit it - I tend to 'skip over' the too much information answers - but we do need a mix of people on the site...where would we be without the very knowledgeable people on here? Where would we be without the fun, as well?
I hope that the common denominator is the love of gardening and plants that we share. :-))))
Bamboo is spot on though - it is unacceptable to be downright rude, hostile etc etc.
11 Oct, 2010
You're so right Spritz - there is a place for it I suppose - and I don't want to impose my opinions on everyone else
11 Oct, 2010
You didn't. Everyone is entitled to say how they feel.....anyway, let's gang up on Bamboo, shall we? It's her blog, LOL. (I hope she's not listening!)
11 Oct, 2010
Oh, I'm listening, Spritz! I home in on this blog as soon as anything's added - I can't believe (and neither can a lot of people) that its got so many comments and it hasn't turned sour! I think statistically its something like more than 60 responses, then it all goes wrong, so I monitor it religiously, let me tell you.
And everyone is entitled to say how they feel, I'd echo that, Spritz, as long as its not done with vitriol - and so far, it hasn't been. Anyway, if it did deteriorate, I'd shut it down...
And Pip, you're fully entitled to your opinion - god knows I've got plenty of those myself...
11 Oct, 2010
Ooops! I got caught there. LOL.
I agree, Bamboo. And I promise - no vitriol from me. It makes me sick. (and dead, come to think of it...LOL)
11 Oct, 2010
I don't believe you're capable of it, Spritz!
11 Oct, 2010
You'd be surprised, Bamboo! LOL.
11 Oct, 2010
If some people can be 'too' scientific in their approach to gardening then I must be the exact opposite Lol! I have asked a few questions in my time and have, so far, never been swamped with information nor treated as a fool (or is that because I'm to thick to realise when it happens? Lol)
Anyway, for my two penneth worth, if someone is rude then they should be flagged (without exception), if they are condescending or overly "scientific" then smile nicely, thank them sincerely and hope for a more suitable answer from someone else.
Spritz, you - vitriolic? Naaaaaaah. There are things in life that you know just don't happen, like elephants turning pink and flying away or getting a nice letter from the tax man and I for one would put you being nasty to anyone in this same category! It just wouldn't happen. Lol
11 Oct, 2010
Agree, Ian, I can no more imagine Spritz being vitriolic than me waking up 30 years younger tomorrow...
11 Oct, 2010
Awwwww.....aren't you nice to me! LOL<blush, blush!>
11 Oct, 2010
Bamboo, do you often wish to be a ten year old again?
We're nice to you Spritz because you're a nice person to everyone else!
11 Oct, 2010
Stop it, Ian....people will start talking about us! What would Carol say? LOL.
11 Oct, 2010
Carol? she would agree with me! Lol
11 Oct, 2010
LOL. ;-)
11 Oct, 2010
Bamboo, all this has been very interesting indeed and I'm grateful bcos I've learnt a lot about those who use the site - everyone is looking for something a bit different I suppose. I don't see why on earth it would go sour (happens rarely anyway).
Beware - 2nd paragraph approaching....! I love to ramble and so do ALL my kids!! No short sentences for anyone in this household.
I enjoy the "fun" stuff on here mayb more than most. For a while things got overly serious and I missed a lot of nonsense and lighthearted blogs etc.
It just goes to show Pip, because that stuff about counting petals was kind of weird but also intriguing to me, I wouldn't have missed even that.
I was just pondering the option of letting members have some way next to their avatars of displaying their status as some kind of professional gardener, but on reflection the reverse is much better and would not get anyone into hot water! I think I could ask P & A to give us the option of marking ourselves as amateurs - maybe on our avatar. This would not be obligatory, so not trouble those very experienced and wise non-professionals, nor embarass the actual professionals with qualifications etc. And also it would prevent anyone from making false claims of expertise.
However what it would do in a very useful way is show the pros who is very new to the game. I do believe that would be a useful distinction. What does anyone out there think?
love Weeding, your homegrown rambler.
18 Oct, 2010
I don't think it's either necessary or a good idea, Weeding - it's not rocket science to find out from someone's profile whether they're professional, amateur or new, all the info's already there. And professionals aren't always right, you know, we all have our specialist areas, and there are some people out there called 'amateur' who have more knowledge than a 'professional' in some fields. As for newbies, you can usually tell from the way they ask the question, and often from reading their profile page, that they're new to gardening, not to mention that most who are brand new to it, so to speak, say so in their question. It also wouldn't prevent false claims of expertise - people can say they're professional when they're not, and I don't think knowledgeable amateur advice and experience should be rated as less valuable by a mark on someone's avatar.
There are only one or two individuals on here who 'blind with science', and it doesn't happen that often - and let's face it, most of us lose interest after the first sentence or two and move on to something a bit more appropriate and simple, so the problem resolves itself - they lose their audience anyway, so, on balance, I don't think anything needs to be done in that regard.
18 Oct, 2010
As usual Bamboo, straight to the point and as sharp as a knife but all the more pleasurable for that!
I just wanted to say that, although I haven't commented very much on this blog I have read every comment and enjoyed it immensely. This has to be one of the best, recent, blogs on GoY and has given everyone a chance to understand, a bit better, how each other views the site and what they expect from it.
Well done you xx
18 Oct, 2010
I think that's a good idea Weeding, to have a button like that... as long as it was optional, people would be sure to take it up. Maybe having it next to the ask a question button would let people indicate on their questions what sort of gardener they were (amateur, experienced, pro, etc), like a symbol next to their name on the questions page. Just a thought! Don't know what I'm saying it all here for, as Peter and Ajay are highly unlikely to see it, but I guess I'm a rambler too!
18 Oct, 2010
Oo er, sharp as a knife, didn't mean to be cutting, sorry if I was, Weeding. I have an accurate reputation for cutting to the chase and being blunt (odd how you can be described as blunt and also as sharp as a knife, lol, funny old language, English) calling a spade a spade, whatever, you get my drift, I'm sure. Apologies if it was too sharp...
19 Oct, 2010
Hi Bamboo,
Oops, I didn't mean it that way at all! I just meant you called a spade a spade etc. and I hope Weeding see's it the same way.
My apologies to you if I misled you at all.
It's still a great blog. :~))
19 Oct, 2010
Well my response was "thanks for the heads up" just in case I was a bit too sharp, lol, Ian. Let's see what Weeding says...
19 Oct, 2010
I've just noticed something!
When you click on the blogs "seen/do not show again" bit on the home page, It comes up "Done, marked as seen" or something similar but it is still coming up in the old style colours and font! Lol
(Just thought you might like a chuckle?)
19 Oct, 2010
And the listing of items in the News section is the old typeface as well... or font in modernspeak... And the Add Comment button at the bottom of this blog
19 Oct, 2010
Lol :~))
It seems that all of the (old) links are still that way.
19 Oct, 2010
Ian I did notice that, so why couldnt we go back to that?? I thought i'd keep quiet about it in case they changed that too!!
19 Oct, 2010
Oops, sorry G/mage. I didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag! I don't think we will ever go back to "the old ways" ever forward and all that!
19 Oct, 2010
It's hopeless, just got back from my grandma duties and found this green, (cannot describe) but still with the awful white screen, it hasn't changed a thing, has it?
19 Oct, 2010
The screen is slightly tinted now, Grandmage. I'm finding that a bit better. You'll see the difference if you compare the colour with the empty 'comment' box colour, which is still glarey-white.
19 Oct, 2010
I can see it Spritz, like half the page has been washed in persil and the other in ariel ! Maybe my eyes are tired tonight, I will look on it with fresh ones tomorrow!
19 Oct, 2010
It 'is' a little better, but maybe needs a little darker shading still.
19 Oct, 2010
Do you mean darker shading, like the old green!!!! Oh please.!!
19 Oct, 2010
Phew, its taken an hour to get here, I`m not sure who deserves an award this time, possibly me for perseverence,LOL.......
19 Oct, 2010
what do you think about asking for 'just a little more tweaking' ( in the nicest possible way) after all If we don't say how can they possibly know?
20 Oct, 2010
I didn't get an answer to my message, although some of my comments have been 'noted' as changes have happened...we were all saying the same things, after all.
Unfortunately, I still have flashing dreadful adverts...and can't get rid of them as some people have. I was going to wait another week and then send another message.
There's no reason why you shouldn't send one now, though!
20 Oct, 2010
Believe it or not, Spritz - the blue colour scheme's 'glaring white' background was tinted blue as well! I didn't seem too need sunglasses like a few of you so I'm wondering whether it's just my screen...
20 Oct, 2010
It must have been, Pip - the rest of us had all-white.
20 Oct, 2010
I've still got the awful 'google chrome' ad-- and the burgers, I'll give it a day or two and see, I didn't get a reply either
may be you've an Aussie tinted screen because you get so much sun Pip xxx
20 Oct, 2010
I didnt get an answer to my message either, but maybe they had far too many to have been able to answer each one, I am going to send another one soon, it can't hurt!
20 Oct, 2010
Ha ha, I'm amused by the idea that you're all not keen on the current colours, but it's all under this blog, which started out about Guest Questions, I think you'd all better PM or Contact Ajay and Peter - they're not likely to pick these up from here. Personally, I'm finding it much easier on the eyes.
I'm sorry to say that the 'flashing' ads you're getting won't be changed, I suspect - I had terrible trouble with one last year, which kept flashing at such a rate that if I'd been epileptic, it would have triggered an attack. But they couldn't or wouldn't do anything about it - eventually it disappeared on its own, though I did notice it flashed at half the rate before it did, which was a lot easier.
20 Oct, 2010
Hi Bamboo--I'm not too bothered about the colours now we've the green/grey but it would be nice to tone it all down a bit its the google chrome ad that I don't like and as the ads are powered by google it shouldn't be too much of a problem to alter, but as you said this is not the place to air those problems --- pam xxx
20 Oct, 2010
I'm not complaining, Pam, not at all, I don't mind - just thought I'd point out that the boys probably wouldn't pick up on these comments here... anyway, it increases the comments count - I'm hoping for a prize for the most comments - on a blog NOT written by Ajay, that is, lol.
20 Oct, 2010
maybe Pip hasn't noticed she's usually hot on the awards ( probably either asleep downunder or outside in the sun looking forward to summer )-- morning Pip!
20 Oct, 2010
I hate to say it Bamboo but you'll have to pick up the pace if you want to compete with Terratoonie or Floribunda ;o))))
20 Oct, 2010
Dotty daisys over the 100 now as well-- its a busy week Pip!
21 Oct, 2010
Bamboo = 247
Dottyd = 104
The boys = 539
TT = there is no counter on a photo !
It certainly has been a chatty ten days !
21 Oct, 2010
Hi Bamboo, hi everyone, been off the site for a couple of days as work's gone into overdrive. Today a rare day off, I'm enjoying it so much.
It's ok Bamboo, I'm used to your famed sharp/bluntness by now, lol. It just takes all sorts of us doesn't it? No worries.
We'll have to agree to disagree re people opting to label themselves amateurs (NOT whether or not to label themselves pros, for the reasons I gave already) I still believe it would be a useful filter. And I wasn't trying to say that amateur advice is of less value - far from it. As it stands on GOY, I actually find it hard at first sight to tell who is an amateur sometimes.
21 Oct, 2010
Glad you weren't offended Weeding - famous, you say, hmm, more like notorious really, lol!
Pipc, oh well, never mind, I'm obviously already beaten into a cocked hat by TT and Floribunda... and thanks for the countdown, Grandmage, blimey, 539 for the boys...
21 Oct, 2010
As I said Bamboo, it's been a busy ten days, it will quiet'n down now I suspect, then what will we do???? Lol
21 Oct, 2010
don,t know how i missed this blog in August but I have just read and enjoyed it today while having my breakfast and before tackling all my christmas preparations!!
. Lots of very interesting opinions.
I nearly left goy a few months ago because of a members rudeness to me and others but because I really enjoy seeing photos and hearing what people are doing in their gardens I stayed and I am glad I did .
. I did flag and report the situation but don't feel anything was resolved as I notice that it is still happening.
anyway Merry Christmas to you all [by the way the person involved is not part of this blog .lol]
24 Dec, 2010
Helen, the same happened to me too, such rudeness on the question page, I am sorry it is still happening too, in fact I am shocked! I flagged as well and I will continue if I see it happening again.
For now, I wish you a very merry christmas and a good gardening 2011!
24 Dec, 2010
Hi Helen,
And a very Merry Christmas to you and all your family too, also to all others who made this blog, of all differing opinions!
So weird, I was just thinking "really I'm not sure I fit in here, and maybe I spend too much time after all surfing on GOY, it's about time I made a New Year's resolution to quietly delete myself" but then I read Helen's comment and realised I'm not the only one who's had her head bitten off occasionally. Maybe I'll stay for a bit longer : o ))
25 Dec, 2010
Hi Weeding Hope you had a good Christmas too. Please do stay because I like to see photos and hear how other amateurs like myself are doing in their gardens and have a laugh and share good and bad experiences in gardening. Thats what this site is for or used to be when I joined a few years ago.
love your avatar photo by the way lol
25 Dec, 2010
Don't go---please---
I do find that I'm spending less time here on the questions and then only ones I'm interested in , I enjoy looking for my 'favories' and their lovely gardens , wise help and great conversation-- rather like 'real' gardens and chatting over the fence or on the alottment but-- in some cases-- on 'tother side of the word-- sheer magic!!
26 Dec, 2010
I'm so nosy, I tried looking through Helens questions to see who'd been rude lol! I tend not to see question now since the site fact I miss out on quite a lot, but that's progress for you:-)
26 Dec, 2010
Think Ba, that if we flag a certain annoying reply to our reply on a question that that it is removed by th boys, Peter & Ajay, so you wont find them!! Which in a way is a good thing, I was treated in a very bad way by a certain member on here who thinks that they are a pro. and can monopolise the whole question sight, sad really, so I ignore that person now and just do my own thing and if I want to answer a question, I will!
26 Dec, 2010
well said Grandmage . that is what I am trying to do as well. As you know it is the same person that we have issues with !!
merry christmas and all the best for 2011
26 Dec, 2010
My mind is boggling Grandmage and Helen. I wonder if I've come across this person - perhaps you'd satisfy my curiosity and PM me. If I don't hear from either of you I'll worry about it now..... :-(
Please don't anybody leave. It takes all sorts to make a world, and it sounds as if the 'rudesby' makes some sort of contribution - with their expertise, as well as giving everyone something to talk about. (Behind their back, possibly....)
Sometimes I find lovely, polite "gentlemanly" forums a bit bland if they continue the same, week in, week out. The odd spat is like salt in the soup - and you don't need to take it seriously, after all! And no, I'm not a TROLL!! LOL
26 Dec, 2010
Helen, mums the word :~) hope you had a good christmas too and heres to a nice peaceful new year.
Beattie, I dont like to talk about folks behind their back, and if someone is openly rude to you, you can't help but take it seriously, I am afraid I was brought up to respect others and I suppose I think others should be the same, after all we are all of a certain age on here !!
27 Dec, 2010
Well, you've all been busy on here while I've been away! I think we've all had experience on here of aggression or plain rudeness, I know I have. Sometimes its just misinterpretation of the written words, a certain tone being added by the reader, sometimes its quite clearly an attack, but for the latter, flagging really is the only way forward. Hope you all had a good Christmas, I'm still recovering - one thing's for sure, I ain't got the energy I used to have. Happy New Year to all.
29 Dec, 2010
Hi Bamboo, think we know when we are being put down Bam. so, like you I just get on with it now and answer a question the best I know how!! Glad you are back, know what you mean about energy, when our daughter left us on Monday with her three year ld, my hub and I sat down and promptly spent the rest of the day sleeping!! Poor old things that we are. :~) Happy new year to you too, lets have a quiet one.
29 Dec, 2010
Hi Bamboo, I have only been with the site for 2-3 weeks and you very kindly responded to my very first question relating to a potted Camellia. Incidentally the Camellia is now in the ground and I will give you an update in the next year or two. I have just come across this wonderful blog. I am a great believer in good manners and politeness. I also try to remember that people who are very inexperienced, are only trying to learn. I am sure people you have helped, over the years have really appreciated it. Now I've just made this the longest blog in history 23 Aug 2010 to 22 April 2014 !
22 Apr, 2014
Heavens, I'd forgotten this blog was here it's been so long... luckily, we don't have 'guest' questions any more!
22 Apr, 2014
Yes, it's a relief. I was surprised to see this one re-appear!
23 Apr, 2014
Wow !!!! That took some reading Bamboo, like a refresher course on goy ...
23 Apr, 2014
Blast from the past indeed;-)
23 Apr, 2014
Oh boy yes, we used to have some humdingers in those days, makes me laugh when I look back, lots of us have stuck with it and I still enjoy it as much now and still learning as I go along.....
23 Apr, 2014
Know what you mean, these sort of sites force you to learn really - you see a plant someone's put on and think what's that, or a disease, and I end up doing lots of research and learning more and more... dunno what for, head stuffed full of knowledge, getting too old to be useful, lol
23 Apr, 2014
It must have been a bad summer in 2010, we were talking about hot chocolate......
I can't believe its nearly 5 years since I joined Goy, if you had asked me before then I would have said it wasn't for me!
its still the only one I belong to :0)
When I think of the lovely people I've met and such good friends I wouldn't have ever known........its incredible really.......
23 Apr, 2014
I feel the same, sometimes I think it was GOY that kept me sane at times and I too have met lovely people who have taught me more than just gardening:-))
23 Apr, 2014
Yep thats me as well, its part of my daily routine, have to say it also encouraged one to spend, spend, and even more spending and still my wishlist gets ever longer, lol.
Been good this year though and only spent on compost, the rest has been gift vouchers...
23 Apr, 2014
Imagine not knowing each other and the fun we would have missed, and the dinners un burned :0)
You did well Lincs, I love vouchers.....
goy and goy friends has kept me sane too , and inspired me to try new things xxx
24 Apr, 2014
Ha ha, I've spent a fortune this year:-))
27 Apr, 2014
I was just reading through this again after reading Pennyfarthings question today, so many friends not on goy now, Whistonlass bless her and Pipc I'm told just turned 18, only 14 when she joined if you remember and she had a hard time convincing us she wasn't our age.........happy days x
29 Apr, 2014
It makes good reading Pam, I also wonder about our members and hope they will appear if only to let us know they are ok, Sticki, Lulu, Donna and many more haven't been around for a while, I often check just to see that their accounts are still open cos hopefully its only a case of being too busy....Cannot force people to use Goy but its always nice to know that nothing untoward has happened, I've noticed when a name gets mentioned often someone has heard from them and pops on with a reassurance
29 Apr, 2014
Flori is still in touch with Pip, sent me a photo of her on her birthday, she's a beautiful young lady now, not the tomboy we remember (well not in the photo :0)
29 Apr, 2014
Thats nice to know Pam, I remember her, she was a very enthusiastic member, I hope she is doing well...
29 Apr, 2014
Lily 2 doesn't come on any more, but I am in touch with her - she has problems when she uses anything electronic, so that's why she doesn't use the site any more. She's still a member though...
29 Apr, 2014
Sticki visits GoY's sister site 'Ispyabird' regularly ...
29 Apr, 2014
Oh thanks Bamboo, please pass on my good wishes to her and Shirley thanks for the update on Sticki, I haven't been on Ispyabird for a long time, I'll have to pop on and say hello to her and Ray and Jane....Should have asked ages ago shouldn't I, lol...
29 Apr, 2014
Sue - I only noticed some photos from Sticki when I asked a bird related question!
29 Apr, 2014
Thanks for the advice. I shall watch my Ps and Qs (and maybe keep an eye on the rest of the alphabet too) :)
24 May, 2014
25 May, 2014
Thanks for kindly answering my question :)
On topic - I had no fear when I joined here 4 hours ago and was keen to find out about my plants so started my blog but I feel like I've just been smacked. Someone just told me I need to write less and learn more. I'm actually quite hurt by that :(
28 May, 2014
W-H-A-T? Fifegarden, are you saying someone on this site has said this to you since joined? I think I'll PM you... or find your blog first...
28 May, 2014
This flitted across my screen a couple of days ago - I just say an August date and assumed 2014!
Interesting to read some of the replies (only have an hour for lunch so might come back to continue when I get home).
What occurs to me is whether the situation has changed over 4 years - I know the Qs that bug me are the ones asking for advise that give no background - the "I want a tree" type with no indication as to where it is to grow, soil, light etc. and the Qs that are asked 3 or 4 times (not just a second hit on the send button) where answers are never acknowledged by the questioner. I did get a bit abrupt with one of those!
But as someone says above, we all have the choice to answer or ignore questions.
27 Aug, 2014
I get that Urbanite, that slight sense of exasperation - I often feel like replying, if you went to the Dr. and said I don't feel well, what's wrong with me, what do you think he'd say... But I know that people who ask short questions with no background just don't know enough about growing and gardening to be able to put the framework in place, and that drives the impatience away.
I'm thinking about taking this down - every time someone adds a comment, its now so long that my computer takes ages and is practically groaning at having to load it all on so I can read it, lol
27 Aug, 2014
Hi Bamboo, how could you even think of doing that, it makes good reading when nothing much is going on, lol.....Know what you mean about the loading though..
27 Aug, 2014
I think if you can bear to Bamboo do leave it, its as relevent now as it was all those years ago.......Lincs I'm sure remembers some threads reaching, what was it nearly 1000!
27 Aug, 2014
Oh alright, I'll leave it then - but it isn't really relevant, we don't have guest questions any more. On the other hand, if you're reading it when you've not much else to do, I guess it counts as entertainment!
27 Aug, 2014
Thankyou Bamboo ?
27 Aug, 2014
How'd you make that smiley face Pam?
27 Aug, 2014
Turn my frown upside down...?
sorry Bamboo couldn't resist!
I use a Samsung galaxy tablet its like a mobile phone only bigger and no phone connection!
basically its just bigger with an 8" screen.
a couple of weeks ago I got an update and all these little symbols arrived! ??☕? to show but a few
I was pleased to find that they appearded on Goy when I used them....
I love the tablet, not like a laptop but so user friendly
28 Aug, 2014
Aww, that means I'm still unable to produce symbols then - I use the desktop for GoY, so much easier to type on a proper keyboard. Maybe I should check out my tablet to see if it does such a thing, but I don't think it does...
28 Aug, 2014
I just googled emoticons for laptop
I think thats what they are called, you can also it seems download an app for apple and android.....mines android ?
I have rather taken to apps, love the kindle one, and the snow radar app and lighning radar app from netweather.....pretty accurate recently
hope you find something ?
28 Aug, 2014
Oh my gosh Pam, I have the S-Galaxy but I usually only use it for reading, sometimes take a few pics but then they always end up the wrong way round when I download to my laptop so that annoys me, I am a complete duffer with it, cannot get on with it at all when it comes to the internet...
28 Aug, 2014
I must try and find out if there are any on my iPad, but I tend to use my laptop for GOY. Same reason as Bamboo.
29 Aug, 2014
You shouldn't need to download Lincs, they should be in your Gallery or go to Apps and look for photos, google backs them up there, then if you touch the photo the email icon comes up at the top and you can send it.....
I have a free photogrid app that gives me options to fiddle with the photo, frame it, draw on it , add text etc. I promise you its easy......
these days I use it for everything, just bought some knitting books for my kindle app......ones a sleeping puppy, so cute!..?....and knitted slippers? have fun?
29 Aug, 2014
on my galaxy Spritz there is a smiley sun at the side of the Sym key?
they all arrived after an update........
29 Aug, 2014
Well I'm impressed - I don't have a smartphone at all, can't see why I need one really, not to mention the contract costs, so I just use my Nexus tablet (android) and a desk top pc and have a 'dumb'phone for emergencies or when I'm out.
29 Aug, 2014
I suppose its fun....... I never carry a camera now the photos are fine, I can read my kindle books if I'm waiting anywhere, then it syncs with the tablet and kindle, I always have my diary,that syncs too can access google maps for directions, everything my tablet does....oh and I can make phone calls too
icaneven listen to the radio, ........sorry Bamboo isound like a saleswoman!
didn't mean to.......maybe your nexus would have smiley apps....?
29 Aug, 2014
Tablet does all that,apart from making phone calls - I chose this option because I was afraid I'd end up being a technophile, like many people I know. Got too many people round me who seem to be surgically attached to their phones, constantly checking and fiddling with them regardless of how many people they're in the company of. Drives me bonkers...
29 Aug, 2014
My iPad doesn't appear to have emoticons - I found one free app, but it was rubbish, and turned out to be games! Bamboo, I have a dinosaur phone as well, mostly because I only use it in an emergency if I'm in the car, and we can't get a signal round here. I'd have to get a really all-singing, all dancing phone at great expense if I wanted one to get a signal!
30 Aug, 2014
There doesn't seem to be any manners where mobile phones are concerned. I watch young mums with he phone in one hand snd pushing a buggy or shopping trolley in the other, completly oblivious to the child or the children running all over the place, phone comes first......
well I could go on!
I did notice when we went to Kew that many of the trees now have QR codes ( like square barcodes) with your phone you can find out all about the tree, even its age......
30 Aug, 2014
Well that's a very useful thing, Pamg, what a good idea that is.
As for technophilia, I know someone who checks her phone and stops to read an email or something on Instagram the whole time she's reading a bedtime story to her young son, for heaven's sake. I never have her round anymore, can't stand it - she sits, glancing at her phone every 30 seconds, and responding like a galvanized rabbit if it makes a sound, despite apparently being 'in conversation' with the rest of us. She's not really, she's entirely focused on her blasted phone... so I told her (by text, when she was actually here, just for a laugh) she'd have to put her phone in her bag and not check it when she was here. When she read it, I said I sent it to your phone even though we're face to face because you don't really listen when people speak, but you do take on board something that comes with a bleep, electronically. That was the end of that... no loss really, she doesn't relate to anyone properly anyway.
30 Aug, 2014
I think its like an addiction you know.......I do wonder sometimes when you hear people talking apparently to themselves in the street whats so important or nesessary, different if you are expecting something important
Ifeel sorry for the children, this new generation seem to in some cases have few social skills, some I understand are lacking normal things like feeding themselves and out of nappies before they go to school, struggle to talk properly too......scary really if that mother puts the phone as priority rather than time reading to her child.........
30 Aug, 2014
this blog has been redundant and obsolete for a long time, I'd forgotten it existed - we haven't had Guest questions for at least 3 years, that option was removed.
30 Jun, 2018
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I usually say thank you when I have asked a question just in advancement I guess of any answers...It's also a thank you for reading my question in the first place.
I too have seen the way some guests ask questions and also think there is a great lack of courtesy ..I hate bad manners and it does only take an extra couple of seconds to type 'please' or 'thank you'. It does seem as if the guest is demanding an answer as opposed to asking..How rude..I am with you all the way on this one :-)
23 Aug, 2010