An Autumn Day
By bjs
There is still quite a lot hanging in there in fact a few things seem better than they have been all Summer
For instance Cherry Brandy did not start flowering until a couple of weeks ago.
Early change for this Maple but Rudbeckias just keep going
Do have the names but would need to look them up both have been sprayed twice and have stayed clear of Mildew
John Downie
Rhododendron Yellow Hammer, always produces flowers this time of year
Arisaema Seed pod
Saxifrage sent me eighteen months ago by Pam,personally prefer it to Heuchera
Allium Seed pod
Dwarf Allium
Cyclamen Cilicium in an inside trough
Thalictrum seed saved brought branch of these into the glass house and put in water to finish ripening
Working Dog
Kirengeshoma Palmata
Plagued with leaves being chewed on this one think it same as Viburnum beetle
27 Sep, 2012
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Like a gentle touch :)
27 Sep, 2012
looks really good
27 Sep, 2012
working dog LOL !!
27 Sep, 2012
I have that when the occasion aspires to it.
27 Sep, 2012
Wow Brian you still have plenty of colour. The thalictrum at the top of your garden (from your sister) might be a Th. delavayi. I was reading May Cowens book about Inverewe and she decribes your plant. I googled it and came up with this link. Its got lots of cultural instructions as well as photos. I thought you might be interested in it.
I hope Rhys and his mum are continuing to make progress.
27 Sep, 2012
I like your saxifraga!
28 Sep, 2012
Bjs, such a lovely blog the Mapel/Rudbeckia pic is beautiful....Love the Asters and of course, love Jamie ...:>)
28 Sep, 2012
All beautiful photos Brian, I love the 'Cherry Brandy' and do you have any more info on the Saxifrage please.
28 Sep, 2012
Annella & Bik, other than its a variety of Saxifraga Fortunei,a woodland plant flowers Oct/Dec ? and originates in China, what I was given were divisions ( I have not tried yet),there are several colour forms including a red (Rubifolia) and seems easy going.
thats as much as I know
28 Sep, 2012
Thanks Brian it's a beauty.
28 Sep, 2012
Very lovely Blog ! Love the tiny flowers:-))))))
28 Sep, 2012
Love your verbina bonarensis I bought some a couple of months ago but the weather has prevented me from putting them in so far. Hope I can have them in soon.
28 Sep, 2012
Still loads going on in your garden Brian ,I love the colour of the Cherry brandy ,interesting to see the Rhodo yellow hammer in flower , My John Downie hasn't done very well this last couple of years I wonder if it's becoming to dominated by a huge Liquid Amber growing next to it ... I think Jamie is still sulking about the bacon sarnie -- poor Jamie !
28 Sep, 2012
So much colour Brian - what plant is Cherry Brandy? - brilliant pictures - the Rudbeckia has done well in my garden this year- so colourful and I am quite proud because I grew it from seed - lovely picture of Jamie - thanks for sharing - Jane
29 Sep, 2012
Marigold It is Rudibeckia Cherry brandy but if I get two years out of it think i will be Lucky, totaly different growth to the more common yellow ones.
29 Sep, 2012
Thank you for sharing your colourful garden. I so enjoyed the pictures. Everything looks so good.
29 Sep, 2012
Hi Brian
Your garden is looking good ..
please do you know the variety of Pam's Saxifrage ?
30 Sep, 2012
Terra nice to see you safely back,Answer is no it came to me unamed from herI like it to Whether she can recognize it in flower I don't know,I will PM her and see if she knows.Tell you if she does
30 Sep, 2012
Thanks... and thanks for passing on messages for me :o)
30 Sep, 2012
My Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy didn't last either Brian unlike the common yellow type. Glad you still have such a lot of colour in your garden.
30 Sep, 2012
Linda crossed my mind to pollinate some with the yellow but decided they would almost certain be Brown,so scraped that idea.
30 Sep, 2012
Mine seemed like a great plant.....I even let it winter in the greenhouse. Very disappointing!
1 Oct, 2012
Very beautiful plants BJs. Your Kirengeshoma looks stunning. Mine is very pathetic this year having been mildewed early on. I love the Rhody...a touch of spring in October! Actually, I love all your kind of planting :)
2 Oct, 2012
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looking very nice Brian. i enjoyed your blog loads of interest the seed case of the Allium i find interesting as i like that sort of thing :-)
27 Sep, 2012