Prop for my Autumn Acers
By bjs
As most of you by know by now Jamie likes to have his photo taken and will turn his head as requested,so with that in mind I had him pose ,problem being I doubt if any one will even notice the Acers.Should have called it Acer prop for Jamie.Lol
Scottish the log is to the Right of Jamie.
On to the next one,‘Is this how you want me’
Will that do here
Moving to the next one
‘I am fed up with this I want to chase Squirrel’
Added without Distraction
I Do dirty as well
20 Oct, 2012
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2nd photo is definately a pose ! dogs & acers, perfect.
20 Oct, 2012
Ah !!!!!! bless his heart, he`s a lovely chap and his face is so expressive, he actually looks as though he`s laughing at you Brian in that last photo, your Acers are lovely but I did have to pop back up for another look as I was looking at Jamie and then realised I was guilty of doing exactly what you`d said would happen, lol.....
20 Oct, 2012
Lovely Acers & lovely Jamie x
21 Oct, 2012
Feel positively guilty! Didn't even notice the Acers, except as background colour. Jamie looks very confident in his role of "United Kingdom's Next Top Canine Model"
21 Oct, 2012
You were right, Brian, Jamie is too expressive in this set-up. The second photo would be good for his next prezidential campaigne :))
21 Oct, 2012
agree he is good at nose in the air
21 Oct, 2012
hes and your acers are wonderful...x
21 Oct, 2012
Lol what a poser, great shots can see he's set for stardom, I did the same missed the acers and had to go back and look again, gorgeous acers and Jamie of course, the second profile pictures great :-))
21 Oct, 2012
"Red Sky at night --- " no not that proverb. Ah yes, "Don't act with children and animals" Just change it to "don't photograph plants and animals" and you will be better off. Having said that Jamie is irresistable. As are your acers when we can see them. Their autumn colours are wonderful.
21 Oct, 2012
There was an absolutely blazing red sunset yesterday we drove back from Winchester on the M25 but no lovely sunshine this morning as in the old weather saw. Could only see it in the mirrors though, as it was behind us.
21 Oct, 2012
Love your Acers and aren't Spaniels wonderful dogs, posers, cuddle merchants!
21 Oct, 2012 he is self-confident. Thus suitable for politics :))))
21 Oct, 2012
Face says 'hope these things aren't getting more attention than me' great pics
21 Oct, 2012
Wonderful colours, at their best and so is Jamie...
21 Oct, 2012
Jut wanted to reach out and pet his head...and the acers are beautiful too.
21 Oct, 2012
Reading your comments made me look back to my blog of the 9th march 2012 ( Jamie in trouble) and it reminds me how lucky i am to have him,and running as though nothing ever happened.
I will be eternally grateful to the surgeon that put him back together.
21 Oct, 2012
Two very different things the Acer stays put and you feed it twice a year.
Jamie never stays put, you feed it every day but still wants more ,you have to play ball in all winds and weather wash him clean of mud most days and dry him, and Whats more he demands the best spot in the house to rest his head.The easy one is the Acer,the best one is jamie
I love him to bits so I do it.
21 Oct, 2012
Linda still trying to work out what he could do for the BBC,Kat suggested Politics ,Now didn't the first lord mayor of London take his dog with him,that could be it replace Boris.
21 Oct, 2012
Was thinking of Jamie's op as I was looking at his lovely pictures Brian - he sure has 'bounced' right back :)
I see the log - great idea you had there.
I commented on your picture - I would love a lovely ground hugging sort of Acer near my wee pond. Will need to investigate.
Before I forget - Jamie and the Acers are gorgeous :))
21 Oct, 2012
I have commented on the other picture.
There was luck with it,I never bought it with the idea of keeping it horizontal,from what I can remember it just did not want to stand up.
21 Oct, 2012
Lol, Brian, the name of the first lord mayor of London is Boris, or is it the name of his dog??
21 Oct, 2012
It might have been,Boris would be a good name for a dog .
It was supposedly Dick Whittington and his dog,but not sure if that is fact or fiction, bit like our present day politicians
21 Oct, 2012
22 Oct, 2012
"I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille" LOL
22 Oct, 2012
Love the last two photos of Jamie I laughed my head off, beautiful colour on your Acers how about a calender of Jamie poseing with your plants.
23 Oct, 2012
Wonderful acers as ever Brian and Jamie certainly takes pride of place - dogs are such posers - in fact if Blue sees me with the camera she immediately goes into pose mode !! - have a good week -
25 Oct, 2012
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I think Jamie could get a job with the BBC.
20 Oct, 2012